Elixir NIF for Senzing© Entity Resolution API.
This library was developed and is provided at no cost by Sustema AG, a company dedicated to fostering innovation and supporting the open-source community.
Senzing software makes it easy and affordable to add advanced entity resolution capabilities to your enterprise systems and commercial applications.
The Senzing API provides highly accurate data matching and relationship detection to improve analytics, insights and outcomes with no entity resolution experts required.
You can be up and running in minutes and deploy into production in weeks.
To be able to run this package, Senzing has to be installed by following the Linux setup guide: https://docs.senzing.com/quickstart/quickstart_api/
Especially make sure to load all environment variables as described in the Configure Environment section.
The package can be installed by adding senzing
to your list of dependencies
in mix.exs
def deps do
{:senzing, "~> 0.1.0"}
To start the engine, add the following worker to your Application
{Senzing.G2.ResourceInit, mod: Senzing.G2.Engine, prime: true}
Senzing calls take more time than the BEAM schedulers like. They are therefore
run on Dirty IO schedulers. It is recommended to raise the amount of schedulers
so that more calls can happen in parallel. Set the following option to start
50 instead of 10 dirty IO schedulers: +SDio 50
- NIF: https://hexdocs.pm/senzing
- Senzing Developer Docs: https://senzing.com/developer/