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Sponsored developers and organizations
25 sponsored developers and organizations loaded.
Great Scott Gadgets is dedicated to developing open source hardware and software. Our mission is to put open source tools into the hands of innovative people.
Co-creator of Composer, the PHP dependency manager, and Packagist, its public open-source package repository.
Autodidact | Open Source optimist & developer | ❤️ Linux & Git | Interested in DevOps & BackendDev | Arch Linux user & AUR package maintainer | 🇬🇧🇩🇪🇫🇷
Support our open source work on software and documentation for FRAM - the Functional Resonance Analysis Method
Support Leonardo's mission to ignite the flames of curiosity in developers, driving them to the Open Source world. He works through maintaining and contributing to popular projects (TanStack) and creating online content (YouTube).
Hello hello! I'm Nate, an R package developer building tools for {shiny} developers. I admire the way R users use {shiny} to make their work broadly available and accessible. I build new tools to help empower these R users.
Developing AI Studio, a desktop tool for LLM and future AI needs. Passionate about Open Source.
Aspiring game dev (mostly working in Unity at present) & worldbuilder, also developing Addons for World of Warcraft among other projects.
Support tinygrad's open source work
Support davidhalter’s open source work
Tidepool is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization. The data behind diabetes management can be overwhelming — understanding it all is empowering. Turn your diabetes data points into accessible, actionable, and meaningful insights with Tidepool.
Support my work, help me to maintain my open source libraries (mostly published on @GroupeMINASTE), and contribute to my studies (software engineering)
My code likely runs on your phone. Maybe your company uses my code. Maybe you used my code already.
I maintain many popular react-native libraries with over 10 million downloads.
If you appreciate my work, consider 💖 sponsoring me on GitHub 💖
I'm Aral, the creator and maintaner of Brisa framework. I have been contributing to the ecosystem since 2015. Now I am very focused on bringing Brisa forward, as it is a framework that will help to make the web a little better.
Non-profit organization utilizing high-tech solutions to empower high-touch programs for low-income public school communities. SCORES unique mix of programs helps students physically, emotionally, and socially.
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