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# 1.0.0 (2025-02-23) ### Bug Fixes * add empty cell check when trying to rotate ([db01fd2](db01fd2)) * allow incrementing several levels at once ([ef1bd42](ef1bd42)) * amend hold key to use literal space ([3754c8a](3754c8a)) * amend offset pause message ([#9](#9)) ([d99f482](d99f482)) * amend out of bounds checks ([2e59a83](2e59a83)) * amend playfield width ([ca50043](ca50043)) * amend tetrimino rotation coordinates ([e86c2f0](e86c2f0)) * amend Tetrimino.CanMoveDown, *.canMoveLeft, *.canMoveRight ([c284c69](c284c69)), closes [#1](#1) * amend Tetrimino.MoveRight to use canMoveRight ([6dcedb2](6dcedb2)) * call update of game during game mode ([6bffcce](6bffcce)) * change clashing quit keybind ([3cc354f](3cc354f)) * display bottom 20 cells of playfield ([d957346](d957346)) * explicitly enable cgo for releases ([84d23d6](84d23d6)) * fall calculations ([16b8808](16b8808)) * game over after hard drop ([24613e3](24613e3)) * get past menu using starter ([141889f](141889f)) * handle nil pointers in Tetrimino.Copy method ([1bb8826](1bb8826)) * hold styles should ensure the hold box height is constant ([e01d4f4](e01d4f4)) * hold UI changing size ([a8316a4](a8316a4)) * increase fall speed with level ([66e12a2](66e12a2)) * init child on mode switch ([a3af993](a3af993)) * invert isCellEmpty ([b230c27](b230c27)) * leaderboard newline issue ([e23fdb0](e23fdb0)) * marathon reference receivers ([e5093ce](e5093ce)) * move fullscreen functionality to starter ([3e1198f](3e1198f)) * only fill bag when it has space for a complete set of Tetriminos ([16253bb](16253bb)) * refill bag when there is room ([a43ec48](a43ec48)) * remove CGO disabled in releases ([96bd924](96bd924)) * remove debugging log ([23d48e5](23d48e5)) * reset hold tetrimino ([643d0de](643d0de)) * restrict max level ([82d77cf](82d77cf)) * rotate counter clockwise was going clockwise ([edb7974](edb7974)) * soft drop bugs ([Broderick-Westrope#38]( ([c2d38a9](c2d38a9)) * Tetrimino.Copy was not correctly copying cells or rotation coords ([8982360](8982360)) * update fall stopwatch interval on tick; bug when adding ghost at skyline ([4acf7f1](4acf7f1)) * update position & current rotation index after tet rotation ([bb32cf7](bb32cf7)) ### Features * add 7-bag generation ([b825f2b](b825f2b)) * add action switch for correct scoring ([e233635](e233635)) * add bag view ([e9eb429](e9eb429)) * add bounds checks to Matrix.RemoveTetrimino & Matrix.AddTetrimino ([51f359a](51f359a)) * add clockwise rotation ([c9df9a6](c9df9a6)) * add column indicator style ([4e88366](4e88366)) * add config features ([ba55b87](ba55b87)) * add config for keymap ([0205406](0205406)) * add config to model; use config for styling ([d79f990](d79f990)) * add config.toml parsing ([d47b3df](d47b3df)) * add counter-clockwise rotation ([2a77990](2a77990)) * add error wrapping to tetrimino methods ([3d9dc76](3d9dc76)) * add flags for config & database file path ([92d04cd](92d04cd)) * add fullscreen flag & functionality ([f56322c](f56322c)) * add game over checks ([28bd21a](28bd21a)) * add ghost style ([92e2a3c](92e2a3c)) * add ghost tet ([1020f15](1020f15)) * add hard fall ([ed4d066](ed4d066)) * add hold & information views ([2add0e8](2add0e8)) * add holding; move lowering tet to dedicated method ([8f350e3](8f350e3)) * add level; calculate fall speeds using level ([e0257d4](e0257d4)) * add menu ([9d13513](9d13513)) * add menu name input for leaderboard ([daac958](daac958)) * add moving sideways ([8030378](8030378)) * add option component type ([e07fca8](e07fca8)) * add pause; add points for soft & hard drops ([9919359](9919359)) * add play timer ([81dd7cc](81dd7cc)) * add Playfield.NewTetrimino method ([23ed6c6](23ed6c6)) * add remainder of key map ([6201eb0](6201eb0)) * add row indicator to view ([3b940fe](3b940fe)) * add scoring type & scoring switch ([452b301](452b301)) * add Scoring.AddSoftDrop & Socring.AddHardDrop methods ([549d23b](549d23b)) * add soft drop toggling ([275ec5a](275ec5a)) * add startingPositions global variable; remove unused parameter from method ([9cd7518](9cd7518)) * add super rotation system (SRS) ([5a35dd4](5a35dd4)) * add tetrimino styles; render tetriminos ([8781374](8781374)) * add tetrimino type & methods ([541c367](541c367)) * add Tetrimino.Copy method ([5278fe8](5278fe8)) * auto select new leaderboard entry ([92c28c8](92c28c8)) * connect config game ends on max level ([7ad5629](7ad5629)) * connect config max level ([ea02e7c](ea02e7c)) * define program style; define key map ([0aa4006](0aa4006)) * feature/add-release-cofig ([464f02d](464f02d)) * feature/add-release-cofig ([176f7be](176f7be)) * feature/add-release-cofig ([a9b121c](a9b121c)) * fix/fix-readme ([d7b1cfe](d7b1cfe)) * get config in main; store config in starter; connect ghostEnabled config ([acd470d](acd470d)) * get hpicker working ([4ddfc73](4ddfc73)) * handle zero divisor in positiveMod ([dba2297](dba2297)) * implement sprint game mode ([Broderick-Westrope#11]( ([f59b998](f59b998)) * implement ultra game mode ([Broderick-Westrope#10]( ([0b78a5a](0b78a5a)) * initialise module; add program model ([e76c022](e76c022)) * main ([a4b08c3](a4b08c3)) * main ([c00b906](c00b906)) * move actions to type safe enums ([b05e160](b05e160)) * move to using rotation compass ([9dd1bca](9dd1bca)) * only add tet to matrix when no longer in play ([ad5fab5](ad5fab5)) * overlay paused & game over messages ([36c5ee5](36c5ee5)) * process scores for leaderboard ([3a89c7c](3a89c7c)) * quit on game over ([5e13bc7](5e13bc7)) * refactor project ([Broderick-Westrope#22]( ([c270928](c270928)) * remove game over stopwatch; add overlay message for pause & game over ([fdf6f6e](fdf6f6e)) * remove line on completion ([47ff36d](47ff36d)) * render column indicators & tetrimino ghost ([6c46a17](6c46a17)) * render help component ([83bc52b](83bc52b)) * return to menu from the leaderboard; show leaderboard help ([#5](#5)) ([91d2c34](91d2c34)) * save new leaderboard entry on game over ([a0fbd00](a0fbd00)) * set score rank on DB get ([9ba24ae](9ba24ae)) * set score rank on DB get ([0c73ec6](0c73ec6)) * show first row right away; reset fall timer after hard drop ([8163b03](8163b03)) * show leaderboard on game over ([706b986](706b986)) * start with random tetrimino; add timed falling ([9a48a79](9a48a79)) * use a shared set of keys for all models ([4b0f440](4b0f440)) * use alecthomas/kong to add marathon subcommand to CLI ([42bc75c](42bc75c)) * use XDG for config ([Broderick-Westrope#24]( ([fa956f6](fa956f6)) * use XDG specification ([Broderick-Westrope#23]( ([28565ce](28565ce))
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