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HBase GIS Utilities

A toolbox for working with very large Geographic Information System data.



mvn clean package \
&& docker build -t .

Deploy to Kind

Install the Stackable Data Platform operators

kubectl create ns stackable-operators \
    && stackablectl -n stackable-operators op in commons secret zookeeper hdfs hbase

Load the custom HBase image into Kind

kind load docker-image

Create an HBase cluster

kubectl create ns gis && kubectl apply -n gis -f hbase.yaml

Populate table

Open a shell to the HBase master Pod

kubectl exec -it -n gis hbase-master-default-0 -- bash

Create a table

echo "create 'wifi', 'a'" | /stackable/hbase/bin/hbase shell

Load data

java -cp '/tmp/hbase-stackable/local/jars/hbase-gis-1.0.0.jar:/stackable/conf' tech.stackable.gis.hbase.Ingest wifi /tmp/wifi_4326.txt

Load bulk data

java -cp '/tmp/hbase-stackable/local/jars/hbase-gis-1.0.0.jar:/stackable/conf' tech.stackable.gis.hbase.BulkIngest wifi a 100000 -75.99,-75.01,44.01,44.99

Using the WithinFilter

java -cp '/tmp/hbase-stackable/local/jars/hbase-gis-1.0.0.jar:/stackable/conf' \
tech.stackable.gis.hbase.WithinQuery \
remote \
"POLYGON ((-73.980844 40.758703, \
    -73.987214 40.761369, \
    -73.990839 40.756400, \
    -73.984422 40.753642, \
    -73.980844 40.758703))"

You should get 26 results.

For the bulk-loaded data

java -cp '/tmp/hbase-stackable/local/jars/hbase-gis-1.0.0.jar:/stackable/conf' \
tech.stackable.gis.hbase.WithinQuery \
remote \
"POLYGON ((-76.0 44.97, \
    -76.0 45.0, \
    -75.9 45.0, \
    -75.9 44.97, \
    -76.0 44.97))"

You should get a subset of the bulk-loaded back as the results of this query (due to the way that the query polygon and the limits of the randomly generated data have been defined.)

Using the KNNFilter

java -cp '/tmp/hbase-stackable/local/jars/hbase-gis-1.0.0.jar:/stackable/conf' tech.stackable.gis.hbase.KNNQuery -73.97000655 40.76098703 5

java -cp '/tmp/hbase-stackable/local/jars/hbase-gis-1.0.0.jar:/stackable/conf' tech.stackable.gis.hbase.coprocessor.KNNClient


Original code was written by Nick Dimiduk and Amandeep Khurana and is available here


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