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This repository houses infrastructure and application code for the LinkLeveled project.

LinkLeveled is a project-in-progress that will provide a platform for users to create and share lists of links.


Project Components

CDK IAC can be found in src/infra

The services live in src/services

The admin site lives in src/ui/admin

Find a detailed chart illustrating the entire CDK project structure here. This chart was generated with cdk-dia.


Prerequisites for working with CDK can be found in the AWS docs.

Other useful resources:

AWS Accounts

This project assumes a multi-account setup. Eg:

  • Management Account
    • Development Account
    • Production Account


Examine the directory /config for the example configuration file. This file should be customized and renamed to config.json before attempting to cdk synth or cdk deploy.

Note that the configuration in /config does not have separate dev/stage/prod versions. Config for each deployment target lives in the same file. Also note that there are other configuration files located throughout the project. This configuration applies to CDK-managed infrastructure.


Because the configuration file contains sensitive information, it is not checked into source control. It should be stored in a bucket in the management account. config.configBucketName should be set to the name of the bucket where the live configuration file is stored. The pipeline will download the configuration file from the bucket before synth/deploy.

The config bucket's permissions must allow read access from service principal from the management account.


The environments section of the configuration file should be customized to match the desired environment names, account numbers, and domain names.


The project allows for the creation of an application URL structure that includes a subdomain for each of the app, API, and admin site, then a second level of subdomains for each environment.

It's assumed that the TLD hosted zone exists in the management account, and is not managed by CDK. The TLD and its hosted zone id must be provided in the configuration file, as tld and tldHzId. All other hosted zones are created and managed by CDK.

The TLD hosted zone is modified during deploy to add NS records pointing subdomain traffic to another hosted zone (in the management account) for each first level subdomain, ie or

Hosted zones are created for each subdomain and given NS entries that point to nameservers in another tier of hosted zone living in the child accounts.

Finally, the child account hosted zones point traffic to the actual resources in the child account; cloudfront for the public site, an ELB for the admin site, and API Gateway for the API.

Explanation of the config options

Config Key Description
Environments[x].domain Subdomain for the public-facing site
Environments[x].admin Subdomain for the admin site
Environments[x].api Subdomain for the API

The resulting application URLs are structured like this:

Given TLD and desired app subdomain

Env/Account Function URL
Dev Site
Dev Admin
Prod Site
Prod Admin
Prod API


When true, the pipeline will pause at the manual approval stage. When false, the pipeline will proceed without manual intervention.


The app uses SSM parameters to allow access to cdk-generated values between the CDK stacks. The parameterNames section of the config allows customization of the names of the SSM parameters.


Services in this project are containerized lambdas. Source can be found at src/services. The Dockerfile for each service is located in the service's directory.

When working locally: On cdk deploy, an image is built and pushed to ECR. Use this command to log docker into ecr before attempting to deploy:

aws ecr get-login-password --region us-east-1 | docker login --username AWS --password-stdin

The admin site is an ECS service. The dockerfile is located in the src/ui/admin directory.


Working locally with lambdas

Use SAM CLI for local iteration.

Review the AWS docs for prerequisites and setup:

A truncated overview of the process:

First, synth the stack or entire project. Then, sam build the lambda. Next, get temporary credentials to allow localhost to talk to DynamoDB, and place those into local-env.json. Finally, sam local start-api to start the lambda locally.

The following sections elaborate on each step. Read the entire section on Synth/Build and Auth/IAM before attempting to work locally.

Synth & Build

cdk synth copies the services' source to cdk.out. sam build uses the source in cdk.out to build the docker image.

** Must cdk synth before sam build or you will be building the revision previously copied by synth **


Synth everything: cdk synth

Or, synth specific stack: cdk synth FPDevStage-FPDevFunctionsStack

Further reading on the synth operation and its options.

Build image

sam build FastPagepageserviceFunctionpageserviceA69CBF46 \
-t ./cdk.out/assembly-FPDevStage/FPDevStageFPDevFunctionsStack1DC8F43E.template.json 

Once the image has been built, it can be started locally with sam local start-api. This will attempt to start all services defined in src/infra/stacks/functions/FunctionsStack.ts (they comprise the resources of an API Gateway Rest API).


To allow the local lambda emulator server to talk to DynamoDB, temporary credentials must be obtained.

This requires a role ARN from the dev account that has permissions to be assumed by the management account. Put another way, the management account profile must have permissions to assume the role in the dev account.

Sample command to assume the role:

aws sts assume-role \
--role-session-name AWSCLI-Session \

Note that --profile should be the name of the profile in your ~/.aws/credentials file that exists in the management account and has the necessary permissions to assume the role in the dev account. See AWS Documentation for more information.

Copy local-env.sample.json, in the project root, and rename to local-env.json. Fill in the assumed role creds.

Alternately, use ./ MYROLEARN to refresh the local-env.json file with the assumed role credentials.

sam local ... must be restarted after refreshing the env file.

Start Local Lambda(s):

sam local start-api \
-t ./cdk.out/assembly-FPDevStage/FPDevStageFPDevFunctionsStack1DC8F43E.template.json \
-d 9001 \
--container-env-vars ./local-env.json

Complete example


sam build FastPagepageserviceFunctionpageserviceA69CBF46 \
-t ./cdk.out/assembly-FPDevStage/FPDevStageFPDevFunctionsStack1DC8F43E.template.json

Assume role

aws sts assume-role \
--role-arn arn:aws:iam::12345678901:role/OrganizationAccountAccessRole \
--role-session-name AWSCLI-Session \
--profile default

Start local lambda emulator

sam local start-api \
-t ./cdk.out/assembly-FPDevStage/FPDevStageFPDevFunctionsStack1DC8F43E.template.json \
-d 9001 \
--container-env-vars ./local-env.json

Working with deployed lambdas

The deployed lambdas include Cognito authorization; only authenticated users from the app's Cognito user pool can make requests.

Outline the process of obtaining an Authorization token to make requests through API Gateway via HTTP/REST client.

Use the following CLI command to obtain a token. Replace the USERNAME, PASSWORD, and USERPOOLWEBCLIENTID with the appropriate values.

aws cognito-idp initiate-auth \
--auth-flow USER_PASSWORD_AUTH \
--auth-parameters [email protected],PASSWORD=12345 \
--query 'AuthenticationResult.IdToken' \
--output text > id_token.txt

Take the IdToken from the response and use it as the value of the Authorization header in the request to the API Gateway.

Helpful Links:



If creating test users via console, use this command to set a user's password, removing them from 'Force change password' state:

aws cognito-idp admin-set-user-password \
--user-pool-id <your-user-pool-id> \
--username <username> \
--password <password> \

TODO - include command to create user via CLI




The following became an issue with cdk-generated logical IDs for the lambdas.

*Issue: When calling SAM CLI like this

sam local start-lambda -t ./cdk.out/assembly-FPDevStage/FPDevStageFPDevFunctionsStack1DC8F43E.template.json 

SAM cannot locate one of the functions defined within the same template. It can locate FastPagecustomerserviceFunctionF98EF4E7 but not FastPagepageserviceFunction31146B78. The error message is: Error: Unable to find a function or layer with name 'FastPagepageserviceFunction31146B78'.

When one of the functions is manually removed from stack.template.json, the other function can be located by SAM CLI.

Resolution: Add unique logical IDs to the functions in the CDK stack.