Freezer is an incremental backup command-line tool for Amazon Glacier (à la git).
Amazon Glacier is one of the cheapest solution for backup files (~$1 for 100GB/month), but Amazon doesn't provide an incremental backup tool. This is why I created this one.
$ sbt assembly
It generates a big jar file in the target directory
Go to Amazon AWS website and create an account, then save your
credentials to a property file.
The default location freezer use is ~/.aws.glacier.credentials
$ mkdir myproject
$ cd myproject
$ ... create files ...
$ fz init
VaultName [myproject]: <return>
Credential location [/Users/username/.aws.glacier.credentials]: <return>
Endpoint []: <return>
Exclusions (comma separated) []: \.git.*,.DS_Store
This will create a subdirectory .freezer
with metadata files.
$ fz backup
Uploading new file: toto.txt
Uploading new file: src/toto/
Uploading new file: src/toto/
The backup is incremental, only the new/modified/deleted files will be updated
$ fz backup
Updating modified file: src/toto/
Removing deleted file: toto.txt
$ fz backup
Everything up-to-date.
$ fz inventory
Inventory in progress (JobID: 'axx9MARjzksM6cG0QAbPsPLQlcah5M')
Amazon Glacier usually takes about 4 hours to complete an inventory, so be patient.
$ fz inventory
Restoring a backup happens in two steps. The first one is requesting and retreiving an inventory (this usually takes a few hours), the second step is requesting an archive retrieval for every file in the inventory (this also takes a few hours).
$ fz restore myproject
Inventory in progress (JobID: 'axx9MARjzksM6cG0QAbPsPLQlcah5M')
$ fz restore myproject
Requesting download for: 'src/toto/'
Requesting download for: 'src/toto/'
$ fz restore myproject
Server still preparing: 'src/toto/'
Server still preparing: 'src/toto/'
You didn't wait long enough, what about now?
$ fz restore myproject
Downloading 'src/toto/'
Downloading 'src/toto/'