###Directory Structure
EXP1, EXP2, EXP3 directories are three different experiments. Each experiment directory has a project named SI_Proj. PLOT directory contains the plots comparing the three experiments. PAPER directory contains the paper (paper.pdf) explaining the experiments and document source files.
###Installation requirements:
- Python 2.7
- NumPy module
- OpenCV2 module
###How to run:
On terminatl
go-to-the-path/EXP#/SI_Proj$ python run_me.py --help
--help gives list of arguments taht could be passed.
###Command issued for experiments:
The results presented in the paper are produced by the following command (same for all three experiments)
python run_me.py --debug --hor 1 --ver 1 --tauini 0.1 --iter 10 --cons 40 --ants 512 --q0 0.7 --alpha 1 --beta 1 --rho 0.1 --phi 0.05 --image ./standard_test_images/256/lena_color.tif