Open,neutral,bodorles,decentralized and Censorship resistance Meetings(Google Meet / Zoom) powered by web 3.
Core Team Ayush Ranjan
Unstoppable Domain => meet-cadbury.crypto
- Capture media from web cam via getUsermedia.
- Signaling service (code in server.js) to discover user browsers (ICE,SDP,Offers,Answers) via websockets/libp2p-websockets(can be used as alternative).
- Connection libp2p-js-webrtc (can be used as alternative) / Webrtc on browser.
- RTCPeerconnection sets up peer to peer connection.
- Send data (chat texts,images,files) to other peers via RTCDataChannel
- Sets up mesh network for multiparty peers.
- Ethtereum SMC handles rating system via metamask
- Hosted via fleek on IPFS Utilizing Unstoppable domains
- Pinata for manual meeting code archive (complementing pieces).
- Meeting artifacts on filecoin/ipfs via textile powergate. (A FFS API instance for every peer to be spwaned)
- FFS API is assigned to user via 3Box authentication and store FFS token in 3Box private Profile.
- To run the meeting open cadbury fleek link which will guide you to land page.
- Press Start button and you will be guided to meeting ready page.
- Copy the meeting code to share with other peers who wants to join ,you can set your own custom name too.
- Press Join now,Hola !
- Since IPFS host static website sharing dynamic link will not work,therfore other peers are adviced to enter same meeting room.
- To join meeting go to ,press Start button,Enter your meeting code ,Press Join now,Hola !
- To access your powergate ffs instance api, select file icon.
- Since meetings establishes mesh network,it works bests for less than 6 peers. (for performance and scalability will be handled via our upcoming protocol).
- Sharing links works on static website hosted with our signaling server