An OLX Scraper using Scrapy + MongoDB. It Scrapes recent ads posted regarding requested product and dumps to NOSQL MONGODB.
A Scrapy Program that scrapes recent ads about products and stores them in MONGODB Database.
All the information regarding product to be searched is in
Change values after return command
For proper usage first install selenium and parsel.Open Command Line and type commands given below
pip install pymongo
Configure these Settings in
ITEM_PIPELINES = { 'olx_scraper.pipelines.MongoDBPipeline': 300, }
MONGODB_SERVER = "localhost" (can be changed) MONGODB_PORT = 27017(Set Whatever port mongodb is running on your system) MONGODB_DB = "" (set this) MONGODB_COLLECTION = "" (set this)
After all the above configurations have been successfully done.Then open command line and type:-
scrapy crawl scrape_olx
Open MongoDB GUI and check database, Your result should be like Screenshot shown above.
1-You must have python 3.6 pre-installed to use this software.
2-Make sure mongodb is running before you run spider.
If any issue comes do write in issues column. Thanks!