Laravel multiple Admin and User roles authentication using Laravel Breeze Where User roles able to login via email address and sent OTP to their registered email address for login verification. Resend OTP functionality implement after timer expired
- PHP Version => 7.4 or higher
- Laravel Version => 8 or higher
- MySQL Version => 5.7 or higher
- git clone repository_url
- cd laravel-breeze-web-guard-user-email-otp
- composer update
- create database and configure .env database connection
- php artisan migrate
- php artisan db:seed
- php artisan serve
- Auth Routes
- User Login :
- User Register :
- Admin Login :
- Admin Register :
User Role
- Username : [email protected]
- Password : user@123456
Admin Role
- Username : [email protected]
- Password : admin@123456
- Authentication Using Laravel Web Gaurd :
- Admin Role Requirement
- Admin Registration Fields
- Name : [ Validation Rules : Accept only strings and space, Required ]
- Email : [ Validation Rules : Accept only valid email address, Required ]
- Password : [ Validation Rules : Accept only valid password min 8 length with alphanumeric, Required ]
- Confirm Password : [ Validation Rules : should be same as Password field, Required ]
- On Registration button click redirect to Admin dashboard page
- Generate 5 dummy sample for Admin role using Factory and Seeder
- Make Seprate dashboard view ,admin table and Admin model
- Admin Login Fields
- Email : [ Validation Rules : Accept only valid email address, Required ]
- Password : [ Validation Rules : Accept only valid password min 8 length with alphanumeric, Required ]
- On Login button click redirect to Admin dashboard page if credential is validated
- User Role Requirement
- User Registration Fields
- Name : [ Validation Rules : Accept only strings and space, Required ]
- Email : [ Validation Rules : Accept only valid email address, Required ]
- Password : [ Validation Rules : Accept only valid password minimum 8 length with alphanumeric, Required ]
- Confirm Password : [ Validation Rules : should be same as Password field, Required ]
- On Registration button redirect to Login Page with successfull register message
- Generate 5 dummy sample for User role using Factory and Seeder
- Make Seprate dashboard view ,user table and User model
- User Login Fields
- Email : [ Validation Rules : Accept only valid email address, Required ]
- On Login button click It will show Verify OTP input will be open with Enter OTP at same login page.
- 1 minutes timer counter will shows to user
- After 1 minutes timer counter will shows Resend OTP button to user and should able to resend 8 digit OTP at registered email
- After 1 minutes timer counter old OTP will be expired and not allow to login with old OTP
- On Successfull OTP verification will redirect to home page