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2.3 Summary of LtC classes

Sharon Grant edited this page Aug 11, 2022 · 7 revisions

For quick reference, Table 1 below lists all of the classes included in the current version of the standard, plus some additional classes proposed but not yet incorporated.

Class Name Description Issue # In v.1
Activity An activity is something that occurs over a period of time and acts upon or with entities; it may include consuming, processing, transforming, modifying, relocating, using, or generating entities. No
Address A physical postal address for an organisational unit or person. Yes
ChronometricAge The age of a specimen or related materials that is generated from a dating assay. Yes
CollectionDescriptionScheme A grouping of multiple ObjectGroups for a particular use case, purpose or implementation. Yes
CollectionStatusHistory A historical log of changes to and statuses of the described collection over time. Yes
ContactDetail Details of a method by which an entity such as a Person or OrganisationalUnit may be contacted. Yes
Event An action that occurs at some location during some time. Yes
GeographicOrigin The geographic location from which objects associated with the CollectionDescription were collected. Yes
GeologicalContext Geological information, such as stratigraphy, that qualifies a region or place. Yes
Identifier A numeric or textual value, or reference such as an IRI, that can be used to uniquely identify the object to which it is attached. Yes
MeasurementOrFact A measurement of or fact about the ObjectGroup representing the objects in the collection description, or the relationship between the ObjectGroup and an associated class. Yes
ObjectClassification An informal classification of the type of objects within the ObjectGroup, using a hierarchical structure. Yes
ObjectGroup An intentionally grouped set of objects with one or more common characteristics. Yes
OrganisationalUnit A unit within an organisational hierarchy which may be at, above or below the institutional level. Yes
Person A person (alive or dead). Yes
PersonActivity A link between a Person and an Activity to enable the role that the Person played in the Activity to be specified. No
PersonRole A qualified association between a Person or OrganisationalUnit and an entity such as an ObjectGroup or MeasurementOrFact that enables the relationship to be contextualised with a specific role and time period. Yes
RecordLevel The machine-actionable information profile for the collection description digital object. Yes
Reference A reference to external resources and information related to the collection description. Yes
ResourceRelationship A relationship between an instance of a class in the collection description standard to another instance of the same class, or an instance of a different class in the standard. Yes
SchemeMeasurementOrFact A type of measurement or fact used by the CollectionDescriptionScheme, and the rules relating to its application. Yes
SchemeTerm A Latimer Core term used by the CollectionDescriptionScheme and the rules relating to its application. Yes
StorageLocation A physical location (such as a building, room, cabinet or drawer) within the holding institution where objects associated with the collection description are stored or exhibited. Yes
Taxon A group of organisms (sensu considered by taxonomists to form a homogeneous unit. Yes
TemporalCoverage A record of a time range represented by the collection within a particular context. Yes

Table 1: A summary of the classes in the Latimer Core standard, with links to the normative definitions and Github issues used to build the definitions.