Method for detecting sleep spindles using GUI in EEGlab for MATLAB
These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes.
Mac, PC and Linux compatible.
Designed for use with EEGlab 2019_1 on Matlab R2019a.
For use on continuous eeglab datasets (*.set).
Requires sleep scoring and movement artifacts to be included in EEG.event structure.
Simply unzip and copy 'detect_spindles_plugin' to '~/eeglab/plugins/'
There are two options:
- using the eeglab interface:
- at the matlab command prompt, add eeglab root directory to the path and launch eeglab
- load an eeglab dataset
- navigate to Tools>Detect Spindles>Detect Spindles>
- Customize and run 'detect_spindles_batch.m' to process multiple datasets.
Stephane Sockeel, PhD, University of Montreal
Stuart Fogel, PhD, University of Ottawa
[email protected]
Copyright (C) Stuart Fogel & Stephane Sockeel, 2016, 2020.
See the GNU General Public License for more details.
Thanks to support from Julien Doyon and input from Arnaud Bore.
Ray, L.B., Sockeel, S., Soon, M., Bore, A., Myhr, A., Stojanoski, B., Cusack, R., Owen, A.M., Doyon, J., Fogel, S., 2015. Expert and crowd-sourced validation of an individualized sleep spindle detection method employing complex demodulation and individualized normalization. Front. Hum. Neurosci. 9.
doi: 10.3389/fnhum.2015.00507