By the moment this is a POC of the swift macros to be tested on the playtomic-iOS project.
Link to iOS project: Playtomic iOS Project
Here you can find a notion document related with this project: WIP Macros
A macro that produces both a value and a string containing the source code that generated the value. For example,
#stringify(x + y)
// produces a tuple (x + y, "x + y").
Creates a non-optional URL from a static string. The string is checked to be valid during compile time.
// produces a URL(string: "")!
Displays compile time warning
#warning("This macro generates a message")
// produces a warning at compile time with following message: "This macro generates a message"
Converts callbacks to async code
func sportsSelector(sports: [String], callback: @escaping (String) -> Void) -> Void {
callback(sports.joined(separator: ", "))
// Generates:
func sportsSelector(sports: [String]) async -> String {
await withCheckedContinuation { continuation in
sportsSelector(sports: sports) { returnValue in
continuation.resume(returning: returnValue)
@Copyable is a Swift syntax macro that generates a copy function for a class or struct, similar to the copy function in Android. This function allows you to create a copy of an instance with modified properties.
struct ExampleViewState {
let title: String
let count: Int?
// Generates:
struct ExampleViewState {
let title: String
let count: Int?
func copy(
title: String? = nil,
count: Nullable<Int> = .none
) -> ExampleViewState {
return ExampleViewState(
title: title ?? self.title,
count: count ?? self.count
Adds initializer to the type, very useful for classes that doesnt implement init by themselve.
class Object: CustomStringConvertible {
let id: Int
private let name: String
var description: String {
"id: \(id), name: \(name)"
// Generates:
class Object: CustomStringConvertible {
let id: Int
private let name: String
var description: String {
"id: \(id), name: \(name)"
init(id: Int, name: String) { = id = name
Implements boolean computed properties per each enum case to provide case detection.
enum ProfileViewState {
case loading
case loaded(userName: String)
// Generates:
enum ProfileViewState {
case loading
case loaded(userName: String)
var isLoading: Bool {
if case .loading = self {
return true
return false
var isLoaded: Bool {
if case .loaded = self {
return true
return false
Apply the specified attribute to each of the stored properties within the type or member to which the macro is attached. The string can be any attribute (without the @).
@wrapStoredProperties(#"available(*, deprecated, message: "hands off my data")"#)
struct OldStorage {
var x: Int
// Generates:
struct OldStorage {
@available(*, deprecated, message: "hands off my data")
var x: Int
Implements UserDefaults.standard
setter and getter methods over each property attached with @storedAccess
struct User {
@storedAccess(defaultValue: "")
var userId: String
// Generates:
struct User {
var userId: String {
get {
if UserDefaults.standard.value(forKey: "userId") == nil {
return ""
return UserDefaults.standard.string(forKey: "userId") ?? ""
set {
UserDefaults.standard.setValue(newValue, forKey: "userId")
Creates an extension that conforms to Equatable protocol.
struct MatchTeam {
let id: String
let playerd: [String]
// Generates:
struct MatchTeam {
let id: String
let playerd: [String]
extension MatchTeam: Equatable { }
Generates sealed class boiler plate from attached type
protocol ViewAction { }
public class LevelUpgradeViewAction: ViewAction {
private init() {}
public protocol NavigationAction {
var navigationActionType: NavigationActionSealedType { get }
public protocol EventAction {
var eventActionType: EventActionSealedType { get }
public protocol ObserverAction {
var observerActionType: ObserverActionSealedType { get }
public class OnAppear: LevelUpgradeViewAction, EventAction, ObserverAction { }
public class Upgrade: LevelUpgradeViewAction { }
public class OnUpgradeStarted: LevelUpgradeViewAction, EventAction {
let from: Decimal
let to: Decimal
public class OnUpgradeSuccess: LevelUpgradeViewAction, NavigationAction {
let from: Decimal
let to: Decimal
public class OnUpgradeError: LevelUpgradeViewAction, NavigationAction {
let error: String
public class OnUpgradeSkipped: LevelUpgradeViewAction, NavigationAction, EventAction { }
// Generates:
public extension LevelUpgradeViewAction {
enum SealedType {
case OnAppear
case Upgrade
case OnUpgradeStarted(LevelUpgradeViewAction.OnUpgradeStarted)
case OnUpgradeSuccess(LevelUpgradeViewAction.OnUpgradeSuccess)
case OnUpgradeError(LevelUpgradeViewAction.OnUpgradeError)
case OnUpgradeSkipped
enum EventActionSealedType {
case OnAppear
case OnUpgradeStarted(LevelUpgradeViewAction.OnUpgradeStarted)
case OnUpgradeSkipped
enum ObserverActionSealedType {
case OnAppear
enum NavigationActionSealedType {
case OnUpgradeSuccess(LevelUpgradeViewAction.OnUpgradeSuccess)
case OnUpgradeError(LevelUpgradeViewAction.OnUpgradeError)
case OnUpgradeSkipped
public extension LevelUpgradeViewAction {
var type: LevelUpgradeViewAction.SealedType {
switch self {
case is LevelUpgradeViewAction.OnAppear:
case is LevelUpgradeViewAction.Upgrade:
case is LevelUpgradeViewAction.OnUpgradeStarted:
LevelUpgradeViewAction.SealedType.OnUpgradeStarted(self as! LevelUpgradeViewAction.OnUpgradeStarted)
case is LevelUpgradeViewAction.OnUpgradeSuccess:
LevelUpgradeViewAction.SealedType.OnUpgradeSuccess(self as! LevelUpgradeViewAction.OnUpgradeSuccess)
case is LevelUpgradeViewAction.OnUpgradeError:
LevelUpgradeViewAction.SealedType.OnUpgradeError(self as! LevelUpgradeViewAction.OnUpgradeError)
case is LevelUpgradeViewAction.OnUpgradeSkipped:
fatalError("Unknown type \(self) in LevelUpgradeViewAction.SealedType")
public extension LevelUpgradeViewAction.EventAction {
var eventActionType: LevelUpgradeViewAction.EventActionSealedType {
switch self {
case is LevelUpgradeViewAction.OnAppear:
case is LevelUpgradeViewAction.OnUpgradeStarted:
LevelUpgradeViewAction.EventActionSealedType.OnUpgradeStarted(self as! LevelUpgradeViewAction.OnUpgradeStarted)
case is LevelUpgradeViewAction.OnUpgradeSkipped:
fatalError("Unknown type \(self) in LevelUpgradeViewAction.EventActionSealedType")
public extension LevelUpgradeViewAction.ObserverAction {
var observerActionType: LevelUpgradeViewAction.ObserverActionSealedType {
switch self {
case is LevelUpgradeViewAction.OnAppear:
fatalError("Unknown type \(self) in LevelUpgradeViewAction.ObserverActionSealedType")
public extension LevelUpgradeViewAction.NavigationAction {
var navigationActionType: LevelUpgradeViewAction.NavigationActionSealedType {
switch self {
case is LevelUpgradeViewAction.OnUpgradeSuccess:
LevelUpgradeViewAction.NavigationActionSealedType.OnUpgradeSuccess(self as! LevelUpgradeViewAction.OnUpgradeSuccess)
case is LevelUpgradeViewAction.OnUpgradeError:
LevelUpgradeViewAction.NavigationActionSealedType.OnUpgradeError(self as! LevelUpgradeViewAction.OnUpgradeError)
case is LevelUpgradeViewAction.OnUpgradeSkipped:
fatalError("Unknown type \(self) in LevelUpgradeViewAction.NavigationActionSealedType")