I'm a Software Developer from Pakistan
I currently live in Munich, Germany
A little more about me...
faisal = {
"pronouns": "He" | "Him",
"code": ["Python", "JavaScript", "Dart"],
"askMeAbout": ["web dev", "app dev", "software architecture"],
"technologies": {
"backEnd": {
python: ["Django", "Flask", "Fast Api"],
"mobileApp": {
hybrid: ["Flutter"]
javascript: ["React.js"]
"devOps": ["AWS", "Docker🐳", "Route53", "Nginx"],
"databases": ["mongo", "PostgreSql", "Dynamo DB", "Redis", "sqlite"],
"misc": ["Socket.IO", "selenium", "open-cv"]
architecture: ["Serverless Architecture", "Monolithic Architecture","Single page applications"]
If my open source projects are useful for your product/company you can also sponsor my work on them. ☕
- I am an Open Source Enthusiast ❤️
- Fun Facts: Bugs are the best friend of every programmer ⚡