go get -u go.stellar.af/go-sfdc
The following environment variables must be set (and valid) for tests to run.
Key | Description |
Connected App OAuth2 Client ID (Consumer Key) |
Connected App OAuth2 Client Secret (Consumer Secret) |
AES-256 key for encrypting cache values |
Salesforce Authentication URL |
JSON string of test data, see below |
The following values are used in unit tests to fetch and validate data through the go-sfdc
client methods.
Key | Description |
accountId |
ID of pre-existing Account object |
userId |
ID of pre-existing User account |
groupId |
ID of pre-existing group (Queue) |
accountName |
Name of Account used in the accountId field |
contactId |
ID of pre-existing contact that is associated with the Account used in the accountId field |
accountCustomFieldKey |
Field name of a custom field on the Account object |
caseCustomFieldKey |
Field name of a custom field on the Case object |
userEmail |
Email address of the User used in the userId field |
serviceContractId |
ID of pre-existing Service Contract object |
leadId |
ID of pre-existing Lead object |
picklistField |
API Name of pre-existing Picklist. Cannot be a managed Picklist. |
picklistObject |
API Name of pre-existing object that contains the Picklist referenced in picklistField . |
"accountId": "001A000001abcde123",
"userId": "005A000001xyz7890",
"groupId": "00G1A00000abcdef12",
"accountName": "Acme Corp, Inc.",
"contactId": "003A000001pqrst456",
"accountCustomFieldKey": "go_sfdc_Test_Field__c",
"caseCustomFieldKey": "go_sfdc_Test_Field__c",
"userEmail": "[email protected]",
"serviceContractId": "0SCA00000lmnop789"