STC is a comprehensive, high performance, typesafe and generic general purpose container and algorithms library for C99 with excellent ergonomics and ease of use.
Version 5 NEWS
- Added build system/CI with Meson. Makefile provided as well.
- Added support for extending templated containers by
#define i_aux { ... }
. - Changed ranged for-loop macros to use more natural C-syntax (v5.0.2)
- Added sum type (tagged union), included via
- Added single/multi-dimensional generic span type, with numpy-like slicing.
- Updated coroutines support with structured concurrency and symmetric coroutines.
- Updated coroutines support with proper error handling and error recovery.
- Template parameter
lets you define container type plusi_key
) all in one line. - Template parameters
to specify types with_drop()
functions defined. - Template parameters
to specifycstr
types (users may also define pro-types). - hmap now uses Robin Hood hashing (very fast on clang compiler).
- Several new algorithms added, e.g.
. - A lot of improvements and bug fixes.
See also version history for breaking changes in V5.0.
Reasons why you may want to you use STC
- A wide set of high performance, generic/templated typesafe container types, including smart pointers and bitsets.
- String type with utf8 support and short string optimization (sso), plus two string-view types.
- Typesafe and ergonomic sum type implementation, aka. tagged union or variant.
- A coroutine implementation with good ergonomics, error handling/recovery and cleanup support.
- Fast, modern regular expressions with full utf8 and a subset of unicode character classes support.
- Ranges algorithms like iota and filter views like take, skip, take-while, skip-while, map.
- Generic algorithms, iterators and loop abstactions. Blazing fast sort, binary search and lower bound.
- Single/multi-dimensional generic span view with arbitrary array dimensions and numpy array-like slicing.
- Abstractions for raw loops, ranged iteration over containers, and generic ranges algorithms. All this reduces the chance of creating bugs, as user code with raw loops and ad-hoc implementation of common algorithms and containers is minimized/eliminated.
- STC is inherently type safe. Essentially, there are no opaque pointers or casting away of type information.
Only where neccesary, generic code will use some macros to do compile-time type-checking before types are casted.
Examples are
and macros for safe integer type casting. - Containers and algorithms all use signed integers for indices and sizes, and it encourange to use signed integers for quantities in general (unsigned integers have valid usages as bitsets and in bit operations). This could remove a wide range of bugs related to mixed unsigned-signed calculations and comparisons, which intuitively gives the wrong answer in many cases.
- Tagged unions in C are common, but normally unsafely implemented. Traditionally, it leaves the inactive payload data readily accesible to user code, and there is no general way to ensure that the payload is assigned along with the tag, or that they match. STC sum type is a typesafe version of tagged unions which eliminates all those safety concerns.
- arc - (atomic) reference counted shared pointer`
- box - heap allocated unique pointer`
- cbits - dynamic bitset
- list - forward linked list
- stack - stack type
- vec - vector type
- deque - double-ended queue
- queue - queue type
- pqueue - priority queue
- hmap - hashmap (unordered)
- hset - hashset (unordered)
- smap - sorted binary tree map
- sset - sorted binary tree set
- cstr - string type (short string optimized)
- csview - string view (non-zero terminated)
- zsview - zero-terminated string view
- cspan - single and multidimensional span (view)
- Ranged for-loop control blocks
- Generic algorithms
- Sum types - a.k.a. variants or tagged unions
- Coroutines - ergonomic portable coroutines
- Regular expressions - Rob Pike's Plan 9 regexp modernized!
- Random numbers - a very fast PRNG based on SFC64
- Command line argument parser - similar to getopt()
- Minimal boilerplate code - Specify only the required template parameters, and leave the rest as defaults.
- Fully type safe - Because of templating, it avoids error-prone casting of container types and elements back and forth from the containers.
- High performance - Unordered maps and sets, queues and deques are significantly faster than the C++ STL containers, the remaining are similar or close to STL in speed (See graph below).
- Fully memory managed - Containers destructs keys/values via default or user supplied drop function. They may be cloned if element types are clonable. Smart pointers (shared and unique) works seamlessly when stored in containers. See arc and box.
- Uniform, easy-to-learn API - For the generic containers and algorithms, simply include the headers. The API and functionality resembles c++ STL or Rust and is fully listed in the docs. Uniform usage across the various containers.
- No signed/unsigned mixing - Unsigned sizes and indices mixed with signed for comparison and calculation is asking for trouble. STC only uses signed numbers in the API for this reason.
- Small footprint - Small source code and generated executables.
- Dual mode compilation - By default it is a header-only library with inline and static methods, but you can easily switch to create a shared library without changing existing source files. Non-generic types, like (utf8) strings are compiled with external linking. one See the installation section.
- No callback functions - All passed template argument functions/macros are directly called from the implementation, no slow callbacks which requires storage.
- Compiles with C++ and C99 - C code can be compiled with C++ (container element types must be POD).
- Pre-declaration - Templated containers may be pre-declared without including the full API/implementation.
- Extendable containers - STC provides a mechanism to wrap containers inside a struct with custom data per instance.
STC uses meson build system. Make sure to have meson and ninja installed, e.g. as a python pip package from a bash shell:
pip install meson ninja
export LIBRARY_PATH=$LIBRARY_PATH:~/.local/lib
export CPATH=$CPATH:~/.local/include
export CC=gcc
To create a build folder and to set the install folder to e.g. ~/.local:
meson setup --buildtype debug build --prefix ~/.local
cd build
ninja install
STC is mixed "headers-only" / traditional library, i.e the templated container headers (and the sort/lower_bound algorithms) can simply be included - they have no library dependencies. By default, all templated functions are static (many inlined). This is often optimal for both performance and compiled binary size. However, for frequently used container type instances (more than 2-3 TUs), consider creating a separate header file for them, e.g.:
// intvec.h
#ifndef INTVEC_H_
#define INTVEC_H_
#define i_header // header definitions only
#define i_type intvec, int
#include "stc/vec.h"
So anyone may use the shared vec-type. Implement the shared functions in one C file (if several containers are shared, you may define STC_IMPLEMENT on top of the file once instead):
// shared.c
#define i_implement // implement the shared intvec.
#include "intvec.h"
The non-templated types cstr, csview, cregex, cspan and random, are built as a library (libstc), and is using the meson build system. However, the most common functions in csview and random are inlined. The bitset cbits, the zero-terminated string view zsview and algorthm are all fully inlined and need no linking with the stc-library.
STC containers have similar functionality to the C++ STL standard containers. All containers except for a few, like cstr and cbits are generic/templated. No type casting is used, so containers are type-safe like templated types in C++. To specify template parameters with STC, you define them as macros prior to including the container, e.g.
#define i_type Floats, float // Container type (name, element type)
#include "stc/vec.h" // "instantiate" the desired container type
#include <stdio.h>
int main(void)
Floats nums = {0};
Floats_push(&nums, 30.f);
Floats_push(&nums, 10.f);
Floats_push(&nums, 20.f);
for (int i = 0; i < Floats_size(&nums); ++i)
printf(" %g",[i]);
for (c_each(i, Floats, nums)) // Alternative and recommended way to iterate.
printf(" %g", *i.ref); // i.ref is a pointer to the current element.
Floats_drop(&nums); // cleanup memory
Switching to a different container type, e.g. a sorted set (sset):
[ Run this code ]
#define i_type Floats, float
#include "stc/sset.h" // Use a sorted set instead
#include <stdio.h>
int main(void)
Floats nums = {0};
Floats_push(&nums, 30.f);
Floats_push(&nums, 10.f);
Floats_push(&nums, 20.f);
// print the numbers (sorted)
for (c_each(i, Floats, nums))
printf(" %g", *i.ref);
For associative containers and priority queues (hmap, hset, smap, sset, pqueue), comparison/lookup functions
are assumed to be defined. I.e. if they are not specified with template parameters, it assumes default
comparison operators works. To enable search/sort for the remaining containers (stack, vec, queue, deque),
define i_cmp
or i_eq
and/or i_less
for the element type. If the element type is an integral type,
just define i_use_cmp
(will use ==
and <
operators for comparisons).
If an element destructor i_keydrop
is defined, i_keyclone
function is required.
Alternatively #define i_opt c_no_clone
to disable container cloning.
Let's make a vector of vectors, which can be cloned. All of its element vectors will be destroyed when destroying the Vec2D.
[ Run this code ]
#include <stdio.h>
#include "stc/algorithm.h"
#define i_type Vec, float
#define i_use_cmp // enable default ==, < and hash operations
#include "stc/vec.h"
#define i_type Vec2D
#define i_keyclass Vec // Use i_keyclass when key type has "members" _clone() and _drop().
#define i_use_eq // vec does not have _cmp(), but it has _eq()
#include "stc/vec.h"
int main(void)
Vec* v;
Vec2D vec_a = {0}; // All containers in STC can be initialized with {0}.
v = Vec2D_push(&vec_a, Vec_init()); // push() returns a pointer to the new element in vec.
Vec_push(v, 10.f);
Vec_push(v, 20.f);
v = Vec2D_push(&vec_a, Vec_init());
Vec_push(v, 30.f);
Vec_push(v, 40.f);
Vec2D vec_b = c_make(Vec2D, {
c_make(Vec, {10.f, 20.f}),
c_make(Vec, {30.f, 40.f}),
printf("vec_a == vec_b is %s.\n", Vec2D_eq(&vec_a, &vec_b) ? "true":"false");
Vec2D clone = Vec2D_clone(vec_a); // Make a deep-copy of vec
for (c_each(i, Vec2D, clone)) // Loop through the cloned vector
for (c_each(j, Vec, *i.ref))
printf(" %g", *j.ref);
c_drop(Vec2D, &vec_a, &vec_b, &clone); // Free all 9 vectors.
This example uses four different container types:
[ Run this code ]
#include <stdio.h>
#define i_type hset_int, int
#include "stc/hset.h" // unordered/hash set (assume i_key is basic type, uses `==` operator)
struct Point { float x, y; };
// Define cvec_pnt and enable linear search by defining i_eq
#define i_type vec_pnt, struct Point
#define i_eq(a, b) (a->x == b->x && a->y == b->y)
#include "stc/vec.h" // vector of struct Point
#define i_type list_int, int
#define i_use_cmp // enable sort/search. Use native `<` and `==` operators
#include "stc/list.h" // singly linked list
#define i_type smap_int, int, int
#include "stc/smap.h" // sorted map int => int
int main(void)
// Define four empty containers
hset_int set = {0};
vec_pnt vec = {0};
list_int lst = {0};
smap_int map = {0};
c_defer( // Drop the containers at scope exit
enum{N = 5};
int nums[N] = {10, 20, 30, 40, 50};
struct Point pts[N] = {{10, 1}, {20, 2}, {30, 3}, {40, 4}, {50, 5}};
int pairs[N][2] = {{20, 2}, {10, 1}, {30, 3}, {40, 4}, {50, 5}};
// Add some elements to each container
for (int i = 0; i < N; ++i) {
hset_int_insert(&set, nums[i]);
vec_pnt_push(&vec, pts[i]);
list_int_push_back(&lst, nums[i]);
smap_int_insert(&map, pairs[i][0], pairs[i][1]);
// Find an element in each container
hset_int_iter i1 = hset_int_find(&set, 20);
vec_pnt_iter i2 = vec_pnt_find(&vec, (struct Point){20, 2});
list_int_iter i3 = list_int_find(&lst, 20);
smap_int_iter i4 = smap_int_find(&map, 20);
printf("\nFound: %d, (%g, %g), %d, [%d: %d]\n",
*i1.ref, i2.ref->x, i2.ref->y, *i3.ref,
i4.ref->first, i4.ref->second);
// Erase all the elements found
hset_int_erase_at(&set, i1);
vec_pnt_erase_at(&vec, i2);
list_int_erase_at(&lst, i3);
smap_int_erase_at(&map, i4);
printf("After erasing the elements found:");
printf("\n set:");
for (c_each(i, hset_int, set))
printf(" %d", *i.ref);
printf("\n vec:");
for (c_each(i, vec_pnt, vec))
printf(" (%g, %g)", i.ref->x, i.ref->y);
printf("\n lst:");
for (c_each(i, list_int, lst))
printf(" %d", *i.ref);
printf("\n map:");
for (c_each(i, smap_int, map))
printf(" [%d: %d]", i.ref->first, i.ref->second);
STC is a fast and memory efficient library, and code compiles fast:
Benchmark notes:
- The barchart shows average test times over three compilers: Mingw64 13.1.0, Win-Clang 16.0.5, VC-19-36. CPU: Ryzen 7 5700X.
- Containers uses value types
and pairs ofuint64_t
for the maps. - Black bars indicates performance variation between various platforms/compilers.
- Iterations and access are repeated 4 times over n elements.
- access: no entryfor forward_list, deque, and vector because these c++ containers does not have native find().
- deque: insert: n/3 push_front(), n/3 push_back()+pop_front(), n/3 push_back().
- map and unordered map: insert: n/2 random numbers, n/2 sequential numbers. erase: n/2 keys in the map, n/2 random keys.
Some unique features of STC
- Centralized analysis of template parameters. The analyser assigns values to all
non-specified template parameters using meta-programming. You may specify a set of "standard"
template parameters for each container, but as a minimum only one is required:
for maps). In this case, STC assumes that the elements are of basic types. For non-trivial types, additional template parameters must be given. - Alternative lookup and insert type. Specify an alternative type to use for
lookup in containers. E.g., containers with STC string elements (cstr) uses
const char*
as lookup type. Therefore it is not needed to construct (or destroy) acstr
in order to lookup a cstr object. Also, one may pass a c-string literal to one of the emplace-functions to implicitly insert a cstr object, i.e.vec_cstr_emplace(&vec, "Hello")
as an alternative tovec_cstr_push(&vec, cstr_from("Hello"))
. - Standardized container iterators. All containers can be iterated in the same manner, and all use the same element access syntax. The following works for single-element type containers, e.g a linked list:
#define i_type MyInts, int
#include "stc/list.h"
MyInts ints = c_make(MyInts, {3, 5, 9, 7, 2});
for (c_each(it, MyInts, ints)) *it.ref += 42;
Naming rules
Naming conventions
- Non-templated container names are prefixed by
, e.g.cstr
. - Public STC macros and "keywords" are prefixed by
, e.g.c_each
. - Template parameter macros are prefixed by
, e.g.i_key
. - All owning containers can be initialized with
), i.e. no heap allocation initially.
- Non-templated container names are prefixed by
Common types defined for any container type Cnt:
- Cnt
- Cnt_value
- Cnt_raw
- Cnt_iter
Functions defined for most container types:
- Cnt_init() -> Cnt
- Cnt_with_capacity(isize capacity) -> Cnt
- Cnt_from_n(Cnt_value[], isize n) -> Cnt
- Cnt_reserve(Cnt*, isize capacity)
- Cnt_move(Cnt*) -> Cnt
- Cnt_take(Cnt*, Cnt unowned)
- Cnt_copy(Cnt*, Cnt other)
- Cnt_clone(Cnt other) -> Cnt
- Cnt_drop(Cnt*)
- Cnt_value_drop(Cnt_value*)
- Cnt_value_toraw(Cnt_value*) -> Cnt_raw
- Cnt_capacity(Cnt*) -> isize
- Cnt_size(Cnt*) -> isize
- Cnt_is_empty(Cnt*) -> bool
- Cnt_put_n(Cnt*, Cnt_value[], isize n)
- Cnt_push(Cnt*, Cnt_value)
- Cnt_emplace(Cnt*, Cnt_raw)
- Cnt_erase_at(Cnt*, Cnt_iter)
- Cnt_at(Cnt*, isize index OR Cnt_raw) -> Cnt_value*
- Cnt_find(Cnt*, Cnt_raw) -> Cnt_iter
- Cnt_front(Cnt*) -> Cnt_value*
- Cnt_back(Cnt*) -> Cnt_value*
- Cnt_begin(Cnt*) -> Cnt_iter
- Cnt_end(Cnt*) -> Cnt_iter
- Cnt_next(Cnt_iter*)
- Cnt_advance(Cnt_iter, isize n) -> Cnt_iter
Defining template parameters
The container template parameters are specified with a #define i_xxxx
statement. Only i_key
strictly required. Each templated type instantiation requires an #include
statement, even if the
same container base type was included earlier. Possible template parameters are:
CntType - Custom container type name.i_type
CntType, KeyType[, ValType] is a shorthand for defining i_type, i_key (and i_val) individually, as described below. NB! Do not use "pro"-types as KeyType/ValType, i.e. cstr, arc and box types.i_key
KeyType - Element type.i_val
MappedType - Element type. [required] for hmap and smap containers.i_cmp
Func - Three-way comparison of two i_keyraw elements, given as pointers.i_less
Func - Comparison of two i_keyraw elements - alternative to specifying i_cmp.i_eq
Func - Equality comparison of two i_keyraw - defaults to !i_cmp(x,y). Companion with i_hash.i_hash
Func - Hash function taking a i_keyraw pointer - defaults to c_default_hash. [required] for hmap and hset unless i_keyraw is an integral type (or a struct with no padding space).
Func - Destroy key - defaults to empty destructor.i_keyclone
Func - [required if] i_keydrop is defined (exception for arc, as it shares).- Advanced, convertion between an alternative input type:
RawType - Lookup "raw" type. Defaults to i_key.i_keyfrom
Func - Convertion func from a i_keyraw to return a i_key type.i_keytoraw
Func - Convertion func from a i_key pointer to a i_keyraw type. [required] if i_keyraw was defined. By default, it returns the dereferenced i_key value.
- These are analogues to the Key parameters, i.e.
, etc.
The following meta-template parameters can be specified instead of i_key, i_val, and i_keyraw. These parameters make types into "classes" in the sense that they bind associated function names to the basic template parameters described above. This reduces boiler-plate code and simplifies the management of non-trivial container elements. Note that many basic template parameters will be defined when defining the following parameters, but the user may override those when needed. E.g. by defining the template parameters directly as macro functions or with macros that refer to the C function names.
RawType - Defines i_keyraw and binds i_cmp, i_eq, and i_hash to RawType_cmp(), RawType_eq(), and RawType_hash() functions/macro names.- If neither i_key nor i_keyclass are defined, i_key is defined as RawType.
- Useful for containers of views (like csview).
KeyType- Defines i_key and binds i_keyclone, i_keydrop to KeyType_clone() and KeyType_drop() function/macro names.
- If
is also specified, i_keyfrom, i_keytoraw are bound to KeyType_from() and KeyType_toraw() functions. - Use with container of containers, or in general when the element type has _clone() and _drop() "member" functions.
KeyType - Use with "pro"-element types, i.e. library types like cstr, box and arc. It combines all the i_keyclass and i_rawclass properties. Defining i_keypro is like defining- i_rawclass KeyType_raw.
- i_keyclass KeyType
- I.e.
will all be defined/bound.
MappedType - Analogous to the i_keyclass except for comparison and hash funcs.i_valpro
MappedType - Comparison functions are not relevant for the mapped type, so this defines- i_valraw MappedType_raw (used by emplace and c_make functions only)
- i_valclass MappedType
- I.e.
will all be defined/bound.
Option flags:
Flags - Boolean properties: may combine c_no_clone, c_no_atomic, c_declared, c_static, c_header with the|
- Define
ori_opt c_no_clone | c_... | ...
to disable clone functionality. - If i_keyraw and i_keyfrom are defined, the emplace-functions are enabled. The _cmp(), _less(), _eq(), and _hash() functions takes pointers to parameter type i_keyraw.
- Specify
instead of the comparison parameters to enable searching / sorting for integral i_keyraw types, or when comparison functions are implicitly bound via meta-template parameters.
Specifying comparison parameters
The table below shows the template parameters which must be defined to support element search/lookup and sort for various container type instantiations.
For the containers marked optional, the features are disabled if the template parameter(s) are not defined. Note that the (integral type) columns also applies to "special" key-types, specified with i_keyclass
(so not only for true integral types like int
or float
Container | search (integral type) | sort (integral type) | | | search (struct elem) | sort (struct elem) | optional |
vec, deque, list | i_use_cmp |
i_use_cmp |
i_eq |
i_cmp / i_less |
yes | |
stack | n/a | i_use_cmp |
n/a | i_cmp / i_less |
yes | |
box, arc | i_use_cmp |
i_use_cmp |
i_eq + i_hash |
i_cmp / i_less |
yes | |
hmap, hset | n/a | i_eq + i_hash |
n/a | no | ||
smap, sset | i_cmp / i_less |
i_cmp / i_less |
no | |||
pqueue | n/a | n/a | i_cmp / i_less |
no | ||
queue | n/a | n/a | n/a | n/a | n/a |
The emplace methods
STC, like c++ STL, has two sets of methods for adding elements to containers. One set begins with emplace, e.g. vec_X_emplace_back(). This is an ergonimic alternative to vec_X_push_back() when dealing non-trivial container elements, e.g. strings, shared pointers or other elements using dynamic memory or shared resources.
The emplace methods constructs / clones the given element when they are added to the container. In contrast, the non-emplace methods moves the element into the container.
Note: For containers with integral/trivial element types, or when neither i_keyraw/i_valraw
is defined,
the emplace functions are not available (or needed), as it can easier lead to mistakes.
non-emplace: Move | emplace: Embedded copy | Container |
insert(), push() | emplace() | hmap, smap, hset, sset |
insert_or_assign() | emplace_or_assign() | hmap, smap |
push() | emplace() | queue, pqueue, stack |
push_back(), push() | emplace_back() | deque, list, vec |
push_front() | emplace_front() | deque, list |
Strings are the most commonly used non-trivial data type. STC containers have proper pre-defined definitions for cstr container elements, so they are fail-safe to use both with the emplace and non-emplace methods:
#include "stc/cstr.h"
#define i_keypro cstr // use i_keypro for "pro" types like cstr, arc, box
#include "stc/vec.h" // vector of string (cstr)
vec_cstr vec = {0};
cstr s = cstr_lit("a string literal");
const char* hello = "Hello";
vec_cstr_push(&vec, cstr_from(hello); // make a cstr from const char* and move it onto vec
vec_cstr_push(&vec, cstr_clone(s)); // make a cstr clone and move it onto vec
vec_cstr_emplace(&vec, "Yay, literal"); // internally make a cstr from const char*
vec_cstr_emplace(&vec, cstr_clone(s)); // <-- COMPILE ERROR: expects const char*
vec_cstr_emplace(&vec, cstr_str(&s)); // Ok: const char* input type.
This is made possible because the type configuration may be given an optional conversion/"rawvalue"-type as template parameter, along with a back and forth conversion methods to the container value type.
Rawvalues are primarily beneficial for lookup and map insertions, however the
emplace methods constructs cstr
-objects from the rawvalues, but only when required:
hmap_cstr_emplace(&map, "Hello", "world");
// Two cstr-objects were constructed by emplace
hmap_cstr_emplace(&map, "Hello", "again");
// No cstr was constructed because "Hello" was already in the map.
hmap_cstr_emplace_or_assign(&map, "Hello", "there");
// Only cstr_lit("there") constructed. "world" was destructed and replaced.
hmap_cstr_insert(&map, cstr_lit("Hello"), cstr_lit("you"));
// Two cstr's constructed outside call, but both destructed by insert
// because "Hello" existed. No mem-leak but less efficient.
it = hmap_cstr_find(&map, "Hello");
// No cstr constructed for lookup, although keys are cstr-type.
Apart from strings, maps and sets are normally used with trivial value types. However, the last example on the hmap page demonstrates how to specify a map with non-trivial keys.
The erase methods
Name | Description | Container |
erase() | key based | smap, sset, hmap, hset, cstr |
erase_at() | iterator based | smap, sset, hmap, hset, vec, deque, list |
erase_range() | iterator based | smap, sset, vec, deque, list |
erase_n() | index based | vec, deque, cstr |
remove() | remove all matching values | list |
User-defined container type name
Define i_type
and/or i_key
// #define i_type MyVec, int // shorthand
#define i_type MyVec
#define i_key int
#include "stc/vec.h"
MyVec vec = {0};
MyVec_push(&vec, 42);
Pre-declare templated container in header file. The container can then e.g. be a "private" member of a struct defined in a header file.
// Dataset.h
#ifndef Dataset_H_
#define Dataset_H_
#include "stc/types.h" // include various container data structure templates
// declare PointVec as a vec. Also struct Point may be incomplete/undeclared.
declare_vec(PointVec, struct Point);
typedef struct Dataset {
PointVec vertices;
PointVec colors;
} Dataset;
void Dataset_drop(Dataset* self);
Define and use the "private" container in the c-file:
// Dataset.c
#include "Dataset.h"
#include "Point.h" // struct Point must be defined here.
#define i_type PointVec, struct Point
#define i_declared // must flag that the container was pre-declared.
#include "stc/vec.h" // Implements PointVec with static linking by default
Per container-instance customization
Sometimes it is useful to extend a container type to store extra data, e.g. a comparison
or allocator function pointer or a context which the function pointers can use. Most
libraries solve this by adding an opaque pointer (void*) or function pointer(s) into
the data structure for the user to manage. Because most containers are templated,
an extra template parameter, i_aux
may be defined to extend the container with
typesafe custom attributes.
The example below shows how to customize containers to work with PostgreSQL memory management.
It adds a MemoryContext to each container by defining the i_aux
template parameter.
Note that pgs_realloc
and pgs_free
is also passed the
allocated size of the given pointer, unlike standard realloc
and free
is accessible from the following template parameters / container combinations:
: all containersi_eq
: all containersi_cmp
: all containers except hmap and hseti_hash
: hmap and hset
// stcpgs.h
#define pgs_malloc(sz) MemoryContextAlloc(self->aux.memctx, sz)
#define pgs_calloc(n, sz) MemoryContextAllocZero(self->aux.memctx, (n)*(sz))
#define pgs_realloc(p, old_sz, sz) (p ? repalloc(p, sz) : pgs_malloc(sz))
#define pgs_free(p, sz) (p ? pfree(p) : (void)0) // pfree/repalloc does not accept NULL.
#define i_aux { MemoryContext memctx; } // NB: enclose in curly braces!
#define i_allocator pgs
#define i_no_clone
Usage is straight forward:
#define i_type IMap, int, int
#include "stcpgs.h"
#include "stc/smap.h"
void maptest()
IMap map = {.aux={CurrentMemoryContext}};
for (c_range(i, 1, 16))
IMap_insert(&map, i*i, i); // uses pgs_malloc
for (c_each(i, IMap, map))
printf("%d:%d ", i.ref->first, i.ref->second);
Another example is to sort struct elements by the active field and reverse flag:
[ Run this code ]
#include <stdio.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <stc/cstr.h>
#include <c11/fmt.h>
typedef struct {
cstr fileName;
cstr directory;
isize size;
time_t lastWriteTime;
} FileMetaData;
enum FMDActive {FMD_fileName, FMD_directory, FMD_size, FMD_lastWriteTime};
struct FMDVector_aux; // defined when specifying i_aux
int FileMetaData_cmp(const struct FMDVector_aux*, const FileMetaData*, const FileMetaData*);
void FileMetaData_drop(FileMetaData*);
#define i_type FMDVector, FileMetaData
#define i_aux { enum FMDActive activeField; bool reverse; }
#define i_cmp(x, y) FileMetaData_cmp(&self->aux, x, y)
#define i_keydrop FileMetaData_drop
#define i_no_clone
#include <stc/stack.h>
// --------------
int FileMetaData_cmp(const struct FMDVector_aux* aux, const FileMetaData* a, const FileMetaData* b) {
int dir = aux->reverse ? -1 : 1;
switch (aux->activeField) {
case FMD_fileName: return dir*cstr_cmp(&a->fileName, &b->fileName);
case FMD_directory: return dir*cstr_cmp(&a->directory, &b->directory);
case FMD_size: return dir*c_default_cmp(&a->size, &b->size);
case FMD_lastWriteTime: return dir*c_default_cmp(&a->lastWriteTime, &b->lastWriteTime);
return 0;
void FileMetaData_drop(FileMetaData* fmd) {
int main(void) {
FMDVector vec = c_make(FMDVector, {
{cstr_from("WScript.cpp"), cstr_from("code/unix"), 3624, 123567},
{cstr_from("CanvasBackground.cpp"), cstr_from("code/unix/canvas"), 38273, 12398},
{cstr_from("Brush_test.cpp"), cstr_from("code/tests"), 67236, 7823},
vec.aux.reverse = true;
for (c_range(activeField, FMD_lastWriteTime + 1)) {
vec.aux.activeField = (enum FMDActive)activeField;
for (c_each(i, FMDVector, vec)) {
cstr_str(&i.ref->fileName), cstr_str(&i.ref->directory),
i.ref->size, i.ref->lastWriteTime);
Memory efficiency
STC is generally very memory efficient. Memory usage for the different containers:
- cstr, vec, stack, pqueue: 1 pointer, 2 isize + memory for elements.
- csview, 1 pointer, 1 isize. Does not own data!
- cspan, 1 pointer and 2 * dimension * int32_t. Does not own data!
- list: Type size: 1 pointer. Each node allocates a struct to store its value and a next pointer.
- deque, queue: Type size: 2 pointers, 2 isize. Otherwise like vec.
- hmap/hset: Type size: 2 pointers, 2 int32_t (default). hmap uses one table of keys+value, and one table of precomputed hash-value/used bucket, which occupies only one byte per bucket. The closed hashing has a default max load factor of 85%, and hash table scales by 1.5x when reaching that.
- smap/sset: Type size: 1 pointer. smap manages its own array of tree-nodes for allocation efficiency. Each node uses two 32-bit ints for child nodes, and one byte for
, but has no parent node. - arc: Type size: 1 pointer, 1 long for the reference counter + memory for the shared element.
- box: Type size: 1 pointer + memory for the pointed-to element.
Version history
- This is a major new version, with serveral breaking changes compared to 4.3
- Some API changes in
. - Some API changes in
. - Renamed czsview type to
, some API changes. - Renamed all member Container_empty() functions to
. - Changed API in
numbers. - c_init renamed to
- c_forlist renamed to
- c_forpair replaced by
(changed API). - Renamed all functions stc_<xxxx>() to
in common.h. - c_SVFMT(sv) renamed tp
- c_SVARG(sv) renamed tp
- Renamed coroutine cco_yield() to "keyword"
. - Swapped 2nd and 3rd argument in
to make it consistent with all otherc_for*()
, i.e, input object is third last. - New header
renamed from cvec.h - New header
renamed from cdeq.h - New header
renamed from clist.h - New header
renamed from cstack.h - New header
renamed from cqueue.h - New header
renamed from cpque.h - New header
renamed from cmap.h - New header
renamed from cset.h - New header
renamed from csmap.h - New header
renamed from csset.h - New header
renamed from czview.h - New header
renamed from crand.h - New header
renamed from forward.h
- Some API changes in
- Breaking changes:
- cstr and csview now uses shared linking by default. Implement by either defining
before including. - Renamed "stc/calgo.h" =>
- Moved "stc/algo/coroutine.h" =>
- Much improved with some new API and added features.
- Removed deprecated "stc/crandom.h". Use
with the new API.- Reverted names _unif and _norm back to
- Reverted names _unif and _norm back to
- Removed default comparison for list, vec and deque:
- Define
to enable comparison for built-in i_key types (<, ==). - Use of
still expects comparison functions to be defined.
- Define
- Renamed input enum flags for cregex-functions.
- cstr and csview now uses shared linking by default. Implement by either defining
- cspan: Added column-major order (fortran) multidimensional spans and transposed views (changed representation of strides).
- All new faster and smaller queue and deque implementations, using a circular buffer.
- Renamed i_extern =>
(i_extern deprecated).- Define
before#include "stc/cstr.h"
will also define full utf8 case conversions. - Define
before#include "stc/cregex.h"
will also define cstr + utf8 tables.
- Define
- Renamed c_make() => c_make() macro for initializing containers with element lists. c_make deprecated.
- Removed deprecated uppercase flow-control macro names.
- Other smaller additions, bug fixes and improved documentation.
- New home! And online single headers for
- Library:
- Headers, e.g.
- Much improved documentation
- Added Coroutines + documentation
- Added new random.h API & header. Old crandom.h is deprecated.
- Added
typesafe macro. - Removed RAII macros usage from examples
- Renamed c_flt_count(i) =>
- Renamed c_flt_last(i) =>
- Renamed c_ARRAYLEN() => c_arraylen()
- Removed deprecated c_ARGSV(). Use c_svarg()
- Removed c_PAIR
Major changes:
- A new exciting cspan single/multi-dimensional array view (with numpy-like slicing).
- Signed sizes and indices for all containers. See C++ Core Guidelines by Stroustrup/Sutter: ES.100, ES.102, ES.106, and ES.107.
- Customizable allocator per templated container type.
- Updates on cregex with several new unicode character classes.
- Algorithms:
- crange - similar to boost::irange integer range generator.
- c_forfilter - ranges-like view filtering.
- quicksort - fast quicksort with custom inline comparison.
- Renamed
: csview print arg. Notec_sv()
is shorthand for csview_from(). - Support for uppercase flow-control macro names in common.h.
- Some API changes in cregex and cstr.
- Create single header container versions with python script.
- Added cregex with documentation - powerful regular expressions.
- Added:
: container iteration with "piped" filtering using && operator. 4 built-in filters. - Added: crange: number generator type, which can be iterated (e.g. with c_forfilter).
- Added back coption - command line argument parsing.
- New + renamed loop iteration/scope macros:
: macro replacing c_forarray and c_apply. Iterate a compound literal list.
- Updated cstr, now always takes self as pointer, like all containers except csview.
- Updated vec, deque, changed
function names.