For new branches, use the correct prefix:
- Branches for new features should be called
- Branches for bug fixes should be called
- Branches for documentation changes should be called
- Branches for refactoring should be called
GitHub branch names should use kebab-case, so words should be separated by a hyphen -
We use pre-commit to run a number of checks before each commit. These checks are also run on CI. It is strongly recommended to install pre-commit as described below to avoid unnecessary cleanup commits.
⚠ Python 3 has to be installed on the development machine.
Run the following commands in a terminal inside the project directory to install the pre-commit hooks:
pip install pre-commit
pre-commit install
Run test to check before commit:
pre-commit run --all-files
The first run may take a while, as it installs all the hooks.
- trailing-whitespace
- end-of-file-fixer
- check-yaml
- check-added-large-files
- dotnet-format
- eslint
- simon-check - checks for Simon's credentials
As specified by the coaching teachers:
- C# + ASP.NET Core
- Angular
- Python