- install akamai CLI and edgeworker cli
brew install akamai
akamai install edgeworkers
get your .edgerc saved on your home directory
downlaod typescript-rollup project to your working directory
you need to know your edgeworker name and property host name.
yarn start
### (1/5) Install packages
### (2/5) Your EdgeWorker code name? :
### (3/5) Description? :
### (4/5) Set initial script version (default:0.0.1) :
### (5/5) Property name associated with this ew code :
if you already have edgeworker id on portal
yarn get-ewid
this will update ewid in package.json
yarn new-sandbox
yarn start-sandbox
change ./src/main.ts
yarn update
this will compile your code and bundle requred package into simgle ./dist/bundle.tgz and upload it to sandbox.
yarn token
yarn test http://localhost:9550/path/
if code is not working, go back to #4.
yarn deploy
yarn test https://yourdomain.com/edgeworker/path