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Daniel Ehrenberg edited this page Jul 3, 2018 · 1 revision

TC39 Website Notes

Next Meeting:

26 June, 2018, 9 am


Chris Adams

Yulia Startsev

Daniel Ehrenberg

Christian Stuff


  • Beta Launch
    • Telemetry results
      • Sven has these, so we’ll review these after the meeting - sharing a link
    • Feedback
      • Github issues
        • Display issues
        • Content qns
        • Chris: what do we want users to see when they visit the site
          • How can you tell if someone can understand the stage advancement
          • How do you measure this stuff
            • Survey of users?
            • Check github issues for better information
            • Ask mdn how they measure their effectiveness
            • User testing
            • One on one interviews
  • Website review
    • Initial goals for the site

      • JavaScript Developers can understand stage advancement and have less confusion about the process
      • JavaScript Developers have a path to contributing to TC39
      • TC39 has a better communication channel to the public
      • The website becomes a cornerstone of documentation for TC39
    • Content strategy

    • Next steps

      • [yulia / chris adams] Public roadmap (share our plans so that people can comment on it) / do a mass survey again. Using github for now
      • [yulia] Add the website to the tc39 meeting
      • [dan] Proposal grouping, requires mockups and a bit of planning (for example class proposals)
        • Within TC39, there is the concept of ‘waves’ for proposals that depend on each other. This may be a way to present how proposals may need to be presented in the site
      • Getting all proposals ready for crawling
        • For stage 3, proposals - in order for us to show these on the site, we need a way for the proposers to markup their proposals in a way that can be parsed, so they’re visible
        • Work with jordan on this, he has ideas about how this should be ordered.
        • Potentially asking people to just do things will be a little tough, might be better to ask volunteers to do the prs
        • Get volunteers for checking proposals
          • This is a nice way in for contributors to make a contribution without needing to commit huge amounts of time
        • Get in touch with keith about the crawler
      • Request lin clark for code cartoons?
        • [dan] Maybe this already exists, mariko may have done this
        • Maybe we can get other people involved as well?
        • This is about how the process works, not necessarily for a single proposal
      • Review the proposal documentation
        • Maybe documentation for specific proposals
        • The process itself is still really messy, and we would be obscuring this
      • Code cartoon for the tc39 main page?
      • Get documentation online (deadline early October)
      • [chris adams] User research review (november)
        • Create a plan
      • "Final" deadline (december)
      • Design for documentation pages [yulia talks to ola about that]
      • Christian Stuff:
        • Day to day javascript developer perspective:
          • Looking at the icons issue: due to the netlify -> github io change
          • Technical related issues for Christian -- currently no real tasks.
          • Get in touch in about a month with documentation layout
      • Dan - meta meeting point:
        • Take inspiration from node: publish our calendar, notes, and agendas. Posting the link.
        • Idea: publishing the notes in the website repository. In a separate folder.
        • Idea: [yulia, check if actions are possible] using the wiki? Is there a way to do github operations?
          • Pushing etc
          • Converting google doc to markdown

29 May, 2018, 10 am


Chris Adams

Yulia Starsev

Sven Sauleau

Ola Gasidlo


  • Implementation status:
    • Mdn database for stage > 4 proposals and READMEs in tc39 for stage < 4
    • stage-4 Babel don’t need to transpile anything anymore (only support the syntax)

    • Christian’s design implementation
    • Meeting with chris and others regarding information architecture
    • What people will see this Saturday at jsconf

        • What will the final url on Saturday
        • Update the domain name - AI Yulia
          • proposed
            • possible to get a beta or domain or similar, to make it clear?
            • 39
      • But without the inactive proposals and finished proposals - just active proposals and current spec

      • The twitter account is not inactive, but there hasn’t been a final decision about how to use it

        • Decision is to remove it for now
      • Update link to the github organisation, not the project on github specifically

      • Long form content AI Yulia

      • The website is being presented as part of the panel as a way to request for feedback and input from the community

        • Github issues are being used to collect feedback?
        • One suggestion is to invite views to join a research panel of people, who are happy to be contacted about new versions of the site, so you can contact
        • them with more directed research questions about the site (their needs for info etc) (add - link to github issue)
        • Goal for showing this on the Saturday would to find people prepared to give feedback and input on the site itself
      • *JSconf is not the hard deadline - it can be presented at a later event *

      • There’s no need to sign a contributor agreement for the TC39 website (unlike the main TC39), so the barrier for making contributions is lower

      • Analytics

        • The decision is not to use google analytics right now, or use tracking cookies either, largely to avoid needing cookie banners and needing to add further content about how this data is collected
        • We would like to track page views though, of get an idea of usage AI - find a solution to track usage without tracking people
      • Comms/feedback channels for the website

        • The website itself - linking to the CONTRIBUTING, README file. we’ll rely on the github project to make it clearer how contribute and provide feedback to the site itself (i.e. create issues)
        • The decision is to just use the github issues for collating feedback from the site - AI Yulia to set up issues on the project
      • Separating feedback about tc39 from the tc39 website

* * *

May 8, 2018


Yulia Startsev

Sven Sauleau

Ola Gasidlo

Jason Williams


  • Webpage General (Yulia)
    • Introducing docker (jase)
      • Looks great
      • Some issues were hit, will add them to the project
    • Splitting up pages
  • Ola’s design updates
    • Looks good, question regarding the four item menu -- will this expand?
    • Answer: we might not need more information, lets see what it looks like when it is usable.
    • Quick question: could the link come on top of the logo, if you have very long links?
    • Answer: we would curate the links to make sure that they are short enough not to overlap
  • Table View (Sven and Jase)
    • We discussed about the source of the table, and how to maintain it.
    • The table is currently done manually. Using the first sentence from each repo, but this was more difficult than it seems. Perhaps we should ask proposal authors to have a two sentence blurb.
    • Question regarding MDN table. They do not include stage 1 proposals. If they do not want to include it on their side, we can combine two things.
    • Action point: we need a schema in the readme’s:
      • Two sentence blurb
      • Champion
      • author
      • Link
      • Link to tests
      • Status
      • Example
    • Hopefully we just need mdn for compat, and we crawl github for other info (requires a server)
    • Question: do we have a link to the proposal?
    • Answer: right, we should have that as part of the table.
    • Maybe we can just auto generate the link
    • For now we hard code everything, ship it, and then figure out the rest
    • One more question for the mdn table? Should I ask about the babel table?
    • Yes, i will also ping chris mills directly.
    • How do we integrate things into the master branch?
    • Yulia will take care of conflicts
  • Framework discussion (anyone interested)
    • We need server eventually (not mvp, second version automated)
  • Progress of information architecture? (Ola)
  • Action items
    • Action point: we need a schema in the readme’s: (yulia)
      • Two sentence blurb
      • Champion
      • author
      • Link
      • Link to tests
      • Status
      • Example
    • Information architecture: open an issue regarding more data (yulia / ola)
    • Ping chris mills directly (yulia)
    • Sven: github issue on mdn
    • Docker issues (yulia make these)
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