Sample code used to demonstrate AWS serverless capabilities
Create a personal github access token with the following scopes:
. (It will be used by the CICD pipeline to pull changes from your fork) -
Push token to secrets manager
aws secretsmanager create-secret --name GITHUB_TOKEN --secret-string <YOUR_GITHUB_PERSONAL_ACCESS_TOKEN>
Eventually install yarn
Clone the repository
git clone <URL_OF_THE_REPO>
Configure the demonstration
in the file serverless-todo-api/bin/cdk.ts , change the ownerName to your Github ownerName
in the file serverless-todo-api/bin/cdk.ts , change the domainName to your the domain Name of your choice (this domain name shall be unique and available)
in the file serverless-todo-api/lib/pipeline-stack.ts, change the domainName to the domain Name of your choice (this domain name shall be unique and available)
Commit and push your changes
Install dependencies
make bootstrap
build CDK package
make build
make deploy
set the environment variable TODO_API_ENDPOINT to the endpoint of your API Gateway
for example:
export TODO_API_ENDPOINT=$(aws cloudformation describe-stacks --stack-name ServerlessTodoApi-Dev-ServerlessTodoApi-Infra --query "Stacks[0].Outputs[?OutputKey=='todoApiEndpoint6114C0A4'].OutputValue" --output text))
set the environment variable AWS_REGION to the region where you deployed the demonstration
for example
export AWS_REGION=eu-west-1
then run the stress tests
make stress