A web application and command-line tool that validates digital twin data files against a data schema's rule sets.
- Installation
- Usage
- Web Interface
- Command Line Interface
- Schema and Data Format
- Validation Process
- Logging
- Testing
- License
- Ensure you have Python 3.x installed
- Clone this repository
- Install the required dependencies:
pip install -r requirements.txt
Start the web application:
python app.py
Then navigate to http://localhost:5000
in your browser. The web interface allows you to:
- Upload schema and data files
- View real-time validation progress
- See validation results with color-coded messages
- Download validation reports
Run the validator script directly:
python main.py path/to/schema.json path/to/data.json
"version": "1.0",
"release_date": "2024-03-20",
"commentary": "Schema description",
"tables": [
"uuid": "table-uuid",
"name": "TableName",
"description": "Table description",
"type": "entity",
"pos_x": "0",
"pos_y": "0",
"columns": [
"uuid": "column-uuid",
"name": "column_name",
"description": "Column description",
"type": "column-type-uuid",
"relationship": null,
"properties": [
"type": "property-type-uuid",
"value": "property-value"
"table_types": [...],
"column_types": [...],
"relationship_types": [...],
"property_types": [...]
"TableName": [
"column_name": "value",
"another_column": "another_value"
The validator performs these checks in sequence:
Schema Structure Validation
- Verifies required keys and correct data types
- Validates nested structures and relationships
Data Structure Validation
- Ensures proper JSON formatting
- Validates basic data structure requirements
Table Name Validation
- Checks if data tables exist in schema
- Reports missing or extra tables
Column Name Validation
- Verifies column names against schema
- Reports undefined or missing columns
Column Type Validation
- Validates data types of values
- Attempts type conversion where possible
Foreign Key Validation
- Checks relationship integrity
- Validates referenced data exists
Property Validation
- Validates regex patterns
- Checks nullable constraints
- Verifies numeric bounds (min/max)
Messages are categorized into four levels:
- Structural Errors: Fatal issues in basic structure
- Errors: Validation failures that need attention
- Warnings: Potential issues to review
- Info: Informational messages
Run the test suite:
python -m unittest discover tests
Test scenarios cover:
- Schema validation
- Data validation
- Table validation
- Column validation
- Type validation
- Foreign key validation
- Property validation
Validation Type | Scenario | Structural Error |
Error | Warning | Info | Example/Explanation |
Schema Structure | Missing required key | ✓ | "Schema is missing required key: 'tables'" - Schema must contain all required top-level keys | |||
Invalid data type | ✓ | "'tables' should be a list in the schema" - Schema elements must be of correct type | ||||
Data Structure | Invalid JSON format | ✓ | "Data must be a dictionary" - Data file must be valid JSON object | |||
Invalid object format | ✓ | "Each object in class 'User' should be a dictionary" - Table entries must be objects | ||||
Table Names | Table in data missing from schema | ✓ | "The Class 'User' is not found in schema" - Data contains table not defined in schema | |||
Table in schema missing from data | ✓ | "The Class 'User' is not found in data" - Optional table defined in schema but not in data | ||||
Column Names | Column in data missing from schema | ✓ | "The attribute User.email is not a valid column" - Data contains undefined column | |||
Column in schema missing from data | ✓ | "User.email not found in data" - Optional column not present in data | ||||
Column Types | Invalid type, not convertible | ✓ | "Value 'abc' cannot be converted to INT type" - String in numeric field | |||
Array type conversion | ✓ | "Value '[1,2,3]' was converted to Array(INT)" - Valid array conversion | ||||
Other type conversion | ✓ | "Value '123' was converted from STRING to INT" - Automatic type conversion | ||||
Foreign Keys | Referenced table missing | ✓ | "Related table 'Department' not found for foreign key 'dept_id'" - Missing referenced table | |||
Referenced value missing | ✓ | "User.dept_id with value 5 not related to any Department.id" - Invalid reference | ||||
Properties | Invalid regex pattern | ✓ | "email 'invalid-email' against property regex" - Email doesn't match pattern | |||
Non-nullable field is null | ✓ | "name with value None against property nullable with condition false" - Required field is null | ||||
Value below minimum | ✓ | "age with value 15 against property NoLessThan with condition 18" - Age below minimum | ||||
Value above maximum | ✓ | "score with value 105 against property NoGreaterThan with condition 100" - Score exceeds maximum |
Message Types:
- Structural Error: Fatal issues that prevent further validation
- Error: Validation failures that must be fixed
- Warning: Potential issues that should be reviewed
- Info: Informational messages about optional elements
This project is licensed under the Apache License 2.0. See the LICENSE file for details.