#pseucovim PseuCo Plugin for Vim. See more informations about pseuco on pseuco.com. You can download the PseuCo Compiler at: http://pseuco.de/downloads/Tools/PseuCoCo-1.6.zip
###About pseucovim pseucovim is a plugin for Vim that support PseuCo-Syntaxhighlining (in all .pseuco files) , and a compile-Command. There's no autocompletion so far but I'm hanging on it ;) so please be patient.
##Installation The easyiest way to install this plugin is using pathogen(https://github.com/tpope/vim-pathogen) or Vundle(https://github.com/gmarik/Vundle.vim) ;)
another not recommend way is to put all files in your .vim folder.
###Compiler Options So far the only option you have to set is the compile command. For those who use Pseuco daily and just added PseuCoCo as "pseuco" to their $PATH-Enviroment can skip these step.
For all the other (I think that would be the most of you) you have to set the "g:pseuco_command" to your compiler. Example: If you use the Compiler I mensioned before you just have to add:
let g:pseuco_command="java -jar /absolute/path/to/PseuCoCo.jar"
in your vimrc
Now you can compile and run your .pseuco File with
####Feedback and Issues If you have found any issus or missing a function use the bugtracker of github ;)