Contract language for defining acceptance criteria for media deliverables
This was created to help clients define clear requirements for media deliverables. Many of our customers purchase or share media content from third parties and these deliverables often come up short from an accessibility perspective.
This is not intended to be legal advice and should not replace the advice of a skilled lawyer. Ultimately, we recommend providing this to your legal counsel and having them use it as a basis for their own version. The content within the "Requirements" section is likely to contain accessibility guidance that your lawyer is unfamiliar with, but the remainder of the document is probably well within their skillset and should be reviewed and verified by them.
The easiest way to convert this to a Word document is to use Pandoc ( Fork & clone this repository then CD into the project repo and run this command:
pandoc -o media-access-requirements-addendum.docx -f markdown -t docx
Pull requests are welcome.