Mikrotik backup script
This script can be used to centralize the backup configurations of Mikrotik devices. Each device has its own configuration file in which it can override the standard options.
- 6.X
- 7.X
Configure your devices using ssh_config files ( read
man ssh_config
# file ~/.ssh/config
host *
ControlMaster auto # use just one connection for script
ControlPath ~/.ssh/control-%h-%p-%r
ControlPersist 5m
ForwardX11 no # disable useless
IdentityFile ~/.ssh/id_rsa # define default key if needed
PasswordAuthentication no # disable useless
Port 22 # default port
StrictHostKeyChecking no # dont check hostkey
User backupusr # default backup user
# gw jump
host mikrotik1
# ap
host mikrotik-ap1
ProxyJump mikrotik1 # use gw as an entrypoint
IdentityFile ~/.ssh/mykey # override if needed
User xxx # override if needed
To make ProxyJump work you need to allow ssh forwarding on your mikrotik device via
> /ip ssh set forwarding-enabled=both
Here is crontab example:
00 03 * * * $MBKP $MCFG"/somehost.cfg" >>$MLOG 2>>$MLOG # Comment
- /etc/mikrotik_backup directory where configuration files located
- /usr/local/bin/mbkp executable bash script with default variables
- /var/log/mikrotik_backup/log logfile to trace script execution results
This script does two backups (binary and export). Binary backup is protected with password default password is included in executable script and it can be overrieded via custom config file. Export is also password-protected but via openssl. Script export config to the temp file as a plain text via ssh, then it encrypt this file and move it to the destination. Encrypted exported config can be easly decrypted with openssl command:
# NOTE: decrypt the file
# openssl aes-256-cbc -d -salt -pbkdf2 -iter 100000 -k password -in file.enc -out file