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Libsafetynet It's just that a safety net

it adds more metadata and clean up at exit for memory allocation Forget a freeit's got you covered here's an example

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <libsafetynet.h>

#include <stddef.h>
#include <stdint.h>

int main()
    int32_t* buff = sn_malloc(sizeof(int32_t) * 10);

    if (!buff)
        printf("ERROR: %s", sn_get_error_msg(sn_get_last_error()));

    size_t buff_size = SN_GET_ARR_SIZE(sn_query_size(buff), sizeof(int32_t));

    printf("Allocated buffer of %lu\n", sn_query_size(buff));

    for (size_t i = 0; i < buff_size; i++)
        buff[i] = rand();

    for (size_t i = 0; i < buff_size; i++)
        printf("buff[%lu] = %i\n", i, buff[i]);

    return 0;

Since you used the malloc that comes with the library the address
will be appended to a linked list and on exit if it's still there in the list it will free it
This also prevents double free's

it also can be used in assembly

section .data
    db "TRS", 0
    msg db "Memory allocated successfully!", 0x0A, 0
    val_msg db "test_ptr allocated at %p", 0x0A, 0
    size_msg db "test_ptr size is %lu", 0x0A, 0
    data_msg db "test_ptr is %i", 0x0A, 0
    error_msg db "error is %i", 0x0A, 0

section .bss
    test_ptr resq 1  ; Reserve space for the pointer (8 bytes for x86_64)

section .text
global _start
extern printf
extern exit

extern sn_malloc
extern sn_query_size
extern sn_get_last_error

%macro byte_deref_set 2
    push rdi
    mov rdi, [%2]      ; load arg %2 as ptr
    mov byte [rdi], %1 ; writing arg %1 as a byte
    pop rdi

    mov rdi, 4
    call sn_malloc
    mov [test_ptr], rax         ; Store the returned pointer in test_ptr

    test rax, rax
    jz allocation_failed   ; Jump if NULL

    lea rdi, [val_msg]     ; Argument: pointer to message
    mov rsi, [test_ptr]    ; 
    xor rax, rax           ; Clear rax for variadic function (printf)
    call printf            ; Call printf
    mov rdi, [test_ptr]    ; Load the address stored in test_ptr into rdi
    mov dword [rdi], 42

    mov rdi, [test_ptr]
    call sn_query_size

    lea rdi, [size_msg]
    mov rsi, rax
    xor rax, rax           ; Clear rax for variadic function (printf)
    call printf

    lea rdi, [data_msg]
    mov rsi, [test_ptr]    ; Load the address stored in test_ptr into rdi
    mov rsi, [rsi]
    xor rax, rax           ; Clear rax for variadic function (printf)
    call printf

    call sn_get_last_error
    mov rsi, rax
    lea rdi, [error_msg]
    xor rax, rax           ; Clear rax for variadic function (printf)
    call printf

    mov rdi, 0
    call exit

    lea rdi, [msg]         ; Argument: pointer to message
    xor rax, rax           ; Clear rax for variadic function (printf)
    call printf            ; Call printf

    call sn_get_last_error
    mov rsi, rax
    lea rdi, [error_msg]
    xor rax, rax           ; Clear rax for variadic function (printf)
    call printf

    mov rdi, 1
    call exit

How to build


make clean # Cleans the build environment Just in case 
make  # Builds the project 
./ # Test the memory safety of the project 

or If you're on arch

makepkg -si  # This will build, test and install


a safety net for memory allocation in C







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