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Moka Payment Integration for Laravel

This package provides an easy way to integrate Moka Payment system into your Laravel application.


You can install the package via composer:

composer require tarfin/moka


Publish the config file:

php artisan vendor:publish --tag="moka-config"

Add your Moka credentials to your .env file:


# Optional: Configure redirect URLs


Creating a 3D Payment

use Tarfin\Moka\Facades\Moka;

// With minimal parameters
public function checkoutMinimal()
    $result = Moka::threeDPayment()->create(
        amount: 100.00,
        cardHolderName: 'John Doe',
        cardNumber: '5555555555555555',
        expMonth: '12',
        expYear: '2025',
        cvc: '123'

    return $result; // Returns RedirectResponse

// With all parameters
public function checkout()
    $result = Moka::threeDPayment()->create(
        amount: 100.00,
        cardHolderName: 'John Doe',
        cardNumber: '5555555555555555',
        expMonth: '12',
        expYear: '2025',
        cvc: '123',
        software: 'Tarfin',
        // Optional parameters
        returnUrl: '', // Defaults to route('callback.handle3D')
        installment: 1,
        otherTrxCode: 'your-unique-id', // If not provided, a UUID will be generated
        isPoolPayment: 0,
        isTokenized: 0,
        currency: 'TL',
        redirectType: 1,
        language: 'TR',
        description: 'Payment description'

    // The user will be redirected to Moka's 3D secure page
    return $result; // Returns RedirectResponse

// With buyer information using method chaining
public function checkoutWithBuyerInfo()
    $result = Moka::threeDPayment()
            fullName: 'John Doe',
            gsmNumber: '5551234567',
            email: '[email protected]',
            address: '123 Main St, City'
            amount: 100.00,
            cardHolderName: 'John Doe',
            cardNumber: '5555555555555555',
            expMonth: '12',
            expYear: '2025',
            cvc: '123'

    return $result; // Returns RedirectResponse

Handling the 3D Callback

The package automatically sets up a callback route at POST /moka-callback (named moka-callback.handle3D) to handle the 3D payment result. The callback will:

  1. Validate the payment
  2. Update the payment status
  3. Redirect to your success/failure URL with the payment result

You can configure the success and failure URLs in your .env file:


The callback will redirect to these URLs with the following session data:

    'other_trx_code' => 'other_transaction_id',
    'status' => 'success|failed',
    'message' => 'Payment result message'

Calculating Payment Amount

You can calculate the payment amount including commission rates and bank card details using the MokaPaymentAmount service:

use TarfinMokaServicesInformationMokaPaymentAmount;

// With minimal parameters
$paymentAmount = app(MokaPaymentAmount::class);
$result = $paymentAmount->calculate(
    binNumber: '526911',
    amount: 100.00

// With all parameters
$result = $paymentAmount->calculate(
    binNumber: '526911',
    amount: 100.00,
    installment: 3,
    isThreeD: 0,
    currency: 'USD'

The service will return an array containing detailed payment information:

    'PaymentAmount' => 101.56,
    'DealerDepositAmount' => 95.0,
    'DealerCommissionRate' => 6.46,
    'DealerCommissionAmount' => 6.56,
    'DealerCommissionFixedAmount' => 0.0,
    'DealerGroupCommissionRate' => 1.54,
    'DealerGroupCommissionAmount' => 1.56,
    'DealerGroupCommissionFixedAmount' => 0.0,
    'GroupRevenueRate' => 5.0,
    'GroupRevenueAmount' => 5.0,
    'BankCard' => [
        'BankName' => 'FINANSBANK',
        'BankCode' => '111',
        'BinNumber' => '526911',
        'CardType' => 'MASTER',
        'CreditType' => 'CreditCard',
        'ProductCategory' => 'Bireysel'

If there's an error with the calculation, the service will throw a MokaException with the error code and message.

Storing Failed Payments

By default, failed payments are not stored in the database. If you want to store them, set this in your .env:


BIN Inquiry

You can use the BIN inquiry service to get information about a credit card based on its BIN number (first 6 digits):

use Tarfin\Moka\Facades\Moka;

$binInfo = Moka::binInquiry()->get('526911');

// Response structure
    'BankName' => 'FİNANSBANK',
    'BankCode' => '111',
    'BinNumber' => '526911',
    'CardName' => '',
    'CardType' => 'MASTER',
    'CreditType' => 'CreditCard',
    'CardLogo' => '',
    'CardTemplate' => '',
    'ProductCategory' => 'Bireysel',
    'GroupName' => 'CARDFINANS'

The BIN inquiry service provides information about:

  • Bank details (name and code)
  • Card type (MASTER/VISA)
  • Credit type (CreditCard/DebitCard)
  • Card logos and templates
  • Product category and group name

If the BIN inquiry fails, a MokaException will be thrown with the error message and code from Moka.

Payment Table

You can get payment table information including installment options and commission rates using the MokaPaymentTable service:

use Tarfin\Moka\Facades\Moka;

// With minimal parameters
$result = Moka::paymentTable()->calculate(
    amount: 100.00

// With BIN number
$result = Moka::paymentTable()->calculate(
    amount: 100.00,
    binNumber: '526911'

// With all parameters
$result = Moka::paymentTable()->calculate(
    amount: 100.00,
    binNumber: '526911',
    isThreeD: 0,
    isIncludedCommissionAmount: 0,
    currency: 'TL',

The service will return an array containing available installment options and commission rates:

'BankPaymentInstallmentInfoList' => [
        'BankInfoName' => 'GENEL',
        'PaymentInstallmentInfoList' => [
                'CommissionType' => 'CreditCard',
                'InstallmentNumber' => 1,
                'DealerCommissionRate' => 2.2,
                'DealerCommissionFixedAmount' => 0,
                'DealerCommissionAmount' => 2.2,
                'PerInstallmentAmount' => 100,
                'Amount' => 100,
            // ... more installment options
        'BankInfoName' => 'AXESS',
        'PaymentInstallmentInfoList' => [
                'CommissionType' => 'CreditCard',
                'InstallmentNumber' => 1,
                'DealerCommissionRate' => 3,
                'DealerCommissionFixedAmount' => 0,
                'DealerCommissionAmount' => 3,
                'PerInstallmentAmount' => 100,
                'Amount' => 100,
            // ... more installment options


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The MIT License (MIT). Please see License File for more information.


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