I am Shahid Rafiq, a Senior Full Stack Developer specializing in backend technologies such as Core PHP, Laravel, CodeIgniter, MySQL, and various AWS services. With over 10 years of experience, I have built a reputation for developing large-scale APIs and achieving customer satisfaction rates as high as 95%, while also optimizing server resource utilization.
My deployments on AWS not only guarantee high availability but are streamlined through CI/CD pipelines, including Jenkins integration, which demonstrates my comprehensive understanding of full software development life cycles. My skill set also extends to proficient project and team management, always focused on meeting deadlines and prioritizing feature implementations effectively, ensuring smooth development operations.
I take pride in turning complex requirements into solutions that are easy to maintain and scale. I have a strong grasp of requirement engineering and creating clear, detailed technical documentation that helps make everything more transparent and easier to manage in the long run. Besides development, I enjoy sharing my knowledge through articles and guides, especially on cutting-edge technologies that aren’t well supported yet and have less competition. This ongoing research helps me stay current with the latest advancements and come up with fresh, innovative ideas.
For collaboration or more detailed insights into my professional background, feel free to schedule a meeting via Calendly.
namespace Rafiq;
class Shahid extends Developer
public function getDailyTechnologies(): array
return [
public function getCurrentReading(): string
return 'Designing Data-Intensive Applications';
public function getSkills(): array
return [
'PHP', 'Python', 'CodeIgniter', 'Laravel', 'Yii2', 'Phalcon',
'MySQL', 'Vue.js', 'React.js', 'Angular.js', 'jQuery', 'Onsen UI',
'LAMP Stack', 'AWS S3', 'Smarty', 'MongoDB', 'ElasticSearch',
'OpenCart', 'Selenium', 'Unit Testing', 'Automation Testing',
'Pyro CMS', 'DevOps', 'Jenkins CI/CD', 'AWS Lambda', 'AWS Glue',
'AWS Playground', 'Docker', 'TDD', 'DDD', 'Pest', 'VPS Hosting',
'Jira', 'SRS', 'Adobe XD'
public function getGoal(): string
return 'Write code that is as captivating and enjoyable for me to read as it is for other developers.';
public function getUsefulQuote(): string
return 'I don't know who said this, but I believe it:
Comments can lie, but code never does! So, write your code well, and debug even better!';
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