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Update test\
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danon committed Dec 31, 2022
1 parent 66aac45 commit 507e427
Showing 1 changed file with 75 additions and 24 deletions.
99 changes: 75 additions & 24 deletions test/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,32 +1,83 @@
## Where to place new tests
## About tests in T-Regx

Currently, we have 4 roots for automatic tests in T-Regx:
Currently, we have 4 roots for automatic tests in T-Regx: `Feature`, `Legacy`,
`Structure` and `Supposition`.

- `Feature` (a.k.a. "end to end") - This category has two goals:
- Ensure that a certain functionality works "out of the box" (as if used by an end user).
- Ensure that each dependency is integrated properly with other dependencies.
- Is immute to refactoring of internals
In order to minimise misconceptions we don't name the folder `Unit\ `, since the
many users and contributors might bring in their understanding of what "unit test"
is or isn't, we clarify exact criteria T-Regx tests must meet.

- Each test-case must be created from `pattern()` function or one of `Pattern` factory methods.
## Overall rules for tests

- `Interaction` - You'd like to test behaviour - then test only the part of your interface that's relevant to the
feature domain, and not each element separately - write the smallest tests possible. Try to keep coupling of tests
with logic as low as possible.
- a test **must not** use or reference a class from `Internal\ ` for any reason.

- There should be as little tests in this category as possible (preferably 1 per functionality). More throughout
testcases should be in `Unit` or `Feature`.
- If possible, any dependencies should be real instances, instead of fakes. If instantiating becomes too complicated,
occasional fakes are allowed, to make tests easier to read and edit.
- a test **must** be small:
- an ideal test spans 1-3 lines
- a test up to 4-10 lines is allowed, if the test cannot be split into more
smaller tests
- a test suite class with 300 small tests is preferential to a suite with 50
larger tests covering the same features.
- increasing quantity of tests **is not** considered a flaw.
- decreasing specifity of tests **is** considered a flaw.

- `Unit` - This is the category that the coverage is measured against (if there are no tests for a class in this
category, it's as thought it's not covered). Rules:
- 100% of dependencies must be faked. Only a change in the tested class can cause the test to fail.
- a test **must** execute fast.
- frequent and rapid execution of tests is desirable
- while developing T-Regx, execution of tests should be possible at any time, in
rapid successions, even after a single character change in a source code.
- a test **must not** alter another test.
- execution of a test **must not** influence in any way the execution of another
test, in particular: by triggering PHP errors (which are preserved between
executions), by setting errors handlers which influence exceution of
error-sensitive tests, set any state between tests.
- a great deal of dedication and care must be put to tests which cover error
handling functionallity in T-Regx. T-Regx library operates on errors and
error handlers, and proper coverage of such functionallity requires an even
greater deal of logic around errors and error handlers, in a way that is
sensitive enough to detect regression, and at the same time is resilient
enough not to influence other tests.

- `Functional` - tests in `Functional` cover T-Regx's contract with PHP methods, errors, warnings, etc.
### Category `Feature\ `

- Tests for breaking changes between PHP versions should be in `Functional`
- Tests for `preg_` and `preg::` should be in `Functional`
- Tests for reaction of T-Regx on warnings, notices, errors, fatals and
Standard T-Regx tests are in `Feature\ ` folder. Tests in `Feature\ ` folder meet
certain criteria that we believe increase the quality of the library.

Criteria for tests in `Feature\ ` must follow:

- a test in `Feature\ ` should cover a very narrow part of functionallity. An ideal
test covers as little piece of feature as possibile, provided the piece of feature
is non-trivial. Any test that can be split into two more specific tests, should be

- tests in `Feature\ ` should be groupped by their relation to the `Pattern` class.
- a test covering a particular function or method should be placed in a directory
with named as the covered function or method (e.g. `flatMap\ `, `match\ `, `stream\ `).
- a test covering other part of functionallity but not pertaining for a particular
method must be placed in a directory prefixed with `_` (e.g. `_trailing_backslash`,
`_noAutoCapture`, `_jit`).

### Category `Supposition\ `

T-Regx handles varying and changing behaviours of PHP, and so certain features of the
library rely on a particular behaviour of a given PHP function. Tests in category
`Supposition\ ` assert that very behaviour, so when the behaviour is prooved to change,
the tests can recognize the improper assumption, as opposed to a simple bug in the

Criteria for tests in `Supposition\ ` must follow:

- a test in `Supposition\ ` must not use or reference any T-Regx logic.
- a test in `Supposition\ ` must only assert the current behaviour of PHP.

### Category `Structure\ `

Tests in category `Structure\ ` verify the hierarchy of T-Regx exceptions and whether
the correct relation of the exceptions is followed for the sake of more general
or specific `try`/`catch`.

### Category `Legacy\ `

A previously used category, but now deprecated and planned to be removed in the future.
Tests in category `Legacy\ ` break the encapsulation of T-Regx library and slows down
refactoring of many features.

No new tests should be added into that category.

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