Dieses Projekt basiert auf der Anleitung auf pigetArduino: https://github.com/pigetArduino/gpsLogger
- Zum anschließen: Arduino Pro oder Pro Mini wählen!
- AtMega 328p 3.3V 8Mhz wählen
- comport wählen
- baudrate auf 9600
Record gps coordinate in a csv file on an Micro card every 15 seconds (DAYHOURMINUTESSECOND.csv)
Example file
- How to build it : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gYxDJqSLVxQ
- How to use it : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=96iCh5vVnsw
- Instructables : http://www.instructables.com/id/Simple-GPS-Logger/
- Go to http://gpsies.com
- Click on Create a track
- Import the csv file
- Or click on convert to get a gpx track file
- Download it here : https://sourceforge.net/projects/viking/
- Go to file
- Retrieve
- Import file with GPS Babel
- Choose (at the end of the list) : universal csv with field structure in first line
- Add a map in layer
- Use Open Street Map (Mapnick) or Bing Aerial
Use theses keyword to find the components
- Gps module ublox Aircraft model mwc: 8€
- Micro sd card 2go (w/ micro sd card adapter): 4€
- Batteries holder 4AAA on/off : 1€
- Arduino mini pro 3.3V : 1,50€
- Passive buzzer 3v: 1€
- Total : 15.50€
We are using a micro sd card adapter as a micro sdcard reader but you can also use a micro sd card reader module for this.
- FTDI basic breakout usb ttl 3.3 : 6.23€
- Cable 30awg 8-color: 5.37€
- Arduino (Programmation): http://arduino.madnerd.org
- Cura (3D printing): https://ultimaker.com/en/products/cura-software
Tested on Ultimaker 2 GO with PLA
To improve solidity print A in solid
A Infill: Solid
B Infill: Light
- Author : Olivier Sarrailh
1 --> Not connected
2 --> 12
3 --> GND
4 --> 13
5 --> VCC
6 --> GND
7 --> 11
8 --> 10 (Chip select)
RX --> 2
TX --> 3
+ ---> 9
You should avoid obstructing the antenna with the battery pack, antenna needs to see the sky(or sattelites) we are using 4x 1,5V AA Batteries, so 6V inputvoltage powersupply for the system
TinyGPS++ library : https://github.com/mikalhart/TinyGPSPlus
RX auf TX
TX auf RX
CTS bleibt offen
mit geschickt hinlegen kann man ohne anzulöten flashen Prozessor auf ATMega328P (3,3V,8MHz) stellen und richtigen COMport wählen, dann kompilieren u hochladen