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stadtnavi widget



GitHub tag (latest SemVer)

  • Add latest CSS file to HTML page:${version}/stadtnavi-widget.css
  • Add latest JS:${version}/stadtnavi-widget.js

There are two widgets available:


Displays a map preview of an arbitrary address in Baden-Württemberg and a link to the pre-filled stadtnavi application so that a route search can be started easily.

To use it create a <div>, give it an ID and at least 200px height and execute the following JS:

new StadtnaviAddressBox(divId, title, address, options);

or, if the coordinates are known and no on-the-fly geocoding is required:

new StadtnaviAddressBox(divId, title, address, options, lat, lon);


  • divId: ID of the <div> element into which the interactive map is placed.
  • title: Name of the place for which the address box is for. This can be choosen freely and is used only for display purposes.
  • address: A full address with street name, house number, postal code and city. This is used for geolocating the place on the map so precise information is required, in case lat/lon are unknown.
  • lat: Optional latitude value (-90 <=lat <= 90) for locating the place.
  • lon: Optional longitude value (-180 <=lat <= 180) for locating the place.


The widget works without any configuration but if you want override some values, you can pass options as a JSON object with the following possible keys:

  • tileUrl: Leaflet-compatible URL for the background map. Ignored if wms (see below) is configured instead. Default:{z}/{x}/{y}{r}.png
    Note: If you want to use the stadtnavi tiles, your domain needs to be whitelisted. Please get in touch with [email protected] to have this done.
  • tileSize: What size the tiles have in pixels.
    Default: 256
  • attribution: The information text at the bottom right corner of the map.
    Default: Map data &copy; <a href="">OpenStreetMap</a> contributors
  • pinPrimaryColor: Fill color of the map marker.
    Default: #f8dd14
  • pinSecondaryColor: Border color of the map marker
    Default: #000000
  • maxZoom: Maximum zoom level allowed.
    Default: 18
  • stadtnaviLinkText: Link text shown for routing link Default: Route auf stadtnavi suchen
  • stadtnaviBaseUrl: Base URL of stadtnavi instance used for routing link Default:
  • logoUrl: URL of the logo to display at the top right hand corner Default: null
  • wms.url: The URL of a WMS service to fetch map tiles from. Default: null
  • wms.layers: Comma-separated list of layers for the map tiles Default: null
  • wms.format: Image format to use Default: image/png


Displays a map where users can select a location either by text search, clicking into the map or by using the location API of their browser.

To use it create a <div>, give it an ID and at least 100px height and execute the following JS:

new StadtnaviLocationSelector(divId, options);


  • divId: ID of the <div> element into which the interactive map is placed.


  • tileUrl: Leaflet-compatible URL for the background map. Ignored if wms (see below) is configured instead. Default:{z}/{x}/{y}{r}.png
    Note: If you want to use the stadtnavi tiles, your domain needs to be whitelisted. Please get in touch with [email protected] to have this done.
  • tileSize: What size the tiles have in pixels.
    Default: 256
  • center: Initial center point of the map.
    Default: { lat: 48.7840, lng: 9.1829 }
  • attribution: The information text at the bottom right corner of the map.
    Default: Map data &copy; <a href="">OpenStreetMap</a> contributors
  • maxZoom: Maximum zoom level allowed.
    Default: 18
  • pinPrimaryColor: Fill color of the map marker.
    Default: #f8dd14
  • pinSecondaryColor: Border color of the map marker
    Default: #000000
  • onLocationSelected: Function that takes a single argument with the location selected by the user.
    Default: (location) => {}
  • reverseGeocode: Function that takes two arguments lat and lng and returns a Promise of a formatted address.
    Default: An implementation that uses the stadtnavi reverse geocoder.
  • wms.url: The URL of a WMS service to fetch map tiles from. Default: null
  • wms.layers: Comma-separated list of layers for the map tiles Default: null
  • wms.format: Image format to use Default: image/png

Tiny widget

If you don't have the space for a full-size widget, there is alsow the tiny one available.



GitHub tag (latest SemVer)

  • Add latest CSS file to HTML page:${version}/tiny-widget.css
  • Add latest JS:${version}/tiny-widget.js


Displays a very small widget to select a start, destination and time.

To use it create a <div>, give it an ID and execute the following JS:

new TinyRouteSelector(divId, options);


  • divId: ID of the <div> element into which the widget is placed.


  • baseUrl: The base URL of your Digitransit instance. Default:
  • logoUrl: The URL of the logo image to display in the header. Default:
  • focus: A JSON object containing the properties lat and lng. This sets the focus point of the search and decides if, for example, a search for "anger" should return "Angermünde" or "Am Anger, Herzberg (Elster)" in first place. Default: { lat: 51.6927, lng: 13.2354 } (Herzberg (Elster))
  • destination: A JSON object containing the properties label, latandlng. This pre-selects the destination of the widget. Default: { }`


To develop this widget, you should install the required packages via

npm install

To generate the dist and test locally, run


When pushing to the main branch, a new version is published via github actions at

If you push a git tag a new release with a stable release is automatically created.