version 0.4.1
April 18, 2018
Takaaki AOKI ([email protected])
SRIM ( is the most famous software to simulate the trajectroy and radiation effects of energetic particles in various materials. SRIM is equped with well-made GUI program for parameter setup (TIN.exe), however, it cannot run correctly on the Windows OS based multibyte characters, such as Japanese. SUZU (a japanese tranlation of tin :-) is aimed to be a gui program with compatible functions to tin.exe and run on multilingual windows (and possibly other OS platforms).
For windows, two options are available to setup this program. The second option is also available for unix or mac user.
Download Standalone package
Go to , download suzu-(version)-win32.exe, or suzu-(version)-win-amd64.exe, and run it. Softwares are expanded at appropriate place, such as C:\Program Files\suzu, and the shortcut is added on the start menu.
Find and Double-click suzu.exe
The second option is installing suzu as a package of python library. suzu version >= 0.1.0 is developed to run on python 3.3.5 (or above). Setup python core program from
suzu is available at PyPI (, then
pip install suzu
- type suzu in command prompt
- or, find suzu executable file (i.e. C:\Python33\Script\suzu.exe) and double-click it.
Source code is maintaned at
Code is managed using git ( So you can access the latest source code set by ...
git clone
git clone [email protected]/takaakiaoki/suzu.git
, or you may freely fork and modify it.
Fill parameters as you like and push [Save (& Run Trim)] button.
When you save the data with the filename of '' and you put it in the same folder where TRIM.exe exists (== where SRIM is setup), a dialog window pops-up to confirm run TRIM.exe calculation with this new TRIM data.
Currently suzu cannot parse format directly, but suzu saves data with simultaneously. You may load this .json file by [Load .json] button.
[Validate] button tests a contents of widgets. This validation routine also runs before [Save (&Run Trim)] action.
Validation does not run automatically. The user should push [Validate] button explicitly to confirm the modification on GUI is correct or not.
[Compount DB] button is placed at target layer frame. This button provides an access to the compoond database given by SRIM. At database dialog, indicate the path to compound.dat (usually, [SRIM INSTALL PATH]/DATA/Compound.dat). You may construct your own database.
[Set Example] [Dump to Console] [Clear] buttons still remains for debugging.
Detail information especially for developers are found in dummy_tin/doc/* (python script package).
The author is pleased to here bug & issue reports and suggest & request for the software.