This is an R package providing clean data sets and helper functions for working with World Bank data.
So far, it has three sets of features:
It contains cleaned datasets useful for analyzing World Bank data. These datasets have key features and groupings for the 218 countries (and some non-countries) that the World Bank data covers. These can be found by typing "wb_" after the package is loaded.
It contains World Bank color palettes and ggplot2 compatible functions. The colors come from the World Bank Branding and Visual Identity Guidelines (...mostly).
It contains helper functions built on the countrycode package that convert country names written in different formats into iso3c country codes.
This is in a very initial stage now, and will likely be changing quickly. For the time being, this is intended mostly for my own personal use, and I have no plans on submitting the package to CRAN. I've hosted it on Github because I hope others will find the code useful.
This is a personal project, and is not a product of the World Bank.