.o88b. d888888b d8888b. .o88b.
d8P Y8 `88' 88 `8D d8P Y8
8P 88 88oobY' 8P
8b 88 88`8b 8b
Y8b d8 .88. 88 `88. Y8b d8
`Y88P' Y888888P 88 YD `Y88P'
IRC server written in C (project to get hands on C networking) using sqlite
I'm currently using Colloquy and Shout to test my functionality.
- Connection registration Connection registration
PASS secretpass
Password messageNICK tehcyx [ <hopcount> ]
Nick message - hopcount actually not yet supportedQUIT [<Quit message>]
Quit - Quit message not supported- more coming soon...
- Messaging Sending messages
PRIVMSG tehcyx hello tehcyx
Private messagesNOTICE tehcyx hello tehcyx
- Connection registration Connection registration
USER <username> <hostname> <servername> <realname>
User messageOPER <user> <password>
- Channel operations Channel operations
JOIN <channel>{,<channel>} [<key>{,<key>}]
Join messagePART <channel>{,<channel>}
Part messageMODE
Mode message<channel> {[+|-]|o|p|s|i|t|n|b|v} [<limit>] [<user>] [<ban mask>]
Channel modes<nickname> {[+|-]|i|w|s|o}
User modes
TOPIC <channel> [<topic>]
Topic message
SERVER <servername> <hopcount> <info>
Server messageSQUIT <server> <comment>
Server quit message