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Matthew Boston edited this page Jun 19, 2014 · 19 revisions

For detailed documentation on the BAI specification, check the official documentation.

01 - File Header

 :record-code   "01"
 :sender-id     "021000018"
 :receiver-id   "55287"
 :creation-date "051025"
 :creation-time "0600"
 :file-id       "1"
 :record-length "80"
 :block-size    "080"
 :version       "2"

02 - Group Header

 :record-code         "02"
 :receiver-id         "031001234"
 :originator-id       "122099999"
 :group-status        "1"
 :as-of-date          "040620"
 :as-of-time          "2359"
 :currency-code       "USD"
 :as-of-date-modifier "2"

03 - Account Identifier

 :record-code             "03"
 :customer-account-number "0975312468"
 :currency-code           "USD"
 :summaries [
   :type-code             {:code "010" :transaction "NA" :level "Status" :description "Opening Ledger"}
   :amount                "500000"
   :item-count            "1"
   :funds-type            "0"
   :type-code             {:code "056" :transaction "NA" :level "Status" :description "Loan Balance"}
   :amount                "2000"
   :item-count            ""
   :funds-type            "0"
   :type-code             {:code "057" :transaction "NA" :level "Status" :description "Total Investment Position"}
   :amount                "4000"
   :item-count            ""
   :funds-type            "2"

16 - Transaction Detail

 :record-code               "16"
 :type-code                 {:code "165" :transaction "CR" :level "Detail" :description "Preauthorized ACH Credit"}
 :amount                    "1500000"
 :funds-type                "1"
 :bank-reference-number     "DD1620"
 :customer-reference-number "DASD1234"
 :text                      "DEALER PAYMENTS"
 :record-code                        "16"
 :type-code                          {:code "115" :transaction "CR" :level "Detail" :description "Lockbox Deposit"}
 :amount                             "10000000"
 :funds-type                         "S"
 :immediate-availibility-amount      "5000000"
 :oneday-availibility-amount         "4000000"
 :morethanoneday-availibility-amount "1000000"
 :bank-reference-number              "DD1620"
 :customer-reference-number          "DASD1234"
 :text                               "DEALER PAYMENTS"

88 - Continuation Record

Continuation Records are automatically combined with the record above it; the record in which it "continues".

49 - Account Trailer

 :record-code           "49"
 :account-control-total "18650000"
 :number-of-records     "3"

98 - Group Trailer

 :record-code         "98"
 :group-control-total "11800000"
 :number-of-accounts  "2"
 :number-of-records   "6"

99 - File Trailer

 :record-code        "99"
 :file-control-total "1215450000"
 :number-of-groups   "4"
 :number-of-records  "36"