This tool needs a working rkdeveloptool, a patched u-boot and the PineNote needs to be in download mode
See for instruction on getting those things.
The tool can both download the entire "disk" and the partitions as individual files.
Larger blocks of data will be split up to work around the 2GB limit in the current rkdeveloptool
For partitions the large and somewhat useless userdata partition can be skipped
usage: [-h] [-b BLOCK_SIZE] -t {partitions,disk} [-d DESTINATION] [--skip-partition-table] [-u] [-n]
A script for backing up a PineNote, may be useful for other devices using that can be accessed with rkdeveloptool
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-b BLOCK_SIZE, --block_size BLOCK_SIZE
The max number of bytes to get at once, larger partitions/disks will be broken up into blocks according to this size to circumvent the 2GB limit, default is 1GB.
-t {partitions,disk}, --type {partitions,disk}
The type of backup, partitions=attempt to get the individual partitions in separate files, disk=grap every byte including the partition table
The destination path to write the images to
Only for --type=partition, skip reading the bytes before the first partition
-u, --skip-userdata-partition
Only for --type=partition, skip the partition named 'userdata', it is large and Android should be able to recreate it
-n, --dry-run Don't actually read bytes
./ -t partitions -u
Flash Size : 512 MB
Flash Sectors: 241827840
Block Size : 512 not kB
Page Size : 2 kB
Detected partitions:
-01 name: data_at_beginning sectors 0 to 16383 size 8388096 Bytes
000 name: uboot sectors 16384 to 24575 size 4194304 Bytes
001 name: trust sectors 24576 to 32767 size 4194304 Bytes
002 name: waveform sectors 32768 to 36863 size 2097152 Bytes
003 name: misc sectors 36864 to 45055 size 4194304 Bytes
004 name: dtbo sectors 45056 to 53247 size 4194304 Bytes
005 name: vbmeta sectors 53248 to 55295 size 1048576 Bytes
006 name: boot sectors 55296 to 137215 size 41943040 Bytes
007 name: security sectors 137216 to 145407 size 4194304 Bytes
008 name: recovery sectors 145408 to 407551 size 134217728 Bytes
009 name: backup sectors 407552 to 1193983 size 402653184 Bytes
010 name: cache sectors 1193984 to 3291135 size 1073741824 Bytes
011 name: metadata sectors 3291136 to 3323903 size 16777216 Bytes
012 name: super sectors 3323904 to 9697279 size 3263168512 Bytes
013 name: logo sectors 9697280 to 9730047 size 16777216 Bytes
014 name: device sectors 9730048 to 9861119 size 67108864 Bytes
015 name: userdata sectors 9861120 to 241827775 size 118766927872 Bytes SKIPPED!
=== Beginning reading data as partitions ===
Reading 8388608 bytes from sector 0 to data_at_beginning done: 0% eta. N.A.