The EUDI Wallet Python toolchain is a suite of Python libraries designed to make it easy the implementation of an EUDI Wallet Relying Party according to the Italian Wallet implementation profile.
The toolchain contains the following components:
Name | Description |
jwk | JSON Web Key (JWK) according to RFC7517. |
jwt | Signed and encrypted JSON Web Token (JWT) according to RFC7519, RFC7515 and RFC7516 |
tools.qrcode | QRCodes creation |
oauth2.dpop | Tools for issuing and parsing DPoP artifacts, according to OAuth 2.0 Demonstrating Proof-of-Possession at the Application Layer (DPoP) |
federation | Trust evaluation mechanisms, according to OpenID Connect Federation 1.0 |
trust | Helper classes to handle both X.509 and OIDC Federation trust evaluation mechanisms |
satosa.backend | SATOSA Relying Party backend, according to OpenID for Verifiable Presentations |
openid4vp | Classes and schemas related to OpenID for Verifiable Presentations |
presentation_exchange | Resources related to DiF Presentation Exchange |
sd_jwt | Issuance and verification of SD-JWT according to Selective Disclosure for JWTs (SD-JWT) |
Install enviroment and dependencies
sudo apt install python3-dev python3-pip git
sudo python3 -m pip install --upgrade pip
sudo python3 -m pip install virtualenv
Activate the environment. It's optional and up to you if you want to install in a separate env or system wide
virtualenv -p python3 env
source env/bin/activate
Install using pip:
pip install pyeudiw
or pip install pyeudiw[satosa]
for the satosa backend.
Install using github:
pip install git+
TBD. Here a section that points to the documentation of each single package and some common example about their usage for some specific tasks.
The example project is a docker-compose that runs a demo composed by the following component:
- Wordpress with SAML2 support and Bootstrap Italia template preregistered to the IAM Proxy.
- Satosa-Saml2Spid IAM Proxy with a preconfigured OpenID4VP backend.
Please read this README to get a fully working Wordpress setup with SAML2 support.
SaToSa is a general purpose IAM proxy solution that allows interoperability between different entities that implements different authentication protocols such as SAML2, OpenID Connect and OAuth2. This project offers a SaToSa backend to enable the OpenID4VP protocol.
Please read this README any details about how to configure SaToSa with the OpenID4VP Relying Party backend.
Your contribution is welcome, no question is useless and no answer is obvious, we need you.
Please open an issue if you've found a bug or if you want to ask some features.
Please open your Pull Requests on the dev branch. Please consider the following branches:
- main: where we merge the code before tag a new stable release.
- dev: where we push our code during development.
- other-custom-name: where a new feature/contribution/bugfix will be handled, revisioned and then merged to dev branch.
- Giuseppe De Marco
- Pasquale De Rose
- Alessio Murru
- Salvatore Laiso
- Nicola Saitto