Transfers the backups to a remote rsync server.
Download and place files in rsync_backups
directory in addons
of Home Assistant.
Files from this repository should be in the [homeassistant]/addons/rsync_backups
This section describes each of the add-on configuration options.
Example add-on configuration:
"server": "rsync-server",
"port": 22,
"directory": "~/hassio-backups",
"username": "user",
"password": "password",
"auto_purge": 0
Server host or IP, e.g. localhost
Server ssh port, e.g. 22
Directoryon the server for backups, e.g. ~/hassio-backups
Server ssh user, e.g. root
Server ssh password, e.g. password
The number of recent backups keep in Home Assistant, e.g. "5". Set to "0" to disable automatic deletion of backups.
Run addon in the automation, example automation below:
- alias: 'hassio_daily_backup'
platform: 'time'
at: '3:00:00'
- service: 'hassio.snapshot_full'
name: "Automated Backup {{ now().strftime('%Y-%m-%d') }}"
password: !secret hassio_snapshot_password
# wait for snapshot done, then sync snapshots
- delay: '00:10:00'
- service: 'hassio.addon_start'
addon: 'local_rsync_backups'