First React Assignment
- Make a React Application using
- Using this Array:
first: "Heath",
last: "Richmond",
age: 27,
isBestFriend: true
first: "Cox",
last: "Estrada",
age: 27,
isBestFriend: true
first: "Norma",
last: "Mccoy",
age: 35,
isBestFriend: false
first: "Wallace",
last: "Montoya",
age: 27,
isBestFriend: false
first: "Concepcion",
last: "Mccarthy",
age: 22,
isBestFriend: true
first: "Albert",
last: "Wade",
age: 25,
isBestFriend: true
first: "Sykes",
last: "Gonzalez",
age: 29,
isBestFriend: false
first: "Alisa",
last: "Ryan",
age: 30,
isBestFriend: true
first: "Holmes",
last: "Bright",
age: 28,
isBestFriend: false
first: "Estrada",
last: "Pittman",
age: 25,
isBestFriend: false
Set a value in your component to friendList = above_data
- Make a list showing all your friends names
- Make a list only showing your best friends right next to it
- Show the average age of your best friends in a final section
- Create a friends name component
- Create a friends list component
- Use these components to complete 3 - 5.
After completing the above:
- Create a text input field that filters the list of all based on what you have typed into the input
- Bonus: create a text input field that filters the list of best friends as well