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Developer-friendly & type-safe Typescript SDK specifically catered to leverage @speakeasy-api/bluesky API.


This SDK is not yet ready for production use. Delete this section before > publishing to a package manager.


AT Protocol XRPC API: Conversion of AT Protocol's lexicons to OpenAPI's schema format.

This section contains HTTP API reference docs for Bluesky and AT Protocol lexicons. Generate a bearer token to test API calls directly from the docs.

Table of Contents

SDK Installation

The SDK can be installed with either npm, pnpm, bun or yarn package managers.


npm add @speakeasy-sdks/bluesky
# Install optional peer dependencies if you plan to use React hooks
npm add @tanstack/react-query react react-dom


pnpm add @speakeasy-sdks/bluesky
# Install optional peer dependencies if you plan to use React hooks
pnpm add @tanstack/react-query react react-dom


bun add @speakeasy-sdks/bluesky
# Install optional peer dependencies if you plan to use React hooks
bun add @tanstack/react-query react react-dom


yarn add @speakeasy-sdks/bluesky zod
# Install optional peer dependencies if you plan to use React hooks
yarn add @tanstack/react-query react react-dom

# Note that Yarn does not install peer dependencies automatically. You will need
# to install zod as shown above.


This package is published as an ES Module (ESM) only. For applications using CommonJS, use await import("@speakeasy-sdks/bluesky") to import and use this package.

Model Context Protocol (MCP) Server

This SDK is also an installable MCP server where the various SDK methods are exposed as tools that can be invoked by AI applications.

Node.js v20 or greater is required to run the MCP server.

Claude installation steps

Add the following server definition to your claude_desktop_config.json file:

  "mcpServers": {
    "Bluesky": {
      "command": "npx",
      "args": [
        "-y", "--package", "@speakeasy-sdks/bluesky",
        "mcp", "start",
        "--bearer", "..."
Cursor installation steps

Go to Cursor Settings > Features > MCP Servers > Add new MCP server and use the following settings:

  • Name: Bluesky
  • Type: command
  • Command:
npx -y --package @speakeasy-sdks/bluesky -- mcp start --bearer ... 

For a full list of server arguments, run:

npx -y --package @speakeasy-sdks/bluesky -- mcp start --help


For supported JavaScript runtimes, please consult

SDK Example Usage


import { Bluesky } from "@speakeasy-sdks/bluesky";

const bluesky = new Bluesky({
  bearer: process.env["BLUESKY_BEARER"] ?? "",

async function run() {
  const result = await bluesky.actors.getProfile({
    actor: "did:plc:z72i7hdynmk6r22z27h6tvur",

  // Handle the result



Per-Client Security Schemes

This SDK supports the following security scheme globally:

Name Type Scheme Environment Variable
bearer http HTTP Bearer BLUESKY_BEARER

To authenticate with the API the bearer parameter must be set when initializing the SDK client instance. For example:

import { Bluesky } from "@speakeasy-sdks/bluesky";

const bluesky = new Bluesky({
  bearer: process.env["BLUESKY_BEARER"] ?? "",

async function run() {
  const result = await bluesky.actors.getPreferences();

  // Handle the result


Available Resources and Operations

Available methods
  • delete - This endpoint is part of the Bluesky Chat (DMs) APIs. Requests usually require authentication, are directed to the user's PDS intance, and proxied to the single central chat service by setting the appropriate service DID ( in the service proxying header.

To learn more about calling atproto API endpoints like this one, see the API Hosts and Auth guide.

  • exportData - This endpoint is part of the Bluesky Chat (DMs) APIs. Requests usually require authentication, are directed to the user's PDS intance, and proxied to the single central chat service by setting the appropriate service DID ( in the service proxying header.

To learn more about calling atproto API endpoints like this one, see the API Hosts and Auth guide.

  • getInviteCodes - This endpoint is part of the atproto PDS server and account management APIs. Requests often require authentication and are made directly to the user's own PDS instance.

To learn more about calling atproto API endpoints like this one, see the API Hosts and Auth guide.

Get all invite codes for the current account. Requires auth.

  • getSuggestions - This endpoint is part of the Bluesky application Lexicon APIs (app.bsky.*). Public endpoints which don't require authentication can be made directly against the public Bluesky AppView API: Authenticated requests are usually made to the user's PDS, with automatic service proxying. Authenticated requests can be used for both public and non-public endpoints.

To learn more about calling atproto API endpoints like this one, see the API Hosts and Auth guide.

Get a list of suggested actors. Expected use is discovery of accounts to follow during new account onboarding.

  • searchTypeahead - This endpoint is part of the Bluesky application Lexicon APIs (app.bsky.*). Public endpoints which don't require authentication can be made directly against the public Bluesky AppView API: Authenticated requests are usually made to the user's PDS, with automatic service proxying. Authenticated requests can be used for both public and non-public endpoints.

To learn more about calling atproto API endpoints like this one, see the API Hosts and Auth guide.

Find actor suggestions for a prefix search term. Expected use is for auto-completion during text field entry. Does not require auth.

  • getPreferences - This endpoint is part of the Bluesky application Lexicon APIs (app.bsky.*). Public endpoints which don't require authentication can be made directly against the public Bluesky AppView API: Authenticated requests are usually made to the user's PDS, with automatic service proxying. Authenticated requests can be used for both public and non-public endpoints.

To learn more about calling atproto API endpoints like this one, see the API Hosts and Auth guide.

Get private preferences attached to the current account. Expected use is synchronization between multiple devices, and import/export during account migration. Requires auth.

  • getProfile - This endpoint is part of the Bluesky application Lexicon APIs (app.bsky.*). Public endpoints which don't require authentication can be made directly against the public Bluesky AppView API: Authenticated requests are usually made to the user's PDS, with automatic service proxying. Authenticated requests can be used for both public and non-public endpoints.

To learn more about calling atproto API endpoints like this one, see the API Hosts and Auth guide.

Get detailed profile view of an actor. Does not require auth, but contains relevant metadata with auth.

  • getProfiles - This endpoint is part of the Bluesky application Lexicon APIs (app.bsky.*). Public endpoints which don't require authentication can be made directly against the public Bluesky AppView API: Authenticated requests are usually made to the user's PDS, with automatic service proxying. Authenticated requests can be used for both public and non-public endpoints.

To learn more about calling atproto API endpoints like this one, see the API Hosts and Auth guide.

Get detailed profile views of multiple actors.

  • putPreferences - This endpoint is part of the Bluesky application Lexicon APIs (app.bsky.*). Public endpoints which don't require authentication can be made directly against the public Bluesky AppView API: Authenticated requests are usually made to the user's PDS, with automatic service proxying. Authenticated requests can be used for both public and non-public endpoints.

To learn more about calling atproto API endpoints like this one, see the API Hosts and Auth guide.

Set the private preferences attached to the account.

  • search - This endpoint is part of the Bluesky application Lexicon APIs (app.bsky.*). Public endpoints which don't require authentication can be made directly against the public Bluesky AppView API: Authenticated requests are usually made to the user's PDS, with automatic service proxying. Authenticated requests can be used for both public and non-public endpoints.

To learn more about calling atproto API endpoints like this one, see the API Hosts and Auth guide.

Find actors (profiles) matching search criteria. Does not require auth.

  • disableInviteCodes - This endpoint is part of the atproto PDS management APIs. Requests usually require admin authentication and are made directly to the PDS instance.

To learn more about calling atproto API endpoints like this one, see the API Hosts and Auth guide.

Disable some set of codes and/or all codes associated with a set of users.

  • getAccountInfo - This endpoint is part of the atproto PDS management APIs. Requests usually require admin authentication and are made directly to the PDS instance.

To learn more about calling atproto API endpoints like this one, see the API Hosts and Auth guide.

Get details about an account.

  • getSubjectStatus - This endpoint is part of the atproto PDS management APIs. Requests usually require admin authentication and are made directly to the PDS instance.

To learn more about calling atproto API endpoints like this one, see the API Hosts and Auth guide.

Get the service-specific admin status of a subject (account, record, or blob).

  • sendEmail - This endpoint is part of the atproto PDS management APIs. Requests usually require admin authentication and are made directly to the PDS instance.

To learn more about calling atproto API endpoints like this one, see the API Hosts and Auth guide.

Send email to a user's account email address.

  • updateAccountEmail - This endpoint is part of the atproto PDS management APIs. Requests usually require admin authentication and are made directly to the PDS instance.

To learn more about calling atproto API endpoints like this one, see the API Hosts and Auth guide.

Administrative action to update an account's email.

  • updateAccountHandle - This endpoint is part of the atproto PDS management APIs. Requests usually require admin authentication and are made directly to the PDS instance.

To learn more about calling atproto API endpoints like this one, see the API Hosts and Auth guide.

Administrative action to update an account's handle.

  • updateAccountPassword - This endpoint is part of the atproto PDS management APIs. Requests usually require admin authentication and are made directly to the PDS instance.

To learn more about calling atproto API endpoints like this one, see the API Hosts and Auth guide.

Update the password for a user account as an administrator.

  • updateSubjectStatus - This endpoint is part of the atproto PDS management APIs. Requests usually require admin authentication and are made directly to the PDS instance.

To learn more about calling atproto API endpoints like this one, see the API Hosts and Auth guide.

Update the service-specific admin status of a subject (account, record, or blob).

  • deleteAccount - This endpoint is part of the atproto PDS management APIs. Requests usually require admin authentication and are made directly to the PDS instance.

To learn more about calling atproto API endpoints like this one, see the API Hosts and Auth guide.

Delete a user account as an administrator.

  • enableAccountInvites - This endpoint is part of the atproto PDS management APIs. Requests usually require admin authentication and are made directly to the PDS instance.

To learn more about calling atproto API endpoints like this one, see the API Hosts and Auth guide.

Re-enable an account's ability to receive invite codes.

  • getAccountInfos - This endpoint is part of the atproto PDS management APIs. Requests usually require admin authentication and are made directly to the PDS instance.

To learn more about calling atproto API endpoints like this one, see the API Hosts and Auth guide.

Get details about some accounts.

  • disableAccountInvites - This endpoint is part of the atproto PDS management APIs. Requests usually require admin authentication and are made directly to the PDS instance.

To learn more about calling atproto API endpoints like this one, see the API Hosts and Auth guide.

Disable an account from receiving new invite codes, but does not invalidate existing codes.

  • getInviteCodes - This endpoint is part of the atproto PDS management APIs. Requests usually require admin authentication and are made directly to the PDS instance.

To learn more about calling atproto API endpoints like this one, see the API Hosts and Auth guide.

Get an admin view of invite codes.

  • searchAccounts - This endpoint is part of the atproto PDS management APIs. Requests usually require admin authentication and are made directly to the PDS instance.

To learn more about calling atproto API endpoints like this one, see the API Hosts and Auth guide.

Get list of accounts that matches your search query.

Request an email with a code to in order to request a signed PLC operation. Requires Auth.

Resolves a handle (domain name) to a DID.

Signs a PLC operation to update some value(s) in the requesting DID's document.

Find labels relevant to the provided AT-URI patterns. Public endpoint for moderation services, though may return different or additional results with auth.

Submit a moderation report regarding an atproto account or record. Implemented by moderation services (with PDS proxying), and requires auth.

  • delete - This endpoint is part of the atproto PDS repository management APIs. Requests usually require authentication (unlike the com.atproto.sync.* endpoints), and are made directly to the user's own PDS instance.

To learn more about calling atproto API endpoints like this one, see the API Hosts and Auth guide.

Delete a repository record, or ensure it doesn't exist. Requires auth, implemented by PDS.

  • import - This endpoint is part of the atproto PDS repository management APIs. Requests usually require authentication (unlike the com.atproto.sync.* endpoints), and are made directly to the user's own PDS instance.

To learn more about calling atproto API endpoints like this one, see the API Hosts and Auth guide.

Import a repo in the form of a CAR file. Requires Content-Length HTTP header to be set.

  • uploadBlob - This endpoint is part of the atproto PDS repository management APIs. Requests usually require authentication (unlike the com.atproto.sync.* endpoints), and are made directly to the user's own PDS instance.

To learn more about calling atproto API endpoints like this one, see the API Hosts and Auth guide.

Upload a new blob, to be referenced from a repository record. The blob will be deleted if it is not referenced within a time window (eg, minutes). Blob restrictions (mimetype, size, etc) are enforced when the reference is created. Requires auth, implemented by PDS.

  • activateAccount - This endpoint is part of the atproto PDS server and account management APIs. Requests often require authentication and are made directly to the user's own PDS instance.

To learn more about calling atproto API endpoints like this one, see the API Hosts and Auth guide.

Activates a currently deactivated account. Used to finalize account migration after the account's repo is imported and identity is setup.

  • createAccount - This endpoint is part of the atproto PDS server and account management APIs. Requests often require authentication and are made directly to the user's own PDS instance.

To learn more about calling atproto API endpoints like this one, see the API Hosts and Auth guide.

Create an account. Implemented by PDS.

  • createAppPassword - This endpoint is part of the atproto PDS server and account management APIs. Requests often require authentication and are made directly to the user's own PDS instance.

To learn more about calling atproto API endpoints like this one, see the API Hosts and Auth guide.

Create an App Password.

  • createInviteCode - This endpoint is part of the atproto PDS server and account management APIs. Requests often require authentication and are made directly to the user's own PDS instance.

To learn more about calling atproto API endpoints like this one, see the API Hosts and Auth guide.

Create an invite code.

  • createInviteCodes - This endpoint is part of the atproto PDS server and account management APIs. Requests often require authentication and are made directly to the user's own PDS instance.

To learn more about calling atproto API endpoints like this one, see the API Hosts and Auth guide.

Create invite codes.

  • deleteAccount - This endpoint is part of the atproto PDS server and account management APIs. Requests often require authentication and are made directly to the user's own PDS instance.

To learn more about calling atproto API endpoints like this one, see the API Hosts and Auth guide.

Delete an actor's account with a token and password. Can only be called after requesting a deletion token. Requires auth.

  • deleteSession - This endpoint is part of the atproto PDS server and account management APIs. Requests often require authentication and are made directly to the user's own PDS instance.

To learn more about calling atproto API endpoints like this one, see the API Hosts and Auth guide.

Delete the current session. Requires auth.

  • describe - This endpoint is part of the atproto PDS server and account management APIs. Requests often require authentication and are made directly to the user's own PDS instance.

To learn more about calling atproto API endpoints like this one, see the API Hosts and Auth guide.

Describes the server's account creation requirements and capabilities. Implemented by PDS.

  • refreshSession - This endpoint is part of the atproto PDS server and account management APIs. Requests often require authentication and are made directly to the user's own PDS instance.

To learn more about calling atproto API endpoints like this one, see the API Hosts and Auth guide.

Refresh an authentication session. Requires auth using the 'refreshJwt' (not the 'accessJwt').

  • requestEmailConfirmation - This endpoint is part of the atproto PDS server and account management APIs. Requests often require authentication and are made directly to the user's own PDS instance.

To learn more about calling atproto API endpoints like this one, see the API Hosts and Auth guide.

Request an email with a code to confirm ownership of email.

  • requestPasswordReset - This endpoint is part of the atproto PDS server and account management APIs. Requests often require authentication and are made directly to the user's own PDS instance.

To learn more about calling atproto API endpoints like this one, see the API Hosts and Auth guide.

Initiate a user account password reset via email.

  • resetPassword - This endpoint is part of the atproto PDS server and account management APIs. Requests often require authentication and are made directly to the user's own PDS instance.

To learn more about calling atproto API endpoints like this one, see the API Hosts and Auth guide.

Reset a user account password using a token.

  • revokeAppPassword - This endpoint is part of the atproto PDS server and account management APIs. Requests often require authentication and are made directly to the user's own PDS instance.

To learn more about calling atproto API endpoints like this one, see the API Hosts and Auth guide.

Revoke an App Password by name.

  • getBlob - This endpoint is part of the atproto repository synchronization APIs. Requests usually do not require authentication, and can be made to PDS intances or Relay instances.*

To learn more about calling atproto API endpoints like this one, see the API Hosts and Auth guide.

Get a blob associated with a given account. Returns the full blob as originally uploaded. Does not require auth; implemented by PDS.

  • listRepos - This endpoint is part of the atproto repository synchronization APIs. Requests usually do not require authentication, and can be made to PDS intances or Relay instances.*

To learn more about calling atproto API endpoints like this one, see the API Hosts and Auth guide.

Enumerates all the DID, rev, and commit CID for all repos hosted by this service. Does not require auth; implemented by PDS and Relay.

  • getRecord - This endpoint is part of the atproto repository synchronization APIs. Requests usually do not require authentication, and can be made to PDS intances or Relay instances.*

To learn more about calling atproto API endpoints like this one, see the API Hosts and Auth guide.

Get data blocks needed to prove the existence or non-existence of record in the current version of repo. Does not require auth.

  • sendMessageBatch - This endpoint is part of the Bluesky Chat (DMs) APIs. Requests usually require authentication, are directed to the user's PDS intance, and proxied to the single central chat service by setting the appropriate service DID ( in the service proxying header.

To learn more about calling atproto API endpoints like this one, see the API Hosts and Auth guide.

  • unmute - This endpoint is part of the Bluesky Chat (DMs) APIs. Requests usually require authentication, are directed to the user's PDS intance, and proxied to the single central chat service by setting the appropriate service DID ( in the service proxying header.

To learn more about calling atproto API endpoints like this one, see the API Hosts and Auth guide.

  • getForMembers - This endpoint is part of the Bluesky Chat (DMs) APIs. Requests usually require authentication, are directed to the user's PDS intance, and proxied to the single central chat service by setting the appropriate service DID ( in the service proxying header.

To learn more about calling atproto API endpoints like this one, see the API Hosts and Auth guide.

  • getMessages - This endpoint is part of the Bluesky Chat (DMs) APIs. Requests usually require authentication, are directed to the user's PDS intance, and proxied to the single central chat service by setting the appropriate service DID ( in the service proxying header.

To learn more about calling atproto API endpoints like this one, see the API Hosts and Auth guide.

  • sendMessage - This endpoint is part of the Bluesky Chat (DMs) APIs. Requests usually require authentication, are directed to the user's PDS intance, and proxied to the single central chat service by setting the appropriate service DID ( in the service proxying header.

To learn more about calling atproto API endpoints like this one, see the API Hosts and Auth guide.

  • updateRead - This endpoint is part of the Bluesky Chat (DMs) APIs. Requests usually require authentication, are directed to the user's PDS intance, and proxied to the single central chat service by setting the appropriate service DID ( in the service proxying header.

To learn more about calling atproto API endpoints like this one, see the API Hosts and Auth guide.

  • getActorMetadata - This endpoint is part of the Bluesky Chat (DMs) APIs. Requests usually require authentication, are directed to the user's PDS intance, and proxied to the single central chat service by setting the appropriate service DID ( in the service proxying header.

To learn more about calling atproto API endpoints like this one, see the API Hosts and Auth guide.

  • updateActorAccess - This endpoint is part of the Bluesky Chat (DMs) APIs. Requests usually require authentication, are directed to the user's PDS intance, and proxied to the single central chat service by setting the appropriate service DID ( in the service proxying header.

To learn more about calling atproto API endpoints like this one, see the API Hosts and Auth guide.

  • getConvo - This endpoint is part of the Bluesky Chat (DMs) APIs. Requests usually require authentication, are directed to the user's PDS intance, and proxied to the single central chat service by setting the appropriate service DID ( in the service proxying header.

To learn more about calling atproto API endpoints like this one, see the API Hosts and Auth guide.

  • getMessageContext - This endpoint is part of the Bluesky Chat (DMs) APIs. Requests usually require authentication, are directed to the user's PDS intance, and proxied to the single central chat service by setting the appropriate service DID ( in the service proxying header.

To learn more about calling atproto API endpoints like this one, see the API Hosts and Auth guide.

  • createTemplate - This endpoint is part of the Ozone moderation service APIs. Requests usually require authentication, are directed to the user's PDS intance, and proxied to the Ozone instance indicated by the DID in the service proxying header. Admin authenentication may also be possible, with request sent directly to the Ozone instance.

To learn more about calling atproto API endpoints like this one, see the API Hosts and Auth guide.

Administrative action to create a new, re-usable communication (email for now) template.

  • getLog - This endpoint is part of the Bluesky Chat (DMs) APIs. Requests usually require authentication, are directed to the user's PDS intance, and proxied to the single central chat service by setting the appropriate service DID ( in the service proxying header.

To learn more about calling atproto API endpoints like this one, see the API Hosts and Auth guide.

  • leave - This endpoint is part of the Bluesky Chat (DMs) APIs. Requests usually require authentication, are directed to the user's PDS intance, and proxied to the single central chat service by setting the appropriate service DID ( in the service proxying header.

To learn more about calling atproto API endpoints like this one, see the API Hosts and Auth guide.

  • deleteMessageForSelf - This endpoint is part of the Bluesky Chat (DMs) APIs. Requests usually require authentication, are directed to the user's PDS intance, and proxied to the single central chat service by setting the appropriate service DID ( in the service proxying header.

To learn more about calling atproto API endpoints like this one, see the API Hosts and Auth guide.

  • list - This endpoint is part of the Bluesky Chat (DMs) APIs. Requests usually require authentication, are directed to the user's PDS intance, and proxied to the single central chat service by setting the appropriate service DID ( in the service proxying header.

To learn more about calling atproto API endpoints like this one, see the API Hosts and Auth guide.

  • mute - This endpoint is part of the Bluesky Chat (DMs) APIs. Requests usually require authentication, are directed to the user's PDS intance, and proxied to the single central chat service by setting the appropriate service DID ( in the service proxying header.

To learn more about calling atproto API endpoints like this one, see the API Hosts and Auth guide.

  • getActor - This endpoint is part of the Bluesky application Lexicon APIs (app.bsky.*). Public endpoints which don't require authentication can be made directly against the public Bluesky AppView API: Authenticated requests are usually made to the user's PDS, with automatic service proxying. Authenticated requests can be used for both public and non-public endpoints.

To learn more about calling atproto API endpoints like this one, see the API Hosts and Auth guide.

Get a list of feeds (feed generator records) created by the actor (in the actor's repo).

  • getActorLikes - This endpoint is part of the Bluesky application Lexicon APIs (app.bsky.*). Public endpoints which don't require authentication can be made directly against the public Bluesky AppView API: Authenticated requests are usually made to the user's PDS, with automatic service proxying. Authenticated requests can be used for both public and non-public endpoints.

To learn more about calling atproto API endpoints like this one, see the API Hosts and Auth guide.

Get a list of posts liked by an actor. Requires auth, actor must be the requesting account.

  • getAuthor - This endpoint is part of the Bluesky application Lexicon APIs (app.bsky.*). Public endpoints which don't require authentication can be made directly against the public Bluesky AppView API: Authenticated requests are usually made to the user's PDS, with automatic service proxying. Authenticated requests can be used for both public and non-public endpoints.

To learn more about calling atproto API endpoints like this one, see the API Hosts and Auth guide.

Get a view of an actor's 'author feed' (post and reposts by the author). Does not require auth.

  • fetch - This endpoint is part of the Bluesky application Lexicon APIs (app.bsky.*). Public endpoints which don't require authentication can be made directly against the public Bluesky AppView API: Authenticated requests are usually made to the user's PDS, with automatic service proxying. Authenticated requests can be used for both public and non-public endpoints.

To learn more about calling atproto API endpoints like this one, see the API Hosts and Auth guide.

Get a hydrated feed from an actor's selected feed generator. Implemented by App View.

  • getGenerator - This endpoint is part of the Bluesky application Lexicon APIs (app.bsky.*). Public endpoints which don't require authentication can be made directly against the public Bluesky AppView API: Authenticated requests are usually made to the user's PDS, with automatic service proxying. Authenticated requests can be used for both public and non-public endpoints.

To learn more about calling atproto API endpoints like this one, see the API Hosts and Auth guide.

Get information about a feed generator. Implemented by AppView.

  • getGenerators - This endpoint is part of the Bluesky application Lexicon APIs (app.bsky.*). Public endpoints which don't require authentication can be made directly against the public Bluesky AppView API: Authenticated requests are usually made to the user's PDS, with automatic service proxying. Authenticated requests can be used for both public and non-public endpoints.

To learn more about calling atproto API endpoints like this one, see the API Hosts and Auth guide.

Get information about a list of feed generators.

  • getSkeleton - This endpoint is part of the Bluesky application Lexicon APIs (app.bsky.*). Public endpoints which don't require authentication can be made directly against the public Bluesky AppView API: Authenticated requests are usually made to the user's PDS, with automatic service proxying. Authenticated requests can be used for both public and non-public endpoints.

To learn more about calling atproto API endpoints like this one, see the API Hosts and Auth guide.

Get a skeleton of a feed provided by a feed generator. Auth is optional, depending on provider requirements, and provides the DID of the requester. Implemented by Feed Generator Service.

  • getSuggested - This endpoint is part of the Bluesky application Lexicon APIs (app.bsky.*). Public endpoints which don't require authentication can be made directly against the public Bluesky AppView API: Authenticated requests are usually made to the user's PDS, with automatic service proxying. Authenticated requests can be used for both public and non-public endpoints.

To learn more about calling atproto API endpoints like this one, see the API Hosts and Auth guide.

Get a list of suggested feeds (feed generators) for the requesting account.

  • getTimeline - This endpoint is part of the Bluesky application Lexicon APIs (app.bsky.*). Public endpoints which don't require authentication can be made directly against the public Bluesky AppView API: Authenticated requests are usually made to the user's PDS, with automatic service proxying. Authenticated requests can be used for both public and non-public endpoints.

To learn more about calling atproto API endpoints like this one, see the API Hosts and Auth guide.

Get a view of the requesting account's home timeline. This is expected to be some form of reverse-chronological feed.

  • search - This endpoint is part of the Bluesky application Lexicon APIs (app.bsky.*). Public endpoints which don't require authentication can be made directly against the public Bluesky AppView API: Authenticated requests are usually made to the user's PDS, with automatic service proxying. Authenticated requests can be used for both public and non-public endpoints.

To learn more about calling atproto API endpoints like this one, see the API Hosts and Auth guide.

Find posts matching search criteria, returning views of those posts.

  • describeGenerator - This endpoint is part of the Bluesky application Lexicon APIs (app.bsky.*). Public endpoints which don't require authentication can be made directly against the public Bluesky AppView API: Authenticated requests are usually made to the user's PDS, with automatic service proxying. Authenticated requests can be used for both public and non-public endpoints.

To learn more about calling atproto API endpoints like this one, see the API Hosts and Auth guide.

Get information about a feed generator, including policies and offered feed URIs. Does not require auth; implemented by Feed Generator services (not App View).

  • getLikes - This endpoint is part of the Bluesky application Lexicon APIs (app.bsky.*). Public endpoints which don't require authentication can be made directly against the public Bluesky AppView API: Authenticated requests are usually made to the user's PDS, with automatic service proxying. Authenticated requests can be used for both public and non-public endpoints.

To learn more about calling atproto API endpoints like this one, see the API Hosts and Auth guide.

Get like records which reference a subject (by AT-URI and CID).

  • getList - This endpoint is part of the Bluesky application Lexicon APIs (app.bsky.*). Public endpoints which don't require authentication can be made directly against the public Bluesky AppView API: Authenticated requests are usually made to the user's PDS, with automatic service proxying. Authenticated requests can be used for both public and non-public endpoints.

To learn more about calling atproto API endpoints like this one, see the API Hosts and Auth guide.

Get a feed of recent posts from a list (posts and reposts from any actors on the list). Does not require auth.

  • getPostThread - This endpoint is part of the Bluesky application Lexicon APIs (app.bsky.*). Public endpoints which don't require authentication can be made directly against the public Bluesky AppView API: Authenticated requests are usually made to the user's PDS, with automatic service proxying. Authenticated requests can be used for both public and non-public endpoints.

To learn more about calling atproto API endpoints like this one, see the API Hosts and Auth guide.

Get posts in a thread. Does not require auth, but additional metadata and filtering will be applied for authed requests.

  • get - This endpoint is part of the Bluesky application Lexicon APIs (app.bsky.*). Public endpoints which don't require authentication can be made directly against the public Bluesky AppView API: Authenticated requests are usually made to the user's PDS, with automatic service proxying. Authenticated requests can be used for both public and non-public endpoints.

To learn more about calling atproto API endpoints like this one, see the API Hosts and Auth guide.

Gets post views for a specified list of posts (by AT-URI). This is sometimes referred to as 'hydrating' a 'feed skeleton'.

  • getQuotes - This endpoint is part of the Bluesky application Lexicon APIs (app.bsky.*). Public endpoints which don't require authentication can be made directly against the public Bluesky AppView API: Authenticated requests are usually made to the user's PDS, with automatic service proxying. Authenticated requests can be used for both public and non-public endpoints.

To learn more about calling atproto API endpoints like this one, see the API Hosts and Auth guide.

Get a list of quotes for a given post.

  • getRepostedBy - This endpoint is part of the Bluesky application Lexicon APIs (app.bsky.*). Public endpoints which don't require authentication can be made directly against the public Bluesky AppView API: Authenticated requests are usually made to the user's PDS, with automatic service proxying. Authenticated requests can be used for both public and non-public endpoints.

To learn more about calling atproto API endpoints like this one, see the API Hosts and Auth guide.

Get a list of reposts for a given post.

  • sendInteractions - This endpoint is part of the Bluesky application Lexicon APIs (app.bsky.*). Public endpoints which don't require authentication can be made directly against the public Bluesky AppView API: Authenticated requests are usually made to the user's PDS, with automatic service proxying. Authenticated requests can be used for both public and non-public endpoints.

To learn more about calling atproto API endpoints like this one, see the API Hosts and Auth guide.

Send information about interactions with feed items back to the feed generator that served them.

  • getActorStarterPacks - This endpoint is part of the Bluesky application Lexicon APIs (app.bsky.*). Public endpoints which don't require authentication can be made directly against the public Bluesky AppView API: Authenticated requests are usually made to the user's PDS, with automatic service proxying. Authenticated requests can be used for both public and non-public endpoints.

To learn more about calling atproto API endpoints like this one, see the API Hosts and Auth guide.

Get a list of starter packs created by the actor.

  • getFollows - This endpoint is part of the Bluesky application Lexicon APIs (app.bsky.*). Public endpoints which don't require authentication can be made directly against the public Bluesky AppView API: Authenticated requests are usually made to the user's PDS, with automatic service proxying. Authenticated requests can be used for both public and non-public endpoints.

To learn more about calling atproto API endpoints like this one, see the API Hosts and Auth guide.

Enumerates accounts which a specified account (actor) follows.

  • getList - This endpoint is part of the Bluesky application Lexicon APIs (app.bsky.*). Public endpoints which don't require authentication can be made directly against the public Bluesky AppView API: Authenticated requests are usually made to the user's PDS, with automatic service proxying. Authenticated requests can be used for both public and non-public endpoints.

To learn more about calling atproto API endpoints like this one, see the API Hosts and Auth guide.

Gets a 'view' (with additional context) of a specified list.

  • getListMutes - This endpoint is part of the Bluesky application Lexicon APIs (app.bsky.*). Public endpoints which don't require authentication can be made directly against the public Bluesky AppView API: Authenticated requests are usually made to the user's PDS, with automatic service proxying. Authenticated requests can be used for both public and non-public endpoints.

To learn more about calling atproto API endpoints like this one, see the API Hosts and Auth guide.

Enumerates mod lists that the requesting account (actor) currently has muted. Requires auth.

  • getLists - This endpoint is part of the Bluesky application Lexicon APIs (app.bsky.*). Public endpoints which don't require authentication can be made directly against the public Bluesky AppView API: Authenticated requests are usually made to the user's PDS, with automatic service proxying. Authenticated requests can be used for both public and non-public endpoints.

To learn more about calling atproto API endpoints like this one, see the API Hosts and Auth guide.

Enumerates the lists created by a specified account (actor).

  • getRelationships - This endpoint is part of the Bluesky application Lexicon APIs (app.bsky.*). Public endpoints which don't require authentication can be made directly against the public Bluesky AppView API: Authenticated requests are usually made to the user's PDS, with automatic service proxying. Authenticated requests can be used for both public and non-public endpoints.

To learn more about calling atproto API endpoints like this one, see the API Hosts and Auth guide.

Enumerates public relationships between one account, and a list of other accounts. Does not require auth.

  • getStarterPack - This endpoint is part of the Bluesky application Lexicon APIs (app.bsky.*). Public endpoints which don't require authentication can be made directly against the public Bluesky AppView API: Authenticated requests are usually made to the user's PDS, with automatic service proxying. Authenticated requests can be used for both public and non-public endpoints.

To learn more about calling atproto API endpoints like this one, see the API Hosts and Auth guide.

Gets a view of a starter pack.

  • muteActor - This endpoint is part of the Bluesky application Lexicon APIs (app.bsky.*). Public endpoints which don't require authentication can be made directly against the public Bluesky AppView API: Authenticated requests are usually made to the user's PDS, with automatic service proxying. Authenticated requests can be used for both public and non-public endpoints.

To learn more about calling atproto API endpoints like this one, see the API Hosts and Auth guide.

Creates a mute relationship for the specified account. Mutes are private in Bluesky. Requires auth.

  • muteActorList - This endpoint is part of the Bluesky application Lexicon APIs (app.bsky.*). Public endpoints which don't require authentication can be made directly against the public Bluesky AppView API: Authenticated requests are usually made to the user's PDS, with automatic service proxying. Authenticated requests can be used for both public and non-public endpoints.

To learn more about calling atproto API endpoints like this one, see the API Hosts and Auth guide.

Creates a mute relationship for the specified list of accounts. Mutes are private in Bluesky. Requires auth.

  • searchStarterPacks - This endpoint is part of the Bluesky application Lexicon APIs (app.bsky.*). Public endpoints which don't require authentication can be made directly against the public Bluesky AppView API: Authenticated requests are usually made to the user's PDS, with automatic service proxying. Authenticated requests can be used for both public and non-public endpoints.

To learn more about calling atproto API endpoints like this one, see the API Hosts and Auth guide.

Find starter packs matching search criteria. Does not require auth.

  • unmuteThread - This endpoint is part of the Bluesky application Lexicon APIs (app.bsky.*). Public endpoints which don't require authentication can be made directly against the public Bluesky AppView API: Authenticated requests are usually made to the user's PDS, with automatic service proxying. Authenticated requests can be used for both public and non-public endpoints.

To learn more about calling atproto API endpoints like this one, see the API Hosts and Auth guide.

Unmutes the specified thread. Requires auth.

  • getBlocks - This endpoint is part of the Bluesky application Lexicon APIs (app.bsky.*). Public endpoints which don't require authentication can be made directly against the public Bluesky AppView API: Authenticated requests are usually made to the user's PDS, with automatic service proxying. Authenticated requests can be used for both public and non-public endpoints.

To learn more about calling atproto API endpoints like this one, see the API Hosts and Auth guide.

Enumerates which accounts the requesting account is currently blocking. Requires auth.

  • getKnownFollowers - This endpoint is part of the Bluesky application Lexicon APIs (app.bsky.*). Public endpoints which don't require authentication can be made directly against the public Bluesky AppView API: Authenticated requests are usually made to the user's PDS, with automatic service proxying. Authenticated requests can be used for both public and non-public endpoints.

To learn more about calling atproto API endpoints like this one, see the API Hosts and Auth guide.

Enumerates accounts which follow a specified account (actor) and are followed by the viewer.

  • getListBlocks - This endpoint is part of the Bluesky application Lexicon APIs (app.bsky.*). Public endpoints which don't require authentication can be made directly against the public Bluesky AppView API: Authenticated requests are usually made to the user's PDS, with automatic service proxying. Authenticated requests can be used for both public and non-public endpoints.

To learn more about calling atproto API endpoints like this one, see the API Hosts and Auth guide.

Get mod lists that the requesting account (actor) is blocking. Requires auth.

  • getMutes - This endpoint is part of the Bluesky application Lexicon APIs (app.bsky.*). Public endpoints which don't require authentication can be made directly against the public Bluesky AppView API: Authenticated requests are usually made to the user's PDS, with automatic service proxying. Authenticated requests can be used for both public and non-public endpoints.

To learn more about calling atproto API endpoints like this one, see the API Hosts and Auth guide.

Enumerates accounts that the requesting account (actor) currently has muted. Requires auth.

  • getStarterPacks - This endpoint is part of the Bluesky application Lexicon APIs (app.bsky.*). Public endpoints which don't require authentication can be made directly against the public Bluesky AppView API: Authenticated requests are usually made to the user's PDS, with automatic service proxying. Authenticated requests can be used for both public and non-public endpoints.

To learn more about calling atproto API endpoints like this one, see the API Hosts and Auth guide.

Get views for a list of starter packs.

  • muteThread - This endpoint is part of the Bluesky application Lexicon APIs (app.bsky.*). Public endpoints which don't require authentication can be made directly against the public Bluesky AppView API: Authenticated requests are usually made to the user's PDS, with automatic service proxying. Authenticated requests can be used for both public and non-public endpoints.

To learn more about calling atproto API endpoints like this one, see the API Hosts and Auth guide.

Mutes a thread preventing notifications from the thread and any of its children. Mutes are private in Bluesky. Requires auth.

  • unmuteActorList - This endpoint is part of the Bluesky application Lexicon APIs (app.bsky.*). Public endpoints which don't require authentication can be made directly against the public Bluesky AppView API: Authenticated requests are usually made to the user's PDS, with automatic service proxying. Authenticated requests can be used for both public and non-public endpoints.

To learn more about calling atproto API endpoints like this one, see the API Hosts and Auth guide.

Unmutes the specified list of accounts. Requires auth.

Updates the current account's handle. Verifies handle validity, and updates did:plc document if necessary. Implemented by PDS, and requires auth.

Describe the credentials that should be included in the DID doc of an account that is migrating to this service.

Validates a PLC operation to ensure that it doesn't violate a service's constraints or get the identity into a bad state, then submits it to the PLC registry

  • getServices - This endpoint is part of the Bluesky application Lexicon APIs (app.bsky.*). Public endpoints which don't require authentication can be made directly against the public Bluesky AppView API: Authenticated requests are usually made to the user's PDS, with automatic service proxying. Authenticated requests can be used for both public and non-public endpoints.

To learn more about calling atproto API endpoints like this one, see the API Hosts and Auth guide.

Get information about a list of labeler services.

  • getEvent - This endpoint is part of the Ozone moderation service APIs. Requests usually require authentication, are directed to the user's PDS intance, and proxied to the Ozone instance indicated by the DID in the service proxying header. Admin authenentication may also be possible, with request sent directly to the Ozone instance.

To learn more about calling atproto API endpoints like this one, see the API Hosts and Auth guide.

Get details about a moderation event.

  • queryEvents - This endpoint is part of the Ozone moderation service APIs. Requests usually require authentication, are directed to the user's PDS intance, and proxied to the Ozone instance indicated by the DID in the service proxying header. Admin authenentication may also be possible, with request sent directly to the Ozone instance.

To learn more about calling atproto API endpoints like this one, see the API Hosts and Auth guide.

List moderation events related to a subject.

  • getRecords - This endpoint is part of the Ozone moderation service APIs. Requests usually require authentication, are directed to the user's PDS intance, and proxied to the Ozone instance indicated by the DID in the service proxying header. Admin authenentication may also be possible, with request sent directly to the Ozone instance.

To learn more about calling atproto API endpoints like this one, see the API Hosts and Auth guide.

Get details about some records.

  • getRepos - This endpoint is part of the Ozone moderation service APIs. Requests usually require authentication, are directed to the user's PDS intance, and proxied to the Ozone instance indicated by the DID in the service proxying header. Admin authenentication may also be possible, with request sent directly to the Ozone instance.

To learn more about calling atproto API endpoints like this one, see the API Hosts and Auth guide.

Get details about some repositories.

  • queryStatuses - This endpoint is part of the Ozone moderation service APIs. Requests usually require authentication, are directed to the user's PDS intance, and proxied to the Ozone instance indicated by the DID in the service proxying header. Admin authenentication may also be possible, with request sent directly to the Ozone instance.

To learn more about calling atproto API endpoints like this one, see the API Hosts and Auth guide.

View moderation statuses of subjects (record or repo).

  • list - This endpoint is part of the Bluesky application Lexicon APIs (app.bsky.*). Public endpoints which don't require authentication can be made directly against the public Bluesky AppView API: Authenticated requests are usually made to the user's PDS, with automatic service proxying. Authenticated requests can be used for both public and non-public endpoints.

To learn more about calling atproto API endpoints like this one, see the API Hosts and Auth guide.

Enumerate notifications for the requesting account. Requires auth.

  • getUnreadCount - This endpoint is part of the Bluesky application Lexicon APIs (app.bsky.*). Public endpoints which don't require authentication can be made directly against the public Bluesky AppView API: Authenticated requests are usually made to the user's PDS, with automatic service proxying. Authenticated requests can be used for both public and non-public endpoints.

To learn more about calling atproto API endpoints like this one, see the API Hosts and Auth guide.

Count the number of unread notifications for the requesting account. Requires auth.

  • putPreferences - This endpoint is part of the Bluesky application Lexicon APIs (app.bsky.*). Public endpoints which don't require authentication can be made directly against the public Bluesky AppView API: Authenticated requests are usually made to the user's PDS, with automatic service proxying. Authenticated requests can be used for both public and non-public endpoints.

To learn more about calling atproto API endpoints like this one, see the API Hosts and Auth guide.

Set notification-related preferences for an account. Requires auth.

  • registerPush - This endpoint is part of the Bluesky application Lexicon APIs (app.bsky.*). Public endpoints which don't require authentication can be made directly against the public Bluesky AppView API: Authenticated requests are usually made to the user's PDS, with automatic service proxying. Authenticated requests can be used for both public and non-public endpoints.

To learn more about calling atproto API endpoints like this one, see the API Hosts and Auth guide.

Register to receive push notifications, via a specified service, for the requesting account. Requires auth.

  • updateSeen - This endpoint is part of the Bluesky application Lexicon APIs (app.bsky.*). Public endpoints which don't require authentication can be made directly against the public Bluesky AppView API: Authenticated requests are usually made to the user's PDS, with automatic service proxying. Authenticated requests can be used for both public and non-public endpoints.

To learn more about calling atproto API endpoints like this one, see the API Hosts and Auth guide.

Notify server that the requesting account has seen notifications. Requires auth.

  • addMember - This endpoint is part of the Ozone moderation service APIs. Requests usually require authentication, are directed to the user's PDS intance, and proxied to the Ozone instance indicated by the DID in the service proxying header. Admin authenentication may also be possible, with request sent directly to the Ozone instance.

To learn more about calling atproto API endpoints like this one, see the API Hosts and Auth guide.

Add a member to the ozone team. Requires admin role.

  • delete - This endpoint is part of the Ozone moderation service APIs. Requests usually require authentication, are directed to the user's PDS intance, and proxied to the Ozone instance indicated by the DID in the service proxying header. Admin authenentication may also be possible, with request sent directly to the Ozone instance.

To learn more about calling atproto API endpoints like this one, see the API Hosts and Auth guide.

Delete a communication template.

  • listTemplates - This endpoint is part of the Ozone moderation service APIs. Requests usually require authentication, are directed to the user's PDS intance, and proxied to the Ozone instance indicated by the DID in the service proxying header. Admin authenentication may also be possible, with request sent directly to the Ozone instance.

To learn more about calling atproto API endpoints like this one, see the API Hosts and Auth guide.

Get list of all communication templates.

  • updateTemplate - This endpoint is part of the Ozone moderation service APIs. Requests usually require authentication, are directed to the user's PDS intance, and proxied to the Ozone instance indicated by the DID in the service proxying header. Admin authenentication may also be possible, with request sent directly to the Ozone instance.

To learn more about calling atproto API endpoints like this one, see the API Hosts and Auth guide.

Administrative action to update an existing communication template. Allows passing partial fields to patch specific fields only.

  • emitEvent - This endpoint is part of the Ozone moderation service APIs. Requests usually require authentication, are directed to the user's PDS intance, and proxied to the Ozone instance indicated by the DID in the service proxying header. Admin authenentication may also be possible, with request sent directly to the Ozone instance.

To learn more about calling atproto API endpoints like this one, see the API Hosts and Auth guide.

Take a moderation action on an actor.

  • getRecord - This endpoint is part of the Ozone moderation service APIs. Requests usually require authentication, are directed to the user's PDS intance, and proxied to the Ozone instance indicated by the DID in the service proxying header. Admin authenentication may also be possible, with request sent directly to the Ozone instance.

To learn more about calling atproto API endpoints like this one, see the API Hosts and Auth guide.

Get details about a record.

  • get - This endpoint is part of the Ozone moderation service APIs. Requests usually require authentication, are directed to the user's PDS intance, and proxied to the Ozone instance indicated by the DID in the service proxying header. Admin authenentication may also be possible, with request sent directly to the Ozone instance.

To learn more about calling atproto API endpoints like this one, see the API Hosts and Auth guide.

Get details about a repository.

  • searchRepos - This endpoint is part of the Ozone moderation service APIs. Requests usually require authentication, are directed to the user's PDS intance, and proxied to the Ozone instance indicated by the DID in the service proxying header. Admin authenentication may also be possible, with request sent directly to the Ozone instance.

To learn more about calling atproto API endpoints like this one, see the API Hosts and Auth guide.

Find repositories based on a search term.

  • getConfig - This endpoint is part of the Ozone moderation service APIs. Requests usually require authentication, are directed to the user's PDS intance, and proxied to the Ozone instance indicated by the DID in the service proxying header. Admin authenentication may also be possible, with request sent directly to the Ozone instance.

To learn more about calling atproto API endpoints like this one, see the API Hosts and Auth guide.

Get details about ozone's server configuration.

  • add - This endpoint is part of the Ozone moderation service APIs. Requests usually require authentication, are directed to the user's PDS intance, and proxied to the Ozone instance indicated by the DID in the service proxying header. Admin authenentication may also be possible, with request sent directly to the Ozone instance.

To learn more about calling atproto API endpoints like this one, see the API Hosts and Auth guide.

Add values to a specific set. Attempting to add values to a set that does not exist will result in an error.

  • upsert - This endpoint is part of the Ozone moderation service APIs. Requests usually require authentication, are directed to the user's PDS intance, and proxied to the Ozone instance indicated by the DID in the service proxying header. Admin authenentication may also be possible, with request sent directly to the Ozone instance.

To learn more about calling atproto API endpoints like this one, see the API Hosts and Auth guide.

Create or update set metadata

  • upsertOption - This endpoint is part of the Ozone moderation service APIs. Requests usually require authentication, are directed to the user's PDS intance, and proxied to the Ozone instance indicated by the DID in the service proxying header. Admin authenentication may also be possible, with request sent directly to the Ozone instance.

To learn more about calling atproto API endpoints like this one, see the API Hosts and Auth guide.

Create or update setting option

  • searchAccounts - This endpoint is part of the Ozone moderation service APIs. Requests usually require authentication, are directed to the user's PDS intance, and proxied to the Ozone instance indicated by the DID in the service proxying header. Admin authenentication may also be possible, with request sent directly to the Ozone instance.

To learn more about calling atproto API endpoints like this one, see the API Hosts and Auth guide.

Search for accounts that match one or more threat signature values.

  • findRelatedAccounts - This endpoint is part of the Ozone moderation service APIs. Requests usually require authentication, are directed to the user's PDS intance, and proxied to the Ozone instance indicated by the DID in the service proxying header. Admin authenentication may also be possible, with request sent directly to the Ozone instance.

To learn more about calling atproto API endpoints like this one, see the API Hosts and Auth guide.

Get accounts that share some matching threat signatures with the root account.

  • putRecord - This endpoint is part of the atproto PDS repository management APIs. Requests usually require authentication (unlike the com.atproto.sync.* endpoints), and are made directly to the user's own PDS instance.

To learn more about calling atproto API endpoints like this one, see the API Hosts and Auth guide.

Write a repository record, creating or updating it as needed. Requires auth, implemented by PDS.

  • applyWrites - This endpoint is part of the atproto PDS repository management APIs. Requests usually require authentication (unlike the com.atproto.sync.* endpoints), and are made directly to the user's own PDS instance.

To learn more about calling atproto API endpoints like this one, see the API Hosts and Auth guide.

Apply a batch transaction of repository creates, updates, and deletes. Requires auth, implemented by PDS.

  • createRecord - This endpoint is part of the atproto PDS repository management APIs. Requests usually require authentication (unlike the com.atproto.sync.* endpoints), and are made directly to the user's own PDS instance.

To learn more about calling atproto API endpoints like this one, see the API Hosts and Auth guide.

Create a single new repository record. Requires auth, implemented by PDS.

  • describe - This endpoint is part of the atproto PDS repository management APIs. Requests usually require authentication (unlike the com.atproto.sync.* endpoints), and are made directly to the user's own PDS instance.

To learn more about calling atproto API endpoints like this one, see the API Hosts and Auth guide.

Get information about an account and repository, including the list of collections. Does not require auth.

  • getRecord - This endpoint is part of the atproto PDS repository management APIs. Requests usually require authentication (unlike the com.atproto.sync.* endpoints), and are made directly to the user's own PDS instance.

To learn more about calling atproto API endpoints like this one, see the API Hosts and Auth guide.

Get a single record from a repository. Does not require auth.

  • listMissingBlobs - This endpoint is part of the atproto PDS repository management APIs. Requests usually require authentication (unlike the com.atproto.sync.* endpoints), and are made directly to the user's own PDS instance.

To learn more about calling atproto API endpoints like this one, see the API Hosts and Auth guide.

Returns a list of missing blobs for the requesting account. Intended to be used in the account migration flow.

  • list - This endpoint is part of the atproto PDS repository management APIs. Requests usually require authentication (unlike the com.atproto.sync.* endpoints), and are made directly to the user's own PDS instance.

To learn more about calling atproto API endpoints like this one, see the API Hosts and Auth guide.

List a range of records in a repository, matching a specific collection. Does not require auth.

  • checkAccountStatus - This endpoint is part of the atproto PDS server and account management APIs. Requests often require authentication and are made directly to the user's own PDS instance.

To learn more about calling atproto API endpoints like this one, see the API Hosts and Auth guide.

Returns the status of an account, especially as pertaining to import or recovery. Can be called many times over the course of an account migration. Requires auth and can only be called pertaining to oneself.

  • confirmEmail - This endpoint is part of the atproto PDS server and account management APIs. Requests often require authentication and are made directly to the user's own PDS instance.

To learn more about calling atproto API endpoints like this one, see the API Hosts and Auth guide.

Confirm an email using a token from com.atproto.server.requestEmailConfirmation.

  • createSession - This endpoint is part of the atproto PDS server and account management APIs. Requests often require authentication and are made directly to the user's own PDS instance.

To learn more about calling atproto API endpoints like this one, see the API Hosts and Auth guide.

Create an authentication session.

  • deactivateAccount - This endpoint is part of the atproto PDS server and account management APIs. Requests often require authentication and are made directly to the user's own PDS instance.

To learn more about calling atproto API endpoints like this one, see the API Hosts and Auth guide.

Deactivates a currently active account. Stops serving of repo, and future writes to repo until reactivated. Used to finalize account migration with the old host after the account has been activated on the new host.

  • listAppPasswords - This endpoint is part of the atproto PDS server and account management APIs. Requests often require authentication and are made directly to the user's own PDS instance.

To learn more about calling atproto API endpoints like this one, see the API Hosts and Auth guide.

List all App Passwords.

  • requestAccountDelete - This endpoint is part of the atproto PDS server and account management APIs. Requests often require authentication and are made directly to the user's own PDS instance.

To learn more about calling atproto API endpoints like this one, see the API Hosts and Auth guide.

Initiate a user account deletion via email.

  • requestEmailUpdate - This endpoint is part of the atproto PDS server and account management APIs. Requests often require authentication and are made directly to the user's own PDS instance.

To learn more about calling atproto API endpoints like this one, see the API Hosts and Auth guide.

Request a token in order to update email.

  • getServiceAuth - This endpoint is part of the atproto PDS server and account management APIs. Requests often require authentication and are made directly to the user's own PDS instance.

To learn more about calling atproto API endpoints like this one, see the API Hosts and Auth guide.

Get a signed token on behalf of the requesting DID for the requested service.

  • getSession - This endpoint is part of the atproto PDS server and account management APIs. Requests often require authentication and are made directly to the user's own PDS instance.

To learn more about calling atproto API endpoints like this one, see the API Hosts and Auth guide.

Get information about the current auth session. Requires auth.

  • reserveSigningKey - This endpoint is part of the atproto PDS server and account management APIs. Requests often require authentication and are made directly to the user's own PDS instance.

To learn more about calling atproto API endpoints like this one, see the API Hosts and Auth guide.

Reserve a repo signing key, for use with account creation. Necessary so that a DID PLC update operation can be constructed during an account migraiton. Public and does not require auth; implemented by PDS. NOTE: this endpoint may change when full account migration is implemented.

  • updateEmail - This endpoint is part of the atproto PDS server and account management APIs. Requests often require authentication and are made directly to the user's own PDS instance.

To learn more about calling atproto API endpoints like this one, see the API Hosts and Auth guide.

Update an account's email.

  • delete - This endpoint is part of the Ozone moderation service APIs. Requests usually require authentication, are directed to the user's PDS intance, and proxied to the Ozone instance indicated by the DID in the service proxying header. Admin authenentication may also be possible, with request sent directly to the Ozone instance.

To learn more about calling atproto API endpoints like this one, see the API Hosts and Auth guide.

Delete an entire set. Attempting to delete a set that does not exist will result in an error.

  • query - This endpoint is part of the Ozone moderation service APIs. Requests usually require authentication, are directed to the user's PDS intance, and proxied to the Ozone instance indicated by the DID in the service proxying header. Admin authenentication may also be possible, with request sent directly to the Ozone instance.

To learn more about calling atproto API endpoints like this one, see the API Hosts and Auth guide.

Query available sets

  • deleteValues - This endpoint is part of the Ozone moderation service APIs. Requests usually require authentication, are directed to the user's PDS intance, and proxied to the Ozone instance indicated by the DID in the service proxying header. Admin authenentication may also be possible, with request sent directly to the Ozone instance.

To learn more about calling atproto API endpoints like this one, see the API Hosts and Auth guide.

Delete values from a specific set. Attempting to delete values that are not in the set will not result in an error

  • getValues - This endpoint is part of the Ozone moderation service APIs. Requests usually require authentication, are directed to the user's PDS intance, and proxied to the Ozone instance indicated by the DID in the service proxying header. Admin authenentication may also be possible, with request sent directly to the Ozone instance.

To learn more about calling atproto API endpoints like this one, see the API Hosts and Auth guide.

Get a specific set and its values

  • removeOptions - This endpoint is part of the Ozone moderation service APIs. Requests usually require authentication, are directed to the user's PDS intance, and proxied to the Ozone instance indicated by the DID in the service proxying header. Admin authenentication may also be possible, with request sent directly to the Ozone instance.

To learn more about calling atproto API endpoints like this one, see the API Hosts and Auth guide.

Delete settings by key

  • list - This endpoint is part of the Ozone moderation service APIs. Requests usually require authentication, are directed to the user's PDS intance, and proxied to the Ozone instance indicated by the DID in the service proxying header. Admin authenentication may also be possible, with request sent directly to the Ozone instance.

To learn more about calling atproto API endpoints like this one, see the API Hosts and Auth guide.

List settings with optional filtering

  • findCorrelation - This endpoint is part of the Ozone moderation service APIs. Requests usually require authentication, are directed to the user's PDS intance, and proxied to the Ozone instance indicated by the DID in the service proxying header. Admin authenentication may also be possible, with request sent directly to the Ozone instance.

To learn more about calling atproto API endpoints like this one, see the API Hosts and Auth guide.

Find all correlated threat signatures between 2 or more accounts.

  • getRepo - This endpoint is part of the atproto repository synchronization APIs. Requests usually do not require authentication, and can be made to PDS intances or Relay instances.*

To learn more about calling atproto API endpoints like this one, see the API Hosts and Auth guide.

Download a repository export as CAR file. Optionally only a 'diff' since a previous revision. Does not require auth; implemented by PDS.

  • listBlobs - This endpoint is part of the atproto repository synchronization APIs. Requests usually do not require authentication, and can be made to PDS intances or Relay instances.*

To learn more about calling atproto API endpoints like this one, see the API Hosts and Auth guide.

List blob CIDs for an account, since some repo revision. Does not require auth; implemented by PDS.

  • notifyOfUpdate - This endpoint is part of the atproto repository synchronization APIs. Requests usually do not require authentication, and can be made to PDS intances or Relay instances.*

To learn more about calling atproto API endpoints like this one, see the API Hosts and Auth guide.

Notify a crawling service of a recent update, and that crawling should resume. Intended use is after a gap between repo stream events caused the crawling service to disconnect. Does not require auth; implemented by Relay.

  • getBlocks - This endpoint is part of the atproto repository synchronization APIs. Requests usually do not require authentication, and can be made to PDS intances or Relay instances.*

To learn more about calling atproto API endpoints like this one, see the API Hosts and Auth guide.

Get data blocks from a given repo, by CID. For example, intermediate MST nodes, or records. Does not require auth; implemented by PDS.

  • getLatestCommit - This endpoint is part of the atproto repository synchronization APIs. Requests usually do not require authentication, and can be made to PDS intances or Relay instances.*

To learn more about calling atproto API endpoints like this one, see the API Hosts and Auth guide.

Get the current commit CID & revision of the specified repo. Does not require auth.

  • getRepoStatus - This endpoint is part of the atproto repository synchronization APIs. Requests usually do not require authentication, and can be made to PDS intances or Relay instances.*

To learn more about calling atproto API endpoints like this one, see the API Hosts and Auth guide.

Get the hosting status for a repository, on this server. Expected to be implemented by PDS and Relay.

  • requestCrawl - This endpoint is part of the atproto repository synchronization APIs. Requests usually do not require authentication, and can be made to PDS intances or Relay instances.*

To learn more about calling atproto API endpoints like this one, see the API Hosts and Auth guide.

Request a service to persistently crawl hosted repos. Expected use is new PDS instances declaring their existence to Relays. Does not require auth.

  • listMembers - This endpoint is part of the Ozone moderation service APIs. Requests usually require authentication, are directed to the user's PDS intance, and proxied to the Ozone instance indicated by the DID in the service proxying header. Admin authenentication may also be possible, with request sent directly to the Ozone instance.

To learn more about calling atproto API endpoints like this one, see the API Hosts and Auth guide.

List all members with access to the ozone service.

  • deleteMember - This endpoint is part of the Ozone moderation service APIs. Requests usually require authentication, are directed to the user's PDS intance, and proxied to the Ozone instance indicated by the DID in the service proxying header. Admin authenentication may also be possible, with request sent directly to the Ozone instance.

To learn more about calling atproto API endpoints like this one, see the API Hosts and Auth guide.

Delete a member from ozone team. Requires admin role.

  • updateMember - This endpoint is part of the Ozone moderation service APIs. Requests usually require authentication, are directed to the user's PDS intance, and proxied to the Ozone instance indicated by the DID in the service proxying header. Admin authenentication may also be possible, with request sent directly to the Ozone instance.

To learn more about calling atproto API endpoints like this one, see the API Hosts and Auth guide.

Update a member in the ozone service. Requires admin role.

  • getFollowers - This endpoint is part of the Bluesky application Lexicon APIs (app.bsky.*). Public endpoints which don't require authentication can be made directly against the public Bluesky AppView API: Authenticated requests are usually made to the user's PDS, with automatic service proxying. Authenticated requests can be used for both public and non-public endpoints.

To learn more about calling atproto API endpoints like this one, see the API Hosts and Auth guide.

Enumerates accounts which follow a specified account (actor).

  • getSuggestedFollows - This endpoint is part of the Bluesky application Lexicon APIs (app.bsky.*). Public endpoints which don't require authentication can be made directly against the public Bluesky AppView API: Authenticated requests are usually made to the user's PDS, with automatic service proxying. Authenticated requests can be used for both public and non-public endpoints.

To learn more about calling atproto API endpoints like this one, see the API Hosts and Auth guide.

Enumerates follows similar to a given account (actor). Expected use is to recommend additional accounts immediately after following one account.

  • unmute - This endpoint is part of the Bluesky application Lexicon APIs (app.bsky.*). Public endpoints which don't require authentication can be made directly against the public Bluesky AppView API: Authenticated requests are usually made to the user's PDS, with automatic service proxying. Authenticated requests can be used for both public and non-public endpoints.

To learn more about calling atproto API endpoints like this one, see the API Hosts and Auth guide.

Unmutes the specified account. Requires auth.

  • getJobStatus - This endpoint is part of the Bluesky application Lexicon APIs (app.bsky.*). Public endpoints which don't require authentication can be made directly against the public Bluesky AppView API: Authenticated requests are usually made to the user's PDS, with automatic service proxying. Authenticated requests can be used for both public and non-public endpoints.

To learn more about calling atproto API endpoints like this one, see the API Hosts and Auth guide.

Get status details for a video processing job.

  • getUploadLimits - This endpoint is part of the Bluesky application Lexicon APIs (app.bsky.*). Public endpoints which don't require authentication can be made directly against the public Bluesky AppView API: Authenticated requests are usually made to the user's PDS, with automatic service proxying. Authenticated requests can be used for both public and non-public endpoints.

To learn more about calling atproto API endpoints like this one, see the API Hosts and Auth guide.

Get video upload limits for the authenticated user.

  • upload - This endpoint is part of the Bluesky application Lexicon APIs (app.bsky.*). Public endpoints which don't require authentication can be made directly against the public Bluesky AppView API: Authenticated requests are usually made to the user's PDS, with automatic service proxying. Authenticated requests can be used for both public and non-public endpoints.

To learn more about calling atproto API endpoints like this one, see the API Hosts and Auth guide.

Upload a video to be processed then stored on the PDS.

Standalone functions

All the methods listed above are available as standalone functions. These functions are ideal for use in applications running in the browser, serverless runtimes or other environments where application bundle size is a primary concern. When using a bundler to build your application, all unused functionality will be either excluded from the final bundle or tree-shaken away.

To read more about standalone functions, check

Available standalone functions
  • accountDelete - This endpoint is part of the Bluesky Chat (DMs) APIs. Requests usually require authentication, are directed to the user's PDS intance, and proxied to the single central chat service by setting the appropriate service DID ( in the service proxying header.

To learn more about calling atproto API endpoints like this one, see the API Hosts and Auth guide.

  • accountExportData - This endpoint is part of the Bluesky Chat (DMs) APIs. Requests usually require authentication, are directed to the user's PDS intance, and proxied to the single central chat service by setting the appropriate service DID ( in the service proxying header.

To learn more about calling atproto API endpoints like this one, see the API Hosts and Auth guide.

  • accountsGetInviteCodes - This endpoint is part of the atproto PDS server and account management APIs. Requests often require authentication and are made directly to the user's own PDS instance.

To learn more about calling atproto API endpoints like this one, see the API Hosts and Auth guide.

Get all invite codes for the current account. Requires auth.

  • actorGetSuggestions - This endpoint is part of the Bluesky application Lexicon APIs (app.bsky.*). Public endpoints which don't require authentication can be made directly against the public Bluesky AppView API: Authenticated requests are usually made to the user's PDS, with automatic service proxying. Authenticated requests can be used for both public and non-public endpoints.

To learn more about calling atproto API endpoints like this one, see the API Hosts and Auth guide.

Get a list of suggested actors. Expected use is discovery of accounts to follow during new account onboarding.

  • actorSearchTypeahead - This endpoint is part of the Bluesky application Lexicon APIs (app.bsky.*). Public endpoints which don't require authentication can be made directly against the public Bluesky AppView API: Authenticated requests are usually made to the user's PDS, with automatic service proxying. Authenticated requests can be used for both public and non-public endpoints.

To learn more about calling atproto API endpoints like this one, see the API Hosts and Auth guide.

Find actor suggestions for a prefix search term. Expected use is for auto-completion during text field entry. Does not require auth.

  • actorsGetPreferences - This endpoint is part of the Bluesky application Lexicon APIs (app.bsky.*). Public endpoints which don't require authentication can be made directly against the public Bluesky AppView API: Authenticated requests are usually made to the user's PDS, with automatic service proxying. Authenticated requests can be used for both public and non-public endpoints.

To learn more about calling atproto API endpoints like this one, see the API Hosts and Auth guide.

Get private preferences attached to the current account. Expected use is synchronization between multiple devices, and import/export during account migration. Requires auth.

  • actorsGetProfile - This endpoint is part of the Bluesky application Lexicon APIs (app.bsky.*). Public endpoints which don't require authentication can be made directly against the public Bluesky AppView API: Authenticated requests are usually made to the user's PDS, with automatic service proxying. Authenticated requests can be used for both public and non-public endpoints.

To learn more about calling atproto API endpoints like this one, see the API Hosts and Auth guide.

Get detailed profile view of an actor. Does not require auth, but contains relevant metadata with auth.

  • actorsGetProfiles - This endpoint is part of the Bluesky application Lexicon APIs (app.bsky.*). Public endpoints which don't require authentication can be made directly against the public Bluesky AppView API: Authenticated requests are usually made to the user's PDS, with automatic service proxying. Authenticated requests can be used for both public and non-public endpoints.

To learn more about calling atproto API endpoints like this one, see the API Hosts and Auth guide.

Get detailed profile views of multiple actors.

  • actorsPutPreferences - This endpoint is part of the Bluesky application Lexicon APIs (app.bsky.*). Public endpoints which don't require authentication can be made directly against the public Bluesky AppView API: Authenticated requests are usually made to the user's PDS, with automatic service proxying. Authenticated requests can be used for both public and non-public endpoints.

To learn more about calling atproto API endpoints like this one, see the API Hosts and Auth guide.

Set the private preferences attached to the account.

  • actorsSearch - This endpoint is part of the Bluesky application Lexicon APIs (app.bsky.*). Public endpoints which don't require authentication can be made directly against the public Bluesky AppView API: Authenticated requests are usually made to the user's PDS, with automatic service proxying. Authenticated requests can be used for both public and non-public endpoints.

To learn more about calling atproto API endpoints like this one, see the API Hosts and Auth guide.

Find actors (profiles) matching search criteria. Does not require auth.

  • adminDisableInviteCodes - This endpoint is part of the atproto PDS management APIs. Requests usually require admin authentication and are made directly to the PDS instance.

To learn more about calling atproto API endpoints like this one, see the API Hosts and Auth guide.

Disable some set of codes and/or all codes associated with a set of users.

  • adminGetAccountInfo - This endpoint is part of the atproto PDS management APIs. Requests usually require admin authentication and are made directly to the PDS instance.

To learn more about calling atproto API endpoints like this one, see the API Hosts and Auth guide.

Get details about an account.

  • adminGetSubjectStatus - This endpoint is part of the atproto PDS management APIs. Requests usually require admin authentication and are made directly to the PDS instance.

To learn more about calling atproto API endpoints like this one, see the API Hosts and Auth guide.

Get the service-specific admin status of a subject (account, record, or blob).

  • adminsDeleteAccount - This endpoint is part of the atproto PDS management APIs. Requests usually require admin authentication and are made directly to the PDS instance.

To learn more about calling atproto API endpoints like this one, see the API Hosts and Auth guide.

Delete a user account as an administrator.

  • adminsEnableAccountInvites - This endpoint is part of the atproto PDS management APIs. Requests usually require admin authentication and are made directly to the PDS instance.

To learn more about calling atproto API endpoints like this one, see the API Hosts and Auth guide.

Re-enable an account's ability to receive invite codes.

  • adminSendEmail - This endpoint is part of the atproto PDS management APIs. Requests usually require admin authentication and are made directly to the PDS instance.

To learn more about calling atproto API endpoints like this one, see the API Hosts and Auth guide.

Send email to a user's account email address.

  • adminsGetAccountInfos - This endpoint is part of the atproto PDS management APIs. Requests usually require admin authentication and are made directly to the PDS instance.

To learn more about calling atproto API endpoints like this one, see the API Hosts and Auth guide.

Get details about some accounts.

  • adminUpdateAccountEmail - This endpoint is part of the atproto PDS management APIs. Requests usually require admin authentication and are made directly to the PDS instance.

To learn more about calling atproto API endpoints like this one, see the API Hosts and Auth guide.

Administrative action to update an account's email.

  • adminUpdateAccountHandle - This endpoint is part of the atproto PDS management APIs. Requests usually require admin authentication and are made directly to the PDS instance.

To learn more about calling atproto API endpoints like this one, see the API Hosts and Auth guide.

Administrative action to update an account's handle.

  • adminUpdateAccountPassword - This endpoint is part of the atproto PDS management APIs. Requests usually require admin authentication and are made directly to the PDS instance.

To learn more about calling atproto API endpoints like this one, see the API Hosts and Auth guide.

Update the password for a user account as an administrator.

  • adminUpdateSubjectStatus - This endpoint is part of the atproto PDS management APIs. Requests usually require admin authentication and are made directly to the PDS instance.

To learn more about calling atproto API endpoints like this one, see the API Hosts and Auth guide.

Update the service-specific admin status of a subject (account, record, or blob).

  • atprotoAdminDisableAccountInvites - This endpoint is part of the atproto PDS management APIs. Requests usually require admin authentication and are made directly to the PDS instance.

To learn more about calling atproto API endpoints like this one, see the API Hosts and Auth guide.

Disable an account from receiving new invite codes, but does not invalidate existing codes.

  • atprotoAdminGetInviteCodes - This endpoint is part of the atproto PDS management APIs. Requests usually require admin authentication and are made directly to the PDS instance.

To learn more about calling atproto API endpoints like this one, see the API Hosts and Auth guide.

Get an admin view of invite codes.

  • atprotoAdminSearchAccounts - This endpoint is part of the atproto PDS management APIs. Requests usually require admin authentication and are made directly to the PDS instance.

To learn more about calling atproto API endpoints like this one, see the API Hosts and Auth guide.

Get list of accounts that matches your search query.

Request an email with a code to in order to request a signed PLC operation. Requires Auth.

Resolves a handle (domain name) to a DID.

Signs a PLC operation to update some value(s) in the requesting DID's document.

Find labels relevant to the provided AT-URI patterns. Public endpoint for moderation services, though may return different or additional results with auth.

Submit a moderation report regarding an atproto account or record. Implemented by moderation services (with PDS proxying), and requires auth.

  • atprotoRepoDelete - This endpoint is part of the atproto PDS repository management APIs. Requests usually require authentication (unlike the com.atproto.sync.* endpoints), and are made directly to the user's own PDS instance.

To learn more about calling atproto API endpoints like this one, see the API Hosts and Auth guide.

Delete a repository record, or ensure it doesn't exist. Requires auth, implemented by PDS.

  • atprotoRepoImport - This endpoint is part of the atproto PDS repository management APIs. Requests usually require authentication (unlike the com.atproto.sync.* endpoints), and are made directly to the user's own PDS instance.

To learn more about calling atproto API endpoints like this one, see the API Hosts and Auth guide.

Import a repo in the form of a CAR file. Requires Content-Length HTTP header to be set.

  • atprotoRepoUploadBlob - This endpoint is part of the atproto PDS repository management APIs. Requests usually require authentication (unlike the com.atproto.sync.* endpoints), and are made directly to the user's own PDS instance.

To learn more about calling atproto API endpoints like this one, see the API Hosts and Auth guide.

Upload a new blob, to be referenced from a repository record. The blob will be deleted if it is not referenced within a time window (eg, minutes). Blob restrictions (mimetype, size, etc) are enforced when the reference is created. Requires auth, implemented by PDS.

  • atprotoServerActivateAccount - This endpoint is part of the atproto PDS server and account management APIs. Requests often require authentication and are made directly to the user's own PDS instance.

To learn more about calling atproto API endpoints like this one, see the API Hosts and Auth guide.

Activates a currently deactivated account. Used to finalize account migration after the account's repo is imported and identity is setup.

  • atprotoServerCreateAccount - This endpoint is part of the atproto PDS server and account management APIs. Requests often require authentication and are made directly to the user's own PDS instance.

To learn more about calling atproto API endpoints like this one, see the API Hosts and Auth guide.

Create an account. Implemented by PDS.

  • atprotoServerCreateAppPassword - This endpoint is part of the atproto PDS server and account management APIs. Requests often require authentication and are made directly to the user's own PDS instance.

To learn more about calling atproto API endpoints like this one, see the API Hosts and Auth guide.

Create an App Password.

  • atprotoServerCreateInviteCode - This endpoint is part of the atproto PDS server and account management APIs. Requests often require authentication and are made directly to the user's own PDS instance.

To learn more about calling atproto API endpoints like this one, see the API Hosts and Auth guide.

Create an invite code.

  • atprotoServerCreateInviteCodes - This endpoint is part of the atproto PDS server and account management APIs. Requests often require authentication and are made directly to the user's own PDS instance.

To learn more about calling atproto API endpoints like this one, see the API Hosts and Auth guide.

Create invite codes.

  • atprotoServerDeleteAccount - This endpoint is part of the atproto PDS server and account management APIs. Requests often require authentication and are made directly to the user's own PDS instance.

To learn more about calling atproto API endpoints like this one, see the API Hosts and Auth guide.

Delete an actor's account with a token and password. Can only be called after requesting a deletion token. Requires auth.

  • atprotoServerDeleteSession - This endpoint is part of the atproto PDS server and account management APIs. Requests often require authentication and are made directly to the user's own PDS instance.

To learn more about calling atproto API endpoints like this one, see the API Hosts and Auth guide.

Delete the current session. Requires auth.

  • atprotoServerDescribe - This endpoint is part of the atproto PDS server and account management APIs. Requests often require authentication and are made directly to the user's own PDS instance.

To learn more about calling atproto API endpoints like this one, see the API Hosts and Auth guide.

Describes the server's account creation requirements and capabilities. Implemented by PDS.

  • atprotoServerRefreshSession - This endpoint is part of the atproto PDS server and account management APIs. Requests often require authentication and are made directly to the user's own PDS instance.

To learn more about calling atproto API endpoints like this one, see the API Hosts and Auth guide.

Refresh an authentication session. Requires auth using the 'refreshJwt' (not the 'accessJwt').

  • atprotoServerRequestEmailConfirmation - This endpoint is part of the atproto PDS server and account management APIs. Requests often require authentication and are made directly to the user's own PDS instance.

To learn more about calling atproto API endpoints like this one, see the API Hosts and Auth guide.

Request an email with a code to confirm ownership of email.

  • atprotoServerRequestPasswordReset - This endpoint is part of the atproto PDS server and account management APIs. Requests often require authentication and are made directly to the user's own PDS instance.

To learn more about calling atproto API endpoints like this one, see the API Hosts and Auth guide.

Initiate a user account password reset via email.

  • atprotoServerResetPassword - This endpoint is part of the atproto PDS server and account management APIs. Requests often require authentication and are made directly to the user's own PDS instance.

To learn more about calling atproto API endpoints like this one, see the API Hosts and Auth guide.

Reset a user account password using a token.

  • atprotoServerRevokeAppPassword - This endpoint is part of the atproto PDS server and account management APIs. Requests often require authentication and are made directly to the user's own PDS instance.

To learn more about calling atproto API endpoints like this one, see the API Hosts and Auth guide.

Revoke an App Password by name.

  • atprotoSyncGetBlob - This endpoint is part of the atproto repository synchronization APIs. Requests usually do not require authentication, and can be made to PDS intances or Relay instances.*

To learn more about calling atproto API endpoints like this one, see the API Hosts and Auth guide.

Get a blob associated with a given account. Returns the full blob as originally uploaded. Does not require auth; implemented by PDS.

  • atprotoSyncListRepos - This endpoint is part of the atproto repository synchronization APIs. Requests usually do not require authentication, and can be made to PDS intances or Relay instances.*

To learn more about calling atproto API endpoints like this one, see the API Hosts and Auth guide.

Enumerates all the DID, rev, and commit CID for all repos hosted by this service. Does not require auth; implemented by PDS and Relay.

  • atprotoSyncsGetRecord - This endpoint is part of the atproto repository synchronization APIs. Requests usually do not require authentication, and can be made to PDS intances or Relay instances.*

To learn more about calling atproto API endpoints like this one, see the API Hosts and Auth guide.

Get data blocks needed to prove the existence or non-existence of record in the current version of repo. Does not require auth.

  • chatConvoSendMessageBatch - This endpoint is part of the Bluesky Chat (DMs) APIs. Requests usually require authentication, are directed to the user's PDS intance, and proxied to the single central chat service by setting the appropriate service DID ( in the service proxying header.

To learn more about calling atproto API endpoints like this one, see the API Hosts and Auth guide.

  • chatConvosGetForMembers - This endpoint is part of the Bluesky Chat (DMs) APIs. Requests usually require authentication, are directed to the user's PDS intance, and proxied to the single central chat service by setting the appropriate service DID ( in the service proxying header.

To learn more about calling atproto API endpoints like this one, see the API Hosts and Auth guide.

  • chatConvosGetMessages - This endpoint is part of the Bluesky Chat (DMs) APIs. Requests usually require authentication, are directed to the user's PDS intance, and proxied to the single central chat service by setting the appropriate service DID ( in the service proxying header.

To learn more about calling atproto API endpoints like this one, see the API Hosts and Auth guide.

  • chatConvosSendMessage - This endpoint is part of the Bluesky Chat (DMs) APIs. Requests usually require authentication, are directed to the user's PDS intance, and proxied to the single central chat service by setting the appropriate service DID ( in the service proxying header.

To learn more about calling atproto API endpoints like this one, see the API Hosts and Auth guide.

  • chatConvosUpdateRead - This endpoint is part of the Bluesky Chat (DMs) APIs. Requests usually require authentication, are directed to the user's PDS intance, and proxied to the single central chat service by setting the appropriate service DID ( in the service proxying header.

To learn more about calling atproto API endpoints like this one, see the API Hosts and Auth guide.

  • chatConvoUnmute - This endpoint is part of the Bluesky Chat (DMs) APIs. Requests usually require authentication, are directed to the user's PDS intance, and proxied to the single central chat service by setting the appropriate service DID ( in the service proxying header.

To learn more about calling atproto API endpoints like this one, see the API Hosts and Auth guide.

  • chatModerationGetActorMetadata - This endpoint is part of the Bluesky Chat (DMs) APIs. Requests usually require authentication, are directed to the user's PDS intance, and proxied to the single central chat service by setting the appropriate service DID ( in the service proxying header.

To learn more about calling atproto API endpoints like this one, see the API Hosts and Auth guide.

  • chatModerationUpdateActorAccess - This endpoint is part of the Bluesky Chat (DMs) APIs. Requests usually require authentication, are directed to the user's PDS intance, and proxied to the single central chat service by setting the appropriate service DID ( in the service proxying header.

To learn more about calling atproto API endpoints like this one, see the API Hosts and Auth guide.

  • chatsGetConvo - This endpoint is part of the Bluesky Chat (DMs) APIs. Requests usually require authentication, are directed to the user's PDS intance, and proxied to the single central chat service by setting the appropriate service DID ( in the service proxying header.

To learn more about calling atproto API endpoints like this one, see the API Hosts and Auth guide.

  • chatsGetMessageContext - This endpoint is part of the Bluesky Chat (DMs) APIs. Requests usually require authentication, are directed to the user's PDS intance, and proxied to the single central chat service by setting the appropriate service DID ( in the service proxying header.

To learn more about calling atproto API endpoints like this one, see the API Hosts and Auth guide.

  • communicationsCreateTemplate - This endpoint is part of the Ozone moderation service APIs. Requests usually require authentication, are directed to the user's PDS intance, and proxied to the Ozone instance indicated by the DID in the service proxying header. Admin authenentication may also be possible, with request sent directly to the Ozone instance.

To learn more about calling atproto API endpoints like this one, see the API Hosts and Auth guide.

Administrative action to create a new, re-usable communication (email for now) template.

  • conversationsGetLog - This endpoint is part of the Bluesky Chat (DMs) APIs. Requests usually require authentication, are directed to the user's PDS intance, and proxied to the single central chat service by setting the appropriate service DID ( in the service proxying header.

To learn more about calling atproto API endpoints like this one, see the API Hosts and Auth guide.

  • conversationsLeave - This endpoint is part of the Bluesky Chat (DMs) APIs. Requests usually require authentication, are directed to the user's PDS intance, and proxied to the single central chat service by setting the appropriate service DID ( in the service proxying header.

To learn more about calling atproto API endpoints like this one, see the API Hosts and Auth guide.

  • convoDeleteMessageForSelf - This endpoint is part of the Bluesky Chat (DMs) APIs. Requests usually require authentication, are directed to the user's PDS intance, and proxied to the single central chat service by setting the appropriate service DID ( in the service proxying header.

To learn more about calling atproto API endpoints like this one, see the API Hosts and Auth guide.

  • convoList - This endpoint is part of the Bluesky Chat (DMs) APIs. Requests usually require authentication, are directed to the user's PDS intance, and proxied to the single central chat service by setting the appropriate service DID ( in the service proxying header.

To learn more about calling atproto API endpoints like this one, see the API Hosts and Auth guide.

  • convosMute - This endpoint is part of the Bluesky Chat (DMs) APIs. Requests usually require authentication, are directed to the user's PDS intance, and proxied to the single central chat service by setting the appropriate service DID ( in the service proxying header.

To learn more about calling atproto API endpoints like this one, see the API Hosts and Auth guide.

  • feedFetch - This endpoint is part of the Bluesky application Lexicon APIs (app.bsky.*). Public endpoints which don't require authentication can be made directly against the public Bluesky AppView API: Authenticated requests are usually made to the user's PDS, with automatic service proxying. Authenticated requests can be used for both public and non-public endpoints.

To learn more about calling atproto API endpoints like this one, see the API Hosts and Auth guide.

Get a hydrated feed from an actor's selected feed generator. Implemented by App View.

  • feedGetActor - This endpoint is part of the Bluesky application Lexicon APIs (app.bsky.*). Public endpoints which don't require authentication can be made directly against the public Bluesky AppView API: Authenticated requests are usually made to the user's PDS, with automatic service proxying. Authenticated requests can be used for both public and non-public endpoints.

To learn more about calling atproto API endpoints like this one, see the API Hosts and Auth guide.

Get a list of feeds (feed generator records) created by the actor (in the actor's repo).

  • feedGetActorLikes - This endpoint is part of the Bluesky application Lexicon APIs (app.bsky.*). Public endpoints which don't require authentication can be made directly against the public Bluesky AppView API: Authenticated requests are usually made to the user's PDS, with automatic service proxying. Authenticated requests can be used for both public and non-public endpoints.

To learn more about calling atproto API endpoints like this one, see the API Hosts and Auth guide.

Get a list of posts liked by an actor. Requires auth, actor must be the requesting account.

  • feedGetAuthor - This endpoint is part of the Bluesky application Lexicon APIs (app.bsky.*). Public endpoints which don't require authentication can be made directly against the public Bluesky AppView API: Authenticated requests are usually made to the user's PDS, with automatic service proxying. Authenticated requests can be used for both public and non-public endpoints.

To learn more about calling atproto API endpoints like this one, see the API Hosts and Auth guide.

Get a view of an actor's 'author feed' (post and reposts by the author). Does not require auth.

  • feedGetGenerator - This endpoint is part of the Bluesky application Lexicon APIs (app.bsky.*). Public endpoints which don't require authentication can be made directly against the public Bluesky AppView API: Authenticated requests are usually made to the user's PDS, with automatic service proxying. Authenticated requests can be used for both public and non-public endpoints.

To learn more about calling atproto API endpoints like this one, see the API Hosts and Auth guide.

Get information about a feed generator. Implemented by AppView.

  • feedGetGenerators - This endpoint is part of the Bluesky application Lexicon APIs (app.bsky.*). Public endpoints which don't require authentication can be made directly against the public Bluesky AppView API: Authenticated requests are usually made to the user's PDS, with automatic service proxying. Authenticated requests can be used for both public and non-public endpoints.

To learn more about calling atproto API endpoints like this one, see the API Hosts and Auth guide.

Get information about a list of feed generators.

  • feedGetSkeleton - This endpoint is part of the Bluesky application Lexicon APIs (app.bsky.*). Public endpoints which don't require authentication can be made directly against the public Bluesky AppView API: Authenticated requests are usually made to the user's PDS, with automatic service proxying. Authenticated requests can be used for both public and non-public endpoints.

To learn more about calling atproto API endpoints like this one, see the API Hosts and Auth guide.

Get a skeleton of a feed provided by a feed generator. Auth is optional, depending on provider requirements, and provides the DID of the requester. Implemented by Feed Generator Service.

  • feedGetSuggested - This endpoint is part of the Bluesky application Lexicon APIs (app.bsky.*). Public endpoints which don't require authentication can be made directly against the public Bluesky AppView API: Authenticated requests are usually made to the user's PDS, with automatic service proxying. Authenticated requests can be used for both public and non-public endpoints.

To learn more about calling atproto API endpoints like this one, see the API Hosts and Auth guide.

Get a list of suggested feeds (feed generators) for the requesting account.

  • feedGetTimeline - This endpoint is part of the Bluesky application Lexicon APIs (app.bsky.*). Public endpoints which don't require authentication can be made directly against the public Bluesky AppView API: Authenticated requests are usually made to the user's PDS, with automatic service proxying. Authenticated requests can be used for both public and non-public endpoints.

To learn more about calling atproto API endpoints like this one, see the API Hosts and Auth guide.

Get a view of the requesting account's home timeline. This is expected to be some form of reverse-chronological feed.

  • feedsDescribeGenerator - This endpoint is part of the Bluesky application Lexicon APIs (app.bsky.*). Public endpoints which don't require authentication can be made directly against the public Bluesky AppView API: Authenticated requests are usually made to the user's PDS, with automatic service proxying. Authenticated requests can be used for both public and non-public endpoints.

To learn more about calling atproto API endpoints like this one, see the API Hosts and Auth guide.

Get information about a feed generator, including policies and offered feed URIs. Does not require auth; implemented by Feed Generator services (not App View).

  • feedSearch - This endpoint is part of the Bluesky application Lexicon APIs (app.bsky.*). Public endpoints which don't require authentication can be made directly against the public Bluesky AppView API: Authenticated requests are usually made to the user's PDS, with automatic service proxying. Authenticated requests can be used for both public and non-public endpoints.

To learn more about calling atproto API endpoints like this one, see the API Hosts and Auth guide.

Find posts matching search criteria, returning views of those posts.

  • feedsGet - This endpoint is part of the Bluesky application Lexicon APIs (app.bsky.*). Public endpoints which don't require authentication can be made directly against the public Bluesky AppView API: Authenticated requests are usually made to the user's PDS, with automatic service proxying. Authenticated requests can be used for both public and non-public endpoints.

To learn more about calling atproto API endpoints like this one, see the API Hosts and Auth guide.

Gets post views for a specified list of posts (by AT-URI). This is sometimes referred to as 'hydrating' a 'feed skeleton'.

  • feedsGetLikes - This endpoint is part of the Bluesky application Lexicon APIs (app.bsky.*). Public endpoints which don't require authentication can be made directly against the public Bluesky AppView API: Authenticated requests are usually made to the user's PDS, with automatic service proxying. Authenticated requests can be used for both public and non-public endpoints.

To learn more about calling atproto API endpoints like this one, see the API Hosts and Auth guide.

Get like records which reference a subject (by AT-URI and CID).

  • feedsGetList - This endpoint is part of the Bluesky application Lexicon APIs (app.bsky.*). Public endpoints which don't require authentication can be made directly against the public Bluesky AppView API: Authenticated requests are usually made to the user's PDS, with automatic service proxying. Authenticated requests can be used for both public and non-public endpoints.

To learn more about calling atproto API endpoints like this one, see the API Hosts and Auth guide.

Get a feed of recent posts from a list (posts and reposts from any actors on the list). Does not require auth.

  • feedsGetPostThread - This endpoint is part of the Bluesky application Lexicon APIs (app.bsky.*). Public endpoints which don't require authentication can be made directly against the public Bluesky AppView API: Authenticated requests are usually made to the user's PDS, with automatic service proxying. Authenticated requests can be used for both public and non-public endpoints.

To learn more about calling atproto API endpoints like this one, see the API Hosts and Auth guide.

Get posts in a thread. Does not require auth, but additional metadata and filtering will be applied for authed requests.

  • feedsGetQuotes - This endpoint is part of the Bluesky application Lexicon APIs (app.bsky.*). Public endpoints which don't require authentication can be made directly against the public Bluesky AppView API: Authenticated requests are usually made to the user's PDS, with automatic service proxying. Authenticated requests can be used for both public and non-public endpoints.

To learn more about calling atproto API endpoints like this one, see the API Hosts and Auth guide.

Get a list of quotes for a given post.

  • feedsGetRepostedBy - This endpoint is part of the Bluesky application Lexicon APIs (app.bsky.*). Public endpoints which don't require authentication can be made directly against the public Bluesky AppView API: Authenticated requests are usually made to the user's PDS, with automatic service proxying. Authenticated requests can be used for both public and non-public endpoints.

To learn more about calling atproto API endpoints like this one, see the API Hosts and Auth guide.

Get a list of reposts for a given post.

  • feedsSendInteractions - This endpoint is part of the Bluesky application Lexicon APIs (app.bsky.*). Public endpoints which don't require authentication can be made directly against the public Bluesky AppView API: Authenticated requests are usually made to the user's PDS, with automatic service proxying. Authenticated requests can be used for both public and non-public endpoints.

To learn more about calling atproto API endpoints like this one, see the API Hosts and Auth guide.

Send information about interactions with feed items back to the feed generator that served them.

  • graphGetActorStarterPacks - This endpoint is part of the Bluesky application Lexicon APIs (app.bsky.*). Public endpoints which don't require authentication can be made directly against the public Bluesky AppView API: Authenticated requests are usually made to the user's PDS, with automatic service proxying. Authenticated requests can be used for both public and non-public endpoints.

To learn more about calling atproto API endpoints like this one, see the API Hosts and Auth guide.

Get a list of starter packs created by the actor.

  • graphGetFollows - This endpoint is part of the Bluesky application Lexicon APIs (app.bsky.*). Public endpoints which don't require authentication can be made directly against the public Bluesky AppView API: Authenticated requests are usually made to the user's PDS, with automatic service proxying. Authenticated requests can be used for both public and non-public endpoints.

To learn more about calling atproto API endpoints like this one, see the API Hosts and Auth guide.

Enumerates accounts which a specified account (actor) follows.

  • graphGetList - This endpoint is part of the Bluesky application Lexicon APIs (app.bsky.*). Public endpoints which don't require authentication can be made directly against the public Bluesky AppView API: Authenticated requests are usually made to the user's PDS, with automatic service proxying. Authenticated requests can be used for both public and non-public endpoints.

To learn more about calling atproto API endpoints like this one, see the API Hosts and Auth guide.

Gets a 'view' (with additional context) of a specified list.

  • graphGetListMutes - This endpoint is part of the Bluesky application Lexicon APIs (app.bsky.*). Public endpoints which don't require authentication can be made directly against the public Bluesky AppView API: Authenticated requests are usually made to the user's PDS, with automatic service proxying. Authenticated requests can be used for both public and non-public endpoints.

To learn more about calling atproto API endpoints like this one, see the API Hosts and Auth guide.

Enumerates mod lists that the requesting account (actor) currently has muted. Requires auth.

  • graphGetLists - This endpoint is part of the Bluesky application Lexicon APIs (app.bsky.*). Public endpoints which don't require authentication can be made directly against the public Bluesky AppView API: Authenticated requests are usually made to the user's PDS, with automatic service proxying. Authenticated requests can be used for both public and non-public endpoints.

To learn more about calling atproto API endpoints like this one, see the API Hosts and Auth guide.

Enumerates the lists created by a specified account (actor).

  • graphGetRelationships - This endpoint is part of the Bluesky application Lexicon APIs (app.bsky.*). Public endpoints which don't require authentication can be made directly against the public Bluesky AppView API: Authenticated requests are usually made to the user's PDS, with automatic service proxying. Authenticated requests can be used for both public and non-public endpoints.

To learn more about calling atproto API endpoints like this one, see the API Hosts and Auth guide.

Enumerates public relationships between one account, and a list of other accounts. Does not require auth.

  • graphGetStarterPack - This endpoint is part of the Bluesky application Lexicon APIs (app.bsky.*). Public endpoints which don't require authentication can be made directly against the public Bluesky AppView API: Authenticated requests are usually made to the user's PDS, with automatic service proxying. Authenticated requests can be used for both public and non-public endpoints.

To learn more about calling atproto API endpoints like this one, see the API Hosts and Auth guide.

Gets a view of a starter pack.

  • graphMuteActor - This endpoint is part of the Bluesky application Lexicon APIs (app.bsky.*). Public endpoints which don't require authentication can be made directly against the public Bluesky AppView API: Authenticated requests are usually made to the user's PDS, with automatic service proxying. Authenticated requests can be used for both public and non-public endpoints.

To learn more about calling atproto API endpoints like this one, see the API Hosts and Auth guide.

Creates a mute relationship for the specified account. Mutes are private in Bluesky. Requires auth.

  • graphMuteActorList - This endpoint is part of the Bluesky application Lexicon APIs (app.bsky.*). Public endpoints which don't require authentication can be made directly against the public Bluesky AppView API: Authenticated requests are usually made to the user's PDS, with automatic service proxying. Authenticated requests can be used for both public and non-public endpoints.

To learn more about calling atproto API endpoints like this one, see the API Hosts and Auth guide.

Creates a mute relationship for the specified list of accounts. Mutes are private in Bluesky. Requires auth.

  • graphSearchStarterPacks - This endpoint is part of the Bluesky application Lexicon APIs (app.bsky.*). Public endpoints which don't require authentication can be made directly against the public Bluesky AppView API: Authenticated requests are usually made to the user's PDS, with automatic service proxying. Authenticated requests can be used for both public and non-public endpoints.

To learn more about calling atproto API endpoints like this one, see the API Hosts and Auth guide.

Find starter packs matching search criteria. Does not require auth.

  • graphsGetBlocks - This endpoint is part of the Bluesky application Lexicon APIs (app.bsky.*). Public endpoints which don't require authentication can be made directly against the public Bluesky AppView API: Authenticated requests are usually made to the user's PDS, with automatic service proxying. Authenticated requests can be used for both public and non-public endpoints.

To learn more about calling atproto API endpoints like this one, see the API Hosts and Auth guide.

Enumerates which accounts the requesting account is currently blocking. Requires auth.

  • graphsGetKnownFollowers - This endpoint is part of the Bluesky application Lexicon APIs (app.bsky.*). Public endpoints which don't require authentication can be made directly against the public Bluesky AppView API: Authenticated requests are usually made to the user's PDS, with automatic service proxying. Authenticated requests can be used for both public and non-public endpoints.

To learn more about calling atproto API endpoints like this one, see the API Hosts and Auth guide.

Enumerates accounts which follow a specified account (actor) and are followed by the viewer.

  • graphsGetListBlocks - This endpoint is part of the Bluesky application Lexicon APIs (app.bsky.*). Public endpoints which don't require authentication can be made directly against the public Bluesky AppView API: Authenticated requests are usually made to the user's PDS, with automatic service proxying. Authenticated requests can be used for both public and non-public endpoints.

To learn more about calling atproto API endpoints like this one, see the API Hosts and Auth guide.

Get mod lists that the requesting account (actor) is blocking. Requires auth.

  • graphsGetMutes - This endpoint is part of the Bluesky application Lexicon APIs (app.bsky.*). Public endpoints which don't require authentication can be made directly against the public Bluesky AppView API: Authenticated requests are usually made to the user's PDS, with automatic service proxying. Authenticated requests can be used for both public and non-public endpoints.

To learn more about calling atproto API endpoints like this one, see the API Hosts and Auth guide.

Enumerates accounts that the requesting account (actor) currently has muted. Requires auth.

  • graphsGetStarterPacks - This endpoint is part of the Bluesky application Lexicon APIs (app.bsky.*). Public endpoints which don't require authentication can be made directly against the public Bluesky AppView API: Authenticated requests are usually made to the user's PDS, with automatic service proxying. Authenticated requests can be used for both public and non-public endpoints.

To learn more about calling atproto API endpoints like this one, see the API Hosts and Auth guide.

Get views for a list of starter packs.

  • graphsMuteThread - This endpoint is part of the Bluesky application Lexicon APIs (app.bsky.*). Public endpoints which don't require authentication can be made directly against the public Bluesky AppView API: Authenticated requests are usually made to the user's PDS, with automatic service proxying. Authenticated requests can be used for both public and non-public endpoints.

To learn more about calling atproto API endpoints like this one, see the API Hosts and Auth guide.

Mutes a thread preventing notifications from the thread and any of its children. Mutes are private in Bluesky. Requires auth.

  • graphsUnmuteActorList - This endpoint is part of the Bluesky application Lexicon APIs (app.bsky.*). Public endpoints which don't require authentication can be made directly against the public Bluesky AppView API: Authenticated requests are usually made to the user's PDS, with automatic service proxying. Authenticated requests can be used for both public and non-public endpoints.

To learn more about calling atproto API endpoints like this one, see the API Hosts and Auth guide.

Unmutes the specified list of accounts. Requires auth.

  • graphUnmuteThread - This endpoint is part of the Bluesky application Lexicon APIs (app.bsky.*). Public endpoints which don't require authentication can be made directly against the public Bluesky AppView API: Authenticated requests are usually made to the user's PDS, with automatic service proxying. Authenticated requests can be used for both public and non-public endpoints.

To learn more about calling atproto API endpoints like this one, see the API Hosts and Auth guide.

Unmutes the specified thread. Requires auth.

Updates the current account's handle. Verifies handle validity, and updates did:plc document if necessary. Implemented by PDS, and requires auth.

Describe the credentials that should be included in the DID doc of an account that is migrating to this service.

Validates a PLC operation to ensure that it doesn't violate a service's constraints or get the identity into a bad state, then submits it to the PLC registry

  • labelersGetServices - This endpoint is part of the Bluesky application Lexicon APIs (app.bsky.*). Public endpoints which don't require authentication can be made directly against the public Bluesky AppView API: Authenticated requests are usually made to the user's PDS, with automatic service proxying. Authenticated requests can be used for both public and non-public endpoints.

To learn more about calling atproto API endpoints like this one, see the API Hosts and Auth guide.

Get information about a list of labeler services.

  • moderationGetEvent - This endpoint is part of the Ozone moderation service APIs. Requests usually require authentication, are directed to the user's PDS intance, and proxied to the Ozone instance indicated by the DID in the service proxying header. Admin authenentication may also be possible, with request sent directly to the Ozone instance.

To learn more about calling atproto API endpoints like this one, see the API Hosts and Auth guide.

Get details about a moderation event.

  • moderationQueryEvents - This endpoint is part of the Ozone moderation service APIs. Requests usually require authentication, are directed to the user's PDS intance, and proxied to the Ozone instance indicated by the DID in the service proxying header. Admin authenentication may also be possible, with request sent directly to the Ozone instance.

To learn more about calling atproto API endpoints like this one, see the API Hosts and Auth guide.

List moderation events related to a subject.

  • moderationsGetRecords - This endpoint is part of the Ozone moderation service APIs. Requests usually require authentication, are directed to the user's PDS intance, and proxied to the Ozone instance indicated by the DID in the service proxying header. Admin authenentication may also be possible, with request sent directly to the Ozone instance.

To learn more about calling atproto API endpoints like this one, see the API Hosts and Auth guide.

Get details about some records.

  • moderationsGetRepos - This endpoint is part of the Ozone moderation service APIs. Requests usually require authentication, are directed to the user's PDS intance, and proxied to the Ozone instance indicated by the DID in the service proxying header. Admin authenentication may also be possible, with request sent directly to the Ozone instance.

To learn more about calling atproto API endpoints like this one, see the API Hosts and Auth guide.

Get details about some repositories.

  • moderationsQueryStatuses - This endpoint is part of the Ozone moderation service APIs. Requests usually require authentication, are directed to the user's PDS intance, and proxied to the Ozone instance indicated by the DID in the service proxying header. Admin authenentication may also be possible, with request sent directly to the Ozone instance.

To learn more about calling atproto API endpoints like this one, see the API Hosts and Auth guide.

View moderation statuses of subjects (record or repo).

  • notificationList - This endpoint is part of the Bluesky application Lexicon APIs (app.bsky.*). Public endpoints which don't require authentication can be made directly against the public Bluesky AppView API: Authenticated requests are usually made to the user's PDS, with automatic service proxying. Authenticated requests can be used for both public and non-public endpoints.

To learn more about calling atproto API endpoints like this one, see the API Hosts and Auth guide.

Enumerate notifications for the requesting account. Requires auth.

  • notificationsGetUnreadCount - This endpoint is part of the Bluesky application Lexicon APIs (app.bsky.*). Public endpoints which don't require authentication can be made directly against the public Bluesky AppView API: Authenticated requests are usually made to the user's PDS, with automatic service proxying. Authenticated requests can be used for both public and non-public endpoints.

To learn more about calling atproto API endpoints like this one, see the API Hosts and Auth guide.

Count the number of unread notifications for the requesting account. Requires auth.

  • notificationsPutPreferences - This endpoint is part of the Bluesky application Lexicon APIs (app.bsky.*). Public endpoints which don't require authentication can be made directly against the public Bluesky AppView API: Authenticated requests are usually made to the user's PDS, with automatic service proxying. Authenticated requests can be used for both public and non-public endpoints.

To learn more about calling atproto API endpoints like this one, see the API Hosts and Auth guide.

Set notification-related preferences for an account. Requires auth.

  • notificationsRegisterPush - This endpoint is part of the Bluesky application Lexicon APIs (app.bsky.*). Public endpoints which don't require authentication can be made directly against the public Bluesky AppView API: Authenticated requests are usually made to the user's PDS, with automatic service proxying. Authenticated requests can be used for both public and non-public endpoints.

To learn more about calling atproto API endpoints like this one, see the API Hosts and Auth guide.

Register to receive push notifications, via a specified service, for the requesting account. Requires auth.

  • notificationsUpdateSeen - This endpoint is part of the Bluesky application Lexicon APIs (app.bsky.*). Public endpoints which don't require authentication can be made directly against the public Bluesky AppView API: Authenticated requests are usually made to the user's PDS, with automatic service proxying. Authenticated requests can be used for both public and non-public endpoints.

To learn more about calling atproto API endpoints like this one, see the API Hosts and Auth guide.

Notify server that the requesting account has seen notifications. Requires auth.

  • ozoneAddMember - This endpoint is part of the Ozone moderation service APIs. Requests usually require authentication, are directed to the user's PDS intance, and proxied to the Ozone instance indicated by the DID in the service proxying header. Admin authenentication may also be possible, with request sent directly to the Ozone instance.

To learn more about calling atproto API endpoints like this one, see the API Hosts and Auth guide.

Add a member to the ozone team. Requires admin role.

  • ozoneCommunicationDelete - This endpoint is part of the Ozone moderation service APIs. Requests usually require authentication, are directed to the user's PDS intance, and proxied to the Ozone instance indicated by the DID in the service proxying header. Admin authenentication may also be possible, with request sent directly to the Ozone instance.

To learn more about calling atproto API endpoints like this one, see the API Hosts and Auth guide.

Delete a communication template.

  • ozoneCommunicationListTemplates - This endpoint is part of the Ozone moderation service APIs. Requests usually require authentication, are directed to the user's PDS intance, and proxied to the Ozone instance indicated by the DID in the service proxying header. Admin authenentication may also be possible, with request sent directly to the Ozone instance.

To learn more about calling atproto API endpoints like this one, see the API Hosts and Auth guide.

Get list of all communication templates.

  • ozoneCommunicationUpdateTemplate - This endpoint is part of the Ozone moderation service APIs. Requests usually require authentication, are directed to the user's PDS intance, and proxied to the Ozone instance indicated by the DID in the service proxying header. Admin authenentication may also be possible, with request sent directly to the Ozone instance.

To learn more about calling atproto API endpoints like this one, see the API Hosts and Auth guide.

Administrative action to update an existing communication template. Allows passing partial fields to patch specific fields only.

  • ozoneModerationEmitEvent - This endpoint is part of the Ozone moderation service APIs. Requests usually require authentication, are directed to the user's PDS intance, and proxied to the Ozone instance indicated by the DID in the service proxying header. Admin authenentication may also be possible, with request sent directly to the Ozone instance.

To learn more about calling atproto API endpoints like this one, see the API Hosts and Auth guide.

Take a moderation action on an actor.

  • ozoneModerationGet - This endpoint is part of the Ozone moderation service APIs. Requests usually require authentication, are directed to the user's PDS intance, and proxied to the Ozone instance indicated by the DID in the service proxying header. Admin authenentication may also be possible, with request sent directly to the Ozone instance.

To learn more about calling atproto API endpoints like this one, see the API Hosts and Auth guide.

Get details about a repository.

  • ozoneModerationGetRecord - This endpoint is part of the Ozone moderation service APIs. Requests usually require authentication, are directed to the user's PDS intance, and proxied to the Ozone instance indicated by the DID in the service proxying header. Admin authenentication may also be possible, with request sent directly to the Ozone instance.

To learn more about calling atproto API endpoints like this one, see the API Hosts and Auth guide.

Get details about a record.

  • ozoneModerationsSearchRepos - This endpoint is part of the Ozone moderation service APIs. Requests usually require authentication, are directed to the user's PDS intance, and proxied to the Ozone instance indicated by the DID in the service proxying header. Admin authenentication may also be possible, with request sent directly to the Ozone instance.

To learn more about calling atproto API endpoints like this one, see the API Hosts and Auth guide.

Find repositories based on a search term.

  • ozoneServerGetConfig - This endpoint is part of the Ozone moderation service APIs. Requests usually require authentication, are directed to the user's PDS intance, and proxied to the Ozone instance indicated by the DID in the service proxying header. Admin authenentication may also be possible, with request sent directly to the Ozone instance.

To learn more about calling atproto API endpoints like this one, see the API Hosts and Auth guide.

Get details about ozone's server configuration.

  • ozoneSetAdd - This endpoint is part of the Ozone moderation service APIs. Requests usually require authentication, are directed to the user's PDS intance, and proxied to the Ozone instance indicated by the DID in the service proxying header. Admin authenentication may also be possible, with request sent directly to the Ozone instance.

To learn more about calling atproto API endpoints like this one, see the API Hosts and Auth guide.

Add values to a specific set. Attempting to add values to a set that does not exist will result in an error.

  • ozoneSettingsUpsertOption - This endpoint is part of the Ozone moderation service APIs. Requests usually require authentication, are directed to the user's PDS intance, and proxied to the Ozone instance indicated by the DID in the service proxying header. Admin authenentication may also be possible, with request sent directly to the Ozone instance.

To learn more about calling atproto API endpoints like this one, see the API Hosts and Auth guide.

Create or update setting option

  • ozoneSetUpsert - This endpoint is part of the Ozone moderation service APIs. Requests usually require authentication, are directed to the user's PDS intance, and proxied to the Ozone instance indicated by the DID in the service proxying header. Admin authenentication may also be possible, with request sent directly to the Ozone instance.

To learn more about calling atproto API endpoints like this one, see the API Hosts and Auth guide.

Create or update set metadata

  • ozoneSignatureSearchAccounts - This endpoint is part of the Ozone moderation service APIs. Requests usually require authentication, are directed to the user's PDS intance, and proxied to the Ozone instance indicated by the DID in the service proxying header. Admin authenentication may also be possible, with request sent directly to the Ozone instance.

To learn more about calling atproto API endpoints like this one, see the API Hosts and Auth guide.

Search for accounts that match one or more threat signature values.

  • ozoneSignaturesFindRelatedAccounts - This endpoint is part of the Ozone moderation service APIs. Requests usually require authentication, are directed to the user's PDS intance, and proxied to the Ozone instance indicated by the DID in the service proxying header. Admin authenentication may also be possible, with request sent directly to the Ozone instance.

To learn more about calling atproto API endpoints like this one, see the API Hosts and Auth guide.

Get accounts that share some matching threat signatures with the root account.

  • repoPutRecord - This endpoint is part of the atproto PDS repository management APIs. Requests usually require authentication (unlike the com.atproto.sync.* endpoints), and are made directly to the user's own PDS instance.

To learn more about calling atproto API endpoints like this one, see the API Hosts and Auth guide.

Write a repository record, creating or updating it as needed. Requires auth, implemented by PDS.

  • reposApplyWrites - This endpoint is part of the atproto PDS repository management APIs. Requests usually require authentication (unlike the com.atproto.sync.* endpoints), and are made directly to the user's own PDS instance.

To learn more about calling atproto API endpoints like this one, see the API Hosts and Auth guide.

Apply a batch transaction of repository creates, updates, and deletes. Requires auth, implemented by PDS.

  • reposCreateRecord - This endpoint is part of the atproto PDS repository management APIs. Requests usually require authentication (unlike the com.atproto.sync.* endpoints), and are made directly to the user's own PDS instance.

To learn more about calling atproto API endpoints like this one, see the API Hosts and Auth guide.

Create a single new repository record. Requires auth, implemented by PDS.

  • reposDescribe - This endpoint is part of the atproto PDS repository management APIs. Requests usually require authentication (unlike the com.atproto.sync.* endpoints), and are made directly to the user's own PDS instance.

To learn more about calling atproto API endpoints like this one, see the API Hosts and Auth guide.

Get information about an account and repository, including the list of collections. Does not require auth.

  • reposGetRecord - This endpoint is part of the atproto PDS repository management APIs. Requests usually require authentication (unlike the com.atproto.sync.* endpoints), and are made directly to the user's own PDS instance.

To learn more about calling atproto API endpoints like this one, see the API Hosts and Auth guide.

Get a single record from a repository. Does not require auth.

  • reposList - This endpoint is part of the atproto PDS repository management APIs. Requests usually require authentication (unlike the com.atproto.sync.* endpoints), and are made directly to the user's own PDS instance.

To learn more about calling atproto API endpoints like this one, see the API Hosts and Auth guide.

List a range of records in a repository, matching a specific collection. Does not require auth.

  • reposListMissingBlobs - This endpoint is part of the atproto PDS repository management APIs. Requests usually require authentication (unlike the com.atproto.sync.* endpoints), and are made directly to the user's own PDS instance.

To learn more about calling atproto API endpoints like this one, see the API Hosts and Auth guide.

Returns a list of missing blobs for the requesting account. Intended to be used in the account migration flow.

  • serverCheckAccountStatus - This endpoint is part of the atproto PDS server and account management APIs. Requests often require authentication and are made directly to the user's own PDS instance.

To learn more about calling atproto API endpoints like this one, see the API Hosts and Auth guide.

Returns the status of an account, especially as pertaining to import or recovery. Can be called many times over the course of an account migration. Requires auth and can only be called pertaining to oneself.

  • serverConfirmEmail - This endpoint is part of the atproto PDS server and account management APIs. Requests often require authentication and are made directly to the user's own PDS instance.

To learn more about calling atproto API endpoints like this one, see the API Hosts and Auth guide.

Confirm an email using a token from com.atproto.server.requestEmailConfirmation.

  • serverCreateSession - This endpoint is part of the atproto PDS server and account management APIs. Requests often require authentication and are made directly to the user's own PDS instance.

To learn more about calling atproto API endpoints like this one, see the API Hosts and Auth guide.

Create an authentication session.

  • serverDeactivateAccount - This endpoint is part of the atproto PDS server and account management APIs. Requests often require authentication and are made directly to the user's own PDS instance.

To learn more about calling atproto API endpoints like this one, see the API Hosts and Auth guide.

Deactivates a currently active account. Stops serving of repo, and future writes to repo until reactivated. Used to finalize account migration with the old host after the account has been activated on the new host.

  • serverListAppPasswords - This endpoint is part of the atproto PDS server and account management APIs. Requests often require authentication and are made directly to the user's own PDS instance.

To learn more about calling atproto API endpoints like this one, see the API Hosts and Auth guide.

List all App Passwords.

  • serverRequestAccountDelete - This endpoint is part of the atproto PDS server and account management APIs. Requests often require authentication and are made directly to the user's own PDS instance.

To learn more about calling atproto API endpoints like this one, see the API Hosts and Auth guide.

Initiate a user account deletion via email.

  • serverRequestEmailUpdate - This endpoint is part of the atproto PDS server and account management APIs. Requests often require authentication and are made directly to the user's own PDS instance.

To learn more about calling atproto API endpoints like this one, see the API Hosts and Auth guide.

Request a token in order to update email.

  • serversGetServiceAuth - This endpoint is part of the atproto PDS server and account management APIs. Requests often require authentication and are made directly to the user's own PDS instance.

To learn more about calling atproto API endpoints like this one, see the API Hosts and Auth guide.

Get a signed token on behalf of the requesting DID for the requested service.

  • serversGetSession - This endpoint is part of the atproto PDS server and account management APIs. Requests often require authentication and are made directly to the user's own PDS instance.

To learn more about calling atproto API endpoints like this one, see the API Hosts and Auth guide.

Get information about the current auth session. Requires auth.

  • serversReserveSigningKey - This endpoint is part of the atproto PDS server and account management APIs. Requests often require authentication and are made directly to the user's own PDS instance.

To learn more about calling atproto API endpoints like this one, see the API Hosts and Auth guide.

Reserve a repo signing key, for use with account creation. Necessary so that a DID PLC update operation can be constructed during an account migraiton. Public and does not require auth; implemented by PDS. NOTE: this endpoint may change when full account migration is implemented.

  • serversUpdateEmail - This endpoint is part of the atproto PDS server and account management APIs. Requests often require authentication and are made directly to the user's own PDS instance.

To learn more about calling atproto API endpoints like this one, see the API Hosts and Auth guide.

Update an account's email.

  • setDelete - This endpoint is part of the Ozone moderation service APIs. Requests usually require authentication, are directed to the user's PDS intance, and proxied to the Ozone instance indicated by the DID in the service proxying header. Admin authenentication may also be possible, with request sent directly to the Ozone instance.

To learn more about calling atproto API endpoints like this one, see the API Hosts and Auth guide.

Delete an entire set. Attempting to delete a set that does not exist will result in an error.

  • setQuery - This endpoint is part of the Ozone moderation service APIs. Requests usually require authentication, are directed to the user's PDS intance, and proxied to the Ozone instance indicated by the DID in the service proxying header. Admin authenentication may also be possible, with request sent directly to the Ozone instance.

To learn more about calling atproto API endpoints like this one, see the API Hosts and Auth guide.

Query available sets

  • setsDeleteValues - This endpoint is part of the Ozone moderation service APIs. Requests usually require authentication, are directed to the user's PDS intance, and proxied to the Ozone instance indicated by the DID in the service proxying header. Admin authenentication may also be possible, with request sent directly to the Ozone instance.

To learn more about calling atproto API endpoints like this one, see the API Hosts and Auth guide.

Delete values from a specific set. Attempting to delete values that are not in the set will not result in an error

  • setsGetValues - This endpoint is part of the Ozone moderation service APIs. Requests usually require authentication, are directed to the user's PDS intance, and proxied to the Ozone instance indicated by the DID in the service proxying header. Admin authenentication may also be possible, with request sent directly to the Ozone instance.

To learn more about calling atproto API endpoints like this one, see the API Hosts and Auth guide.

Get a specific set and its values

  • settingRemoveOptions - This endpoint is part of the Ozone moderation service APIs. Requests usually require authentication, are directed to the user's PDS intance, and proxied to the Ozone instance indicated by the DID in the service proxying header. Admin authenentication may also be possible, with request sent directly to the Ozone instance.

To learn more about calling atproto API endpoints like this one, see the API Hosts and Auth guide.

Delete settings by key

  • settingsList - This endpoint is part of the Ozone moderation service APIs. Requests usually require authentication, are directed to the user's PDS intance, and proxied to the Ozone instance indicated by the DID in the service proxying header. Admin authenentication may also be possible, with request sent directly to the Ozone instance.

To learn more about calling atproto API endpoints like this one, see the API Hosts and Auth guide.

List settings with optional filtering

  • signatureFindCorrelation - This endpoint is part of the Ozone moderation service APIs. Requests usually require authentication, are directed to the user's PDS intance, and proxied to the Ozone instance indicated by the DID in the service proxying header. Admin authenentication may also be possible, with request sent directly to the Ozone instance.

To learn more about calling atproto API endpoints like this one, see the API Hosts and Auth guide.

Find all correlated threat signatures between 2 or more accounts.

  • syncGetRepo - This endpoint is part of the atproto repository synchronization APIs. Requests usually do not require authentication, and can be made to PDS intances or Relay instances.*

To learn more about calling atproto API endpoints like this one, see the API Hosts and Auth guide.

Download a repository export as CAR file. Optionally only a 'diff' since a previous revision. Does not require auth; implemented by PDS.

  • syncListBlobs - This endpoint is part of the atproto repository synchronization APIs. Requests usually do not require authentication, and can be made to PDS intances or Relay instances.*

To learn more about calling atproto API endpoints like this one, see the API Hosts and Auth guide.

List blob CIDs for an account, since some repo revision. Does not require auth; implemented by PDS.

  • syncNotifyOfUpdate - This endpoint is part of the atproto repository synchronization APIs. Requests usually do not require authentication, and can be made to PDS intances or Relay instances.*

To learn more about calling atproto API endpoints like this one, see the API Hosts and Auth guide.

Notify a crawling service of a recent update, and that crawling should resume. Intended use is after a gap between repo stream events caused the crawling service to disconnect. Does not require auth; implemented by Relay.

  • syncsGetBlocks - This endpoint is part of the atproto repository synchronization APIs. Requests usually do not require authentication, and can be made to PDS intances or Relay instances.*

To learn more about calling atproto API endpoints like this one, see the API Hosts and Auth guide.

Get data blocks from a given repo, by CID. For example, intermediate MST nodes, or records. Does not require auth; implemented by PDS.

  • syncsGetLatestCommit - This endpoint is part of the atproto repository synchronization APIs. Requests usually do not require authentication, and can be made to PDS intances or Relay instances.*

To learn more about calling atproto API endpoints like this one, see the API Hosts and Auth guide.

Get the current commit CID & revision of the specified repo. Does not require auth.

  • syncsGetRepoStatus - This endpoint is part of the atproto repository synchronization APIs. Requests usually do not require authentication, and can be made to PDS intances or Relay instances.*

To learn more about calling atproto API endpoints like this one, see the API Hosts and Auth guide.

Get the hosting status for a repository, on this server. Expected to be implemented by PDS and Relay.

  • syncsRequestCrawl - This endpoint is part of the atproto repository synchronization APIs. Requests usually do not require authentication, and can be made to PDS intances or Relay instances.*

To learn more about calling atproto API endpoints like this one, see the API Hosts and Auth guide.

Request a service to persistently crawl hosted repos. Expected use is new PDS instances declaring their existence to Relays. Does not require auth.

  • teamListMembers - This endpoint is part of the Ozone moderation service APIs. Requests usually require authentication, are directed to the user's PDS intance, and proxied to the Ozone instance indicated by the DID in the service proxying header. Admin authenentication may also be possible, with request sent directly to the Ozone instance.

To learn more about calling atproto API endpoints like this one, see the API Hosts and Auth guide.

List all members with access to the ozone service.

  • teamsDeleteMember - This endpoint is part of the Ozone moderation service APIs. Requests usually require authentication, are directed to the user's PDS intance, and proxied to the Ozone instance indicated by the DID in the service proxying header. Admin authenentication may also be possible, with request sent directly to the Ozone instance.

To learn more about calling atproto API endpoints like this one, see the API Hosts and Auth guide.

Delete a member from ozone team. Requires admin role.

  • teamsUpdateMember - This endpoint is part of the Ozone moderation service APIs. Requests usually require authentication, are directed to the user's PDS intance, and proxied to the Ozone instance indicated by the DID in the service proxying header. Admin authenentication may also be possible, with request sent directly to the Ozone instance.

To learn more about calling atproto API endpoints like this one, see the API Hosts and Auth guide.

Update a member in the ozone service. Requires admin role.

  • usersGetFollowers - This endpoint is part of the Bluesky application Lexicon APIs (app.bsky.*). Public endpoints which don't require authentication can be made directly against the public Bluesky AppView API: Authenticated requests are usually made to the user's PDS, with automatic service proxying. Authenticated requests can be used for both public and non-public endpoints.

To learn more about calling atproto API endpoints like this one, see the API Hosts and Auth guide.

Enumerates accounts which follow a specified account (actor).

  • usersGetSuggestedFollows - This endpoint is part of the Bluesky application Lexicon APIs (app.bsky.*). Public endpoints which don't require authentication can be made directly against the public Bluesky AppView API: Authenticated requests are usually made to the user's PDS, with automatic service proxying. Authenticated requests can be used for both public and non-public endpoints.

To learn more about calling atproto API endpoints like this one, see the API Hosts and Auth guide.

Enumerates follows similar to a given account (actor). Expected use is to recommend additional accounts immediately after following one account.

  • usersUnmute - This endpoint is part of the Bluesky application Lexicon APIs (app.bsky.*). Public endpoints which don't require authentication can be made directly against the public Bluesky AppView API: Authenticated requests are usually made to the user's PDS, with automatic service proxying. Authenticated requests can be used for both public and non-public endpoints.

To learn more about calling atproto API endpoints like this one, see the API Hosts and Auth guide.

Unmutes the specified account. Requires auth.

  • videosGetJobStatus - This endpoint is part of the Bluesky application Lexicon APIs (app.bsky.*). Public endpoints which don't require authentication can be made directly against the public Bluesky AppView API: Authenticated requests are usually made to the user's PDS, with automatic service proxying. Authenticated requests can be used for both public and non-public endpoints.

To learn more about calling atproto API endpoints like this one, see the API Hosts and Auth guide.

Get status details for a video processing job.

  • videosGetUploadLimits - This endpoint is part of the Bluesky application Lexicon APIs (app.bsky.*). Public endpoints which don't require authentication can be made directly against the public Bluesky AppView API: Authenticated requests are usually made to the user's PDS, with automatic service proxying. Authenticated requests can be used for both public and non-public endpoints.

To learn more about calling atproto API endpoints like this one, see the API Hosts and Auth guide.

Get video upload limits for the authenticated user.

  • videosUpload - This endpoint is part of the Bluesky application Lexicon APIs (app.bsky.*). Public endpoints which don't require authentication can be made directly against the public Bluesky AppView API: Authenticated requests are usually made to the user's PDS, with automatic service proxying. Authenticated requests can be used for both public and non-public endpoints.

To learn more about calling atproto API endpoints like this one, see the API Hosts and Auth guide.

Upload a video to be processed then stored on the PDS.

React hooks with TanStack Query

React hooks built on TanStack Query are included in this SDK. These hooks and the utility functions provided alongside them can be used to build rich applications that pull data from the API using one of the most popular asynchronous state management library.

To learn about this feature and how to get started, check


This feature is currently in preview and is subject to breaking changes within the current major version of the SDK as we gather user feedback on it.

Available React hooks
  • useAccountDeleteMutation - This endpoint is part of the Bluesky Chat (DMs) APIs. Requests usually require authentication, are directed to the user's PDS intance, and proxied to the single central chat service by setting the appropriate service DID ( in the service proxying header.

To learn more about calling atproto API endpoints like this one, see the API Hosts and Auth guide.

  • useAccountExportData - This endpoint is part of the Bluesky Chat (DMs) APIs. Requests usually require authentication, are directed to the user's PDS intance, and proxied to the single central chat service by setting the appropriate service DID ( in the service proxying header.

To learn more about calling atproto API endpoints like this one, see the API Hosts and Auth guide.

  • useAccountsGetInviteCodes - This endpoint is part of the atproto PDS server and account management APIs. Requests often require authentication and are made directly to the user's own PDS instance.

To learn more about calling atproto API endpoints like this one, see the API Hosts and Auth guide.

Get all invite codes for the current account. Requires auth.

  • useActorAuthorFeed - This endpoint is part of the Bluesky application Lexicon APIs (app.bsky.*). Public endpoints which don't require authentication can be made directly against the public Bluesky AppView API: Authenticated requests are usually made to the user's PDS, with automatic service proxying. Authenticated requests can be used for both public and non-public endpoints.

To learn more about calling atproto API endpoints like this one, see the API Hosts and Auth guide.

Get a view of an actor's 'author feed' (post and reposts by the author). Does not require auth.

  • useActorGetSuggestions - This endpoint is part of the Bluesky application Lexicon APIs (app.bsky.*). Public endpoints which don't require authentication can be made directly against the public Bluesky AppView API: Authenticated requests are usually made to the user's PDS, with automatic service proxying. Authenticated requests can be used for both public and non-public endpoints.

To learn more about calling atproto API endpoints like this one, see the API Hosts and Auth guide.

Get a list of suggested actors. Expected use is discovery of accounts to follow during new account onboarding.

  • useActorProfile - This endpoint is part of the Bluesky application Lexicon APIs (app.bsky.*). Public endpoints which don't require authentication can be made directly against the public Bluesky AppView API: Authenticated requests are usually made to the user's PDS, with automatic service proxying. Authenticated requests can be used for both public and non-public endpoints.

To learn more about calling atproto API endpoints like this one, see the API Hosts and Auth guide.

Get detailed profile view of an actor. Does not require auth, but contains relevant metadata with auth.

  • useActorSearchTypeahead - This endpoint is part of the Bluesky application Lexicon APIs (app.bsky.*). Public endpoints which don't require authentication can be made directly against the public Bluesky AppView API: Authenticated requests are usually made to the user's PDS, with automatic service proxying. Authenticated requests can be used for both public and non-public endpoints.

To learn more about calling atproto API endpoints like this one, see the API Hosts and Auth guide.

Find actor suggestions for a prefix search term. Expected use is for auto-completion during text field entry. Does not require auth.

  • useActorsGetPreferences - This endpoint is part of the Bluesky application Lexicon APIs (app.bsky.*). Public endpoints which don't require authentication can be made directly against the public Bluesky AppView API: Authenticated requests are usually made to the user's PDS, with automatic service proxying. Authenticated requests can be used for both public and non-public endpoints.

To learn more about calling atproto API endpoints like this one, see the API Hosts and Auth guide.

Get private preferences attached to the current account. Expected use is synchronization between multiple devices, and import/export during account migration. Requires auth.

  • useActorsGetProfiles - This endpoint is part of the Bluesky application Lexicon APIs (app.bsky.*). Public endpoints which don't require authentication can be made directly against the public Bluesky AppView API: Authenticated requests are usually made to the user's PDS, with automatic service proxying. Authenticated requests can be used for both public and non-public endpoints.

To learn more about calling atproto API endpoints like this one, see the API Hosts and Auth guide.

Get detailed profile views of multiple actors.

  • useActorsPutPreferencesMutation - This endpoint is part of the Bluesky application Lexicon APIs (app.bsky.*). Public endpoints which don't require authentication can be made directly against the public Bluesky AppView API: Authenticated requests are usually made to the user's PDS, with automatic service proxying. Authenticated requests can be used for both public and non-public endpoints.

To learn more about calling atproto API endpoints like this one, see the API Hosts and Auth guide.

Set the private preferences attached to the account.

  • useAdminDisableInviteCodesMutation - This endpoint is part of the atproto PDS management APIs. Requests usually require admin authentication and are made directly to the PDS instance.

To learn more about calling atproto API endpoints like this one, see the API Hosts and Auth guide.

Disable some set of codes and/or all codes associated with a set of users.

  • useAdminGetAccountInfo - This endpoint is part of the atproto PDS management APIs. Requests usually require admin authentication and are made directly to the PDS instance.

To learn more about calling atproto API endpoints like this one, see the API Hosts and Auth guide.

Get details about an account.

  • useAdminGetSubjectStatus - This endpoint is part of the atproto PDS management APIs. Requests usually require admin authentication and are made directly to the PDS instance.

To learn more about calling atproto API endpoints like this one, see the API Hosts and Auth guide.

Get the service-specific admin status of a subject (account, record, or blob).

  • useAdminsDeleteAccountMutation - This endpoint is part of the atproto PDS management APIs. Requests usually require admin authentication and are made directly to the PDS instance.

To learn more about calling atproto API endpoints like this one, see the API Hosts and Auth guide.

Delete a user account as an administrator.

  • useAdminsEnableAccountInvitesMutation - This endpoint is part of the atproto PDS management APIs. Requests usually require admin authentication and are made directly to the PDS instance.

To learn more about calling atproto API endpoints like this one, see the API Hosts and Auth guide.

Re-enable an account's ability to receive invite codes.

  • useAdminSendEmailMutation - This endpoint is part of the atproto PDS management APIs. Requests usually require admin authentication and are made directly to the PDS instance.

To learn more about calling atproto API endpoints like this one, see the API Hosts and Auth guide.

Send email to a user's account email address.

  • useAdminsGetAccountInfos - This endpoint is part of the atproto PDS management APIs. Requests usually require admin authentication and are made directly to the PDS instance.

To learn more about calling atproto API endpoints like this one, see the API Hosts and Auth guide.

Get details about some accounts.

  • useAdminUpdateAccountEmailMutation - This endpoint is part of the atproto PDS management APIs. Requests usually require admin authentication and are made directly to the PDS instance.

To learn more about calling atproto API endpoints like this one, see the API Hosts and Auth guide.

Administrative action to update an account's email.

  • useAdminUpdateAccountHandleMutation - This endpoint is part of the atproto PDS management APIs. Requests usually require admin authentication and are made directly to the PDS instance.

To learn more about calling atproto API endpoints like this one, see the API Hosts and Auth guide.

Administrative action to update an account's handle.

  • useAdminUpdateAccountPasswordMutation - This endpoint is part of the atproto PDS management APIs. Requests usually require admin authentication and are made directly to the PDS instance.

To learn more about calling atproto API endpoints like this one, see the API Hosts and Auth guide.

Update the password for a user account as an administrator.

  • useAdminUpdateSubjectStatusMutation - This endpoint is part of the atproto PDS management APIs. Requests usually require admin authentication and are made directly to the PDS instance.

To learn more about calling atproto API endpoints like this one, see the API Hosts and Auth guide.

Update the service-specific admin status of a subject (account, record, or blob).

To learn more about calling atproto API endpoints like this one, see the API Hosts and Auth guide.

Disable an account from receiving new invite codes, but does not invalidate existing codes.

  • useAtprotoAdminGetInviteCodes - This endpoint is part of the atproto PDS management APIs. Requests usually require admin authentication and are made directly to the PDS instance.

To learn more about calling atproto API endpoints like this one, see the API Hosts and Auth guide.

Get an admin view of invite codes.

  • useAtprotoAdminSearchAccounts - This endpoint is part of the atproto PDS management APIs. Requests usually require admin authentication and are made directly to the PDS instance.

To learn more about calling atproto API endpoints like this one, see the API Hosts and Auth guide.

Get list of accounts that matches your search query.

Request an email with a code to in order to request a signed PLC operation. Requires Auth.

Signs a PLC operation to update some value(s) in the requesting DID's document.

Find labels relevant to the provided AT-URI patterns. Public endpoint for moderation services, though may return different or additional results with auth.

Submit a moderation report regarding an atproto account or record. Implemented by moderation services (with PDS proxying), and requires auth.

  • useAtprotoRepoDeleteMutation - This endpoint is part of the atproto PDS repository management APIs. Requests usually require authentication (unlike the com.atproto.sync.* endpoints), and are made directly to the user's own PDS instance.

To learn more about calling atproto API endpoints like this one, see the API Hosts and Auth guide.

Delete a repository record, or ensure it doesn't exist. Requires auth, implemented by PDS.

  • useAtprotoRepoImportMutation - This endpoint is part of the atproto PDS repository management APIs. Requests usually require authentication (unlike the com.atproto.sync.* endpoints), and are made directly to the user's own PDS instance.

To learn more about calling atproto API endpoints like this one, see the API Hosts and Auth guide.

Import a repo in the form of a CAR file. Requires Content-Length HTTP header to be set.

  • useAtprotoRepoUploadBlobMutation - This endpoint is part of the atproto PDS repository management APIs. Requests usually require authentication (unlike the com.atproto.sync.* endpoints), and are made directly to the user's own PDS instance.

To learn more about calling atproto API endpoints like this one, see the API Hosts and Auth guide.

Upload a new blob, to be referenced from a repository record. The blob will be deleted if it is not referenced within a time window (eg, minutes). Blob restrictions (mimetype, size, etc) are enforced when the reference is created. Requires auth, implemented by PDS.

  • useAtprotoServerActivateAccountMutation - This endpoint is part of the atproto PDS server and account management APIs. Requests often require authentication and are made directly to the user's own PDS instance.

To learn more about calling atproto API endpoints like this one, see the API Hosts and Auth guide.

Activates a currently deactivated account. Used to finalize account migration after the account's repo is imported and identity is setup.

  • useAtprotoServerCreateAccountMutation - This endpoint is part of the atproto PDS server and account management APIs. Requests often require authentication and are made directly to the user's own PDS instance.

To learn more about calling atproto API endpoints like this one, see the API Hosts and Auth guide.

Create an account. Implemented by PDS.

  • useAtprotoServerCreateAppPasswordMutation - This endpoint is part of the atproto PDS server and account management APIs. Requests often require authentication and are made directly to the user's own PDS instance.

To learn more about calling atproto API endpoints like this one, see the API Hosts and Auth guide.

Create an App Password.

  • useAtprotoServerCreateInviteCodeMutation - This endpoint is part of the atproto PDS server and account management APIs. Requests often require authentication and are made directly to the user's own PDS instance.

To learn more about calling atproto API endpoints like this one, see the API Hosts and Auth guide.

Create an invite code.

  • useAtprotoServerCreateInviteCodesMutation - This endpoint is part of the atproto PDS server and account management APIs. Requests often require authentication and are made directly to the user's own PDS instance.

To learn more about calling atproto API endpoints like this one, see the API Hosts and Auth guide.

Create invite codes.

  • useAtprotoServerDeleteAccountMutation - This endpoint is part of the atproto PDS server and account management APIs. Requests often require authentication and are made directly to the user's own PDS instance.

To learn more about calling atproto API endpoints like this one, see the API Hosts and Auth guide.

Delete an actor's account with a token and password. Can only be called after requesting a deletion token. Requires auth.

  • useAtprotoServerDeleteSessionMutation - This endpoint is part of the atproto PDS server and account management APIs. Requests often require authentication and are made directly to the user's own PDS instance.

To learn more about calling atproto API endpoints like this one, see the API Hosts and Auth guide.

Delete the current session. Requires auth.

  • useAtprotoServerDescribe - This endpoint is part of the atproto PDS server and account management APIs. Requests often require authentication and are made directly to the user's own PDS instance.

To learn more about calling atproto API endpoints like this one, see the API Hosts and Auth guide.

Describes the server's account creation requirements and capabilities. Implemented by PDS.

  • useAtprotoServerRefreshSessionMutation - This endpoint is part of the atproto PDS server and account management APIs. Requests often require authentication and are made directly to the user's own PDS instance.

To learn more about calling atproto API endpoints like this one, see the API Hosts and Auth guide.

Refresh an authentication session. Requires auth using the 'refreshJwt' (not the 'accessJwt').

To learn more about calling atproto API endpoints like this one, see the API Hosts and Auth guide.

Request an email with a code to confirm ownership of email.

To learn more about calling atproto API endpoints like this one, see the API Hosts and Auth guide.

Initiate a user account password reset via email.

  • useAtprotoServerResetPasswordMutation - This endpoint is part of the atproto PDS server and account management APIs. Requests often require authentication and are made directly to the user's own PDS instance.

To learn more about calling atproto API endpoints like this one, see the API Hosts and Auth guide.

Reset a user account password using a token.

  • useAtprotoServerRevokeAppPasswordMutation - This endpoint is part of the atproto PDS server and account management APIs. Requests often require authentication and are made directly to the user's own PDS instance.

To learn more about calling atproto API endpoints like this one, see the API Hosts and Auth guide.

Revoke an App Password by name.

  • useAtprotoSyncGetBlob - This endpoint is part of the atproto repository synchronization APIs. Requests usually do not require authentication, and can be made to PDS intances or Relay instances.*

To learn more about calling atproto API endpoints like this one, see the API Hosts and Auth guide.

Get a blob associated with a given account. Returns the full blob as originally uploaded. Does not require auth; implemented by PDS.

  • useAtprotoSyncListRepos - This endpoint is part of the atproto repository synchronization APIs. Requests usually do not require authentication, and can be made to PDS intances or Relay instances.*

To learn more about calling atproto API endpoints like this one, see the API Hosts and Auth guide.

Enumerates all the DID, rev, and commit CID for all repos hosted by this service. Does not require auth; implemented by PDS and Relay.

  • useAtprotoSyncsGetRecord - This endpoint is part of the atproto repository synchronization APIs. Requests usually do not require authentication, and can be made to PDS intances or Relay instances.*

To learn more about calling atproto API endpoints like this one, see the API Hosts and Auth guide.

Get data blocks needed to prove the existence or non-existence of record in the current version of repo. Does not require auth.

  • useChatConvoSendMessageBatchMutation - This endpoint is part of the Bluesky Chat (DMs) APIs. Requests usually require authentication, are directed to the user's PDS intance, and proxied to the single central chat service by setting the appropriate service DID ( in the service proxying header.

To learn more about calling atproto API endpoints like this one, see the API Hosts and Auth guide.

  • useChatConvosGetForMembers - This endpoint is part of the Bluesky Chat (DMs) APIs. Requests usually require authentication, are directed to the user's PDS intance, and proxied to the single central chat service by setting the appropriate service DID ( in the service proxying header.

To learn more about calling atproto API endpoints like this one, see the API Hosts and Auth guide.

  • useChatConvosGetMessages - This endpoint is part of the Bluesky Chat (DMs) APIs. Requests usually require authentication, are directed to the user's PDS intance, and proxied to the single central chat service by setting the appropriate service DID ( in the service proxying header.

To learn more about calling atproto API endpoints like this one, see the API Hosts and Auth guide.

  • useChatConvosSendMessageMutation - This endpoint is part of the Bluesky Chat (DMs) APIs. Requests usually require authentication, are directed to the user's PDS intance, and proxied to the single central chat service by setting the appropriate service DID ( in the service proxying header.

To learn more about calling atproto API endpoints like this one, see the API Hosts and Auth guide.

  • useChatConvosUpdateReadMutation - This endpoint is part of the Bluesky Chat (DMs) APIs. Requests usually require authentication, are directed to the user's PDS intance, and proxied to the single central chat service by setting the appropriate service DID ( in the service proxying header.

To learn more about calling atproto API endpoints like this one, see the API Hosts and Auth guide.

  • useChatConvoUnmuteMutation - This endpoint is part of the Bluesky Chat (DMs) APIs. Requests usually require authentication, are directed to the user's PDS intance, and proxied to the single central chat service by setting the appropriate service DID ( in the service proxying header.

To learn more about calling atproto API endpoints like this one, see the API Hosts and Auth guide.

  • useChatModerationGetActorMetadata - This endpoint is part of the Bluesky Chat (DMs) APIs. Requests usually require authentication, are directed to the user's PDS intance, and proxied to the single central chat service by setting the appropriate service DID ( in the service proxying header.

To learn more about calling atproto API endpoints like this one, see the API Hosts and Auth guide.

  • useChatModerationUpdateActorAccessMutation - This endpoint is part of the Bluesky Chat (DMs) APIs. Requests usually require authentication, are directed to the user's PDS intance, and proxied to the single central chat service by setting the appropriate service DID ( in the service proxying header.

To learn more about calling atproto API endpoints like this one, see the API Hosts and Auth guide.

  • useChatsGetConvo - This endpoint is part of the Bluesky Chat (DMs) APIs. Requests usually require authentication, are directed to the user's PDS intance, and proxied to the single central chat service by setting the appropriate service DID ( in the service proxying header.

To learn more about calling atproto API endpoints like this one, see the API Hosts and Auth guide.

  • useChatsGetMessageContext - This endpoint is part of the Bluesky Chat (DMs) APIs. Requests usually require authentication, are directed to the user's PDS intance, and proxied to the single central chat service by setting the appropriate service DID ( in the service proxying header.

To learn more about calling atproto API endpoints like this one, see the API Hosts and Auth guide.

  • useCommunicationsCreateTemplateMutation - This endpoint is part of the Ozone moderation service APIs. Requests usually require authentication, are directed to the user's PDS intance, and proxied to the Ozone instance indicated by the DID in the service proxying header. Admin authenentication may also be possible, with request sent directly to the Ozone instance.

To learn more about calling atproto API endpoints like this one, see the API Hosts and Auth guide.

Administrative action to create a new, re-usable communication (email for now) template.

  • useConversationsGetLog - This endpoint is part of the Bluesky Chat (DMs) APIs. Requests usually require authentication, are directed to the user's PDS intance, and proxied to the single central chat service by setting the appropriate service DID ( in the service proxying header.

To learn more about calling atproto API endpoints like this one, see the API Hosts and Auth guide.

  • useConversationsLeaveMutation - This endpoint is part of the Bluesky Chat (DMs) APIs. Requests usually require authentication, are directed to the user's PDS intance, and proxied to the single central chat service by setting the appropriate service DID ( in the service proxying header.

To learn more about calling atproto API endpoints like this one, see the API Hosts and Auth guide.

  • useConvoDeleteMessageForSelfMutation - This endpoint is part of the Bluesky Chat (DMs) APIs. Requests usually require authentication, are directed to the user's PDS intance, and proxied to the single central chat service by setting the appropriate service DID ( in the service proxying header.

To learn more about calling atproto API endpoints like this one, see the API Hosts and Auth guide.

  • useConvoList - This endpoint is part of the Bluesky Chat (DMs) APIs. Requests usually require authentication, are directed to the user's PDS intance, and proxied to the single central chat service by setting the appropriate service DID ( in the service proxying header.

To learn more about calling atproto API endpoints like this one, see the API Hosts and Auth guide.

  • useConvosMuteMutation - This endpoint is part of the Bluesky Chat (DMs) APIs. Requests usually require authentication, are directed to the user's PDS intance, and proxied to the single central chat service by setting the appropriate service DID ( in the service proxying header.

To learn more about calling atproto API endpoints like this one, see the API Hosts and Auth guide.

Resolves a handle (domain name) to a DID.

  • useFeed - This endpoint is part of the Bluesky application Lexicon APIs (app.bsky.*). Public endpoints which don't require authentication can be made directly against the public Bluesky AppView API: Authenticated requests are usually made to the user's PDS, with automatic service proxying. Authenticated requests can be used for both public and non-public endpoints.

To learn more about calling atproto API endpoints like this one, see the API Hosts and Auth guide.

Get a hydrated feed from an actor's selected feed generator. Implemented by App View.

  • useFeedGetActor - This endpoint is part of the Bluesky application Lexicon APIs (app.bsky.*). Public endpoints which don't require authentication can be made directly against the public Bluesky AppView API: Authenticated requests are usually made to the user's PDS, with automatic service proxying. Authenticated requests can be used for both public and non-public endpoints.

To learn more about calling atproto API endpoints like this one, see the API Hosts and Auth guide.

Get a list of feeds (feed generator records) created by the actor (in the actor's repo).

  • useFeedGetActorLikes - This endpoint is part of the Bluesky application Lexicon APIs (app.bsky.*). Public endpoints which don't require authentication can be made directly against the public Bluesky AppView API: Authenticated requests are usually made to the user's PDS, with automatic service proxying. Authenticated requests can be used for both public and non-public endpoints.

To learn more about calling atproto API endpoints like this one, see the API Hosts and Auth guide.

Get a list of posts liked by an actor. Requires auth, actor must be the requesting account.

  • useFeedGetGenerator - This endpoint is part of the Bluesky application Lexicon APIs (app.bsky.*). Public endpoints which don't require authentication can be made directly against the public Bluesky AppView API: Authenticated requests are usually made to the user's PDS, with automatic service proxying. Authenticated requests can be used for both public and non-public endpoints.

To learn more about calling atproto API endpoints like this one, see the API Hosts and Auth guide.

Get information about a feed generator. Implemented by AppView.

  • useFeedGetGenerators - This endpoint is part of the Bluesky application Lexicon APIs (app.bsky.*). Public endpoints which don't require authentication can be made directly against the public Bluesky AppView API: Authenticated requests are usually made to the user's PDS, with automatic service proxying. Authenticated requests can be used for both public and non-public endpoints.

To learn more about calling atproto API endpoints like this one, see the API Hosts and Auth guide.

Get information about a list of feed generators.

  • useFeedGetSkeleton - This endpoint is part of the Bluesky application Lexicon APIs (app.bsky.*). Public endpoints which don't require authentication can be made directly against the public Bluesky AppView API: Authenticated requests are usually made to the user's PDS, with automatic service proxying. Authenticated requests can be used for both public and non-public endpoints.

To learn more about calling atproto API endpoints like this one, see the API Hosts and Auth guide.

Get a skeleton of a feed provided by a feed generator. Auth is optional, depending on provider requirements, and provides the DID of the requester. Implemented by Feed Generator Service.

  • useFeedGetSuggested - This endpoint is part of the Bluesky application Lexicon APIs (app.bsky.*). Public endpoints which don't require authentication can be made directly against the public Bluesky AppView API: Authenticated requests are usually made to the user's PDS, with automatic service proxying. Authenticated requests can be used for both public and non-public endpoints.

To learn more about calling atproto API endpoints like this one, see the API Hosts and Auth guide.

Get a list of suggested feeds (feed generators) for the requesting account.

  • useFeedGetTimeline - This endpoint is part of the Bluesky application Lexicon APIs (app.bsky.*). Public endpoints which don't require authentication can be made directly against the public Bluesky AppView API: Authenticated requests are usually made to the user's PDS, with automatic service proxying. Authenticated requests can be used for both public and non-public endpoints.

To learn more about calling atproto API endpoints like this one, see the API Hosts and Auth guide.

Get a view of the requesting account's home timeline. This is expected to be some form of reverse-chronological feed.

  • useFeedsDescribeGenerator - This endpoint is part of the Bluesky application Lexicon APIs (app.bsky.*). Public endpoints which don't require authentication can be made directly against the public Bluesky AppView API: Authenticated requests are usually made to the user's PDS, with automatic service proxying. Authenticated requests can be used for both public and non-public endpoints.

To learn more about calling atproto API endpoints like this one, see the API Hosts and Auth guide.

Get information about a feed generator, including policies and offered feed URIs. Does not require auth; implemented by Feed Generator services (not App View).

  • useFeedSearch - This endpoint is part of the Bluesky application Lexicon APIs (app.bsky.*). Public endpoints which don't require authentication can be made directly against the public Bluesky AppView API: Authenticated requests are usually made to the user's PDS, with automatic service proxying. Authenticated requests can be used for both public and non-public endpoints.

To learn more about calling atproto API endpoints like this one, see the API Hosts and Auth guide.

Find posts matching search criteria, returning views of those posts.

  • useFeedsGet - This endpoint is part of the Bluesky application Lexicon APIs (app.bsky.*). Public endpoints which don't require authentication can be made directly against the public Bluesky AppView API: Authenticated requests are usually made to the user's PDS, with automatic service proxying. Authenticated requests can be used for both public and non-public endpoints.

To learn more about calling atproto API endpoints like this one, see the API Hosts and Auth guide.

Gets post views for a specified list of posts (by AT-URI). This is sometimes referred to as 'hydrating' a 'feed skeleton'.

  • useFeedsGetLikes - This endpoint is part of the Bluesky application Lexicon APIs (app.bsky.*). Public endpoints which don't require authentication can be made directly against the public Bluesky AppView API: Authenticated requests are usually made to the user's PDS, with automatic service proxying. Authenticated requests can be used for both public and non-public endpoints.

To learn more about calling atproto API endpoints like this one, see the API Hosts and Auth guide.

Get like records which reference a subject (by AT-URI and CID).

  • useFeedsGetList - This endpoint is part of the Bluesky application Lexicon APIs (app.bsky.*). Public endpoints which don't require authentication can be made directly against the public Bluesky AppView API: Authenticated requests are usually made to the user's PDS, with automatic service proxying. Authenticated requests can be used for both public and non-public endpoints.

To learn more about calling atproto API endpoints like this one, see the API Hosts and Auth guide.

Get a feed of recent posts from a list (posts and reposts from any actors on the list). Does not require auth.

  • useFeedsGetPostThread - This endpoint is part of the Bluesky application Lexicon APIs (app.bsky.*). Public endpoints which don't require authentication can be made directly against the public Bluesky AppView API: Authenticated requests are usually made to the user's PDS, with automatic service proxying. Authenticated requests can be used for both public and non-public endpoints.

To learn more about calling atproto API endpoints like this one, see the API Hosts and Auth guide.

Get posts in a thread. Does not require auth, but additional metadata and filtering will be applied for authed requests.

  • useFeedsGetQuotes - This endpoint is part of the Bluesky application Lexicon APIs (app.bsky.*). Public endpoints which don't require authentication can be made directly against the public Bluesky AppView API: Authenticated requests are usually made to the user's PDS, with automatic service proxying. Authenticated requests can be used for both public and non-public endpoints.

To learn more about calling atproto API endpoints like this one, see the API Hosts and Auth guide.

Get a list of quotes for a given post.

  • useFeedsGetRepostedBy - This endpoint is part of the Bluesky application Lexicon APIs (app.bsky.*). Public endpoints which don't require authentication can be made directly against the public Bluesky AppView API: Authenticated requests are usually made to the user's PDS, with automatic service proxying. Authenticated requests can be used for both public and non-public endpoints.

To learn more about calling atproto API endpoints like this one, see the API Hosts and Auth guide.

Get a list of reposts for a given post.

  • useFeedsSendInteractionsMutation - This endpoint is part of the Bluesky application Lexicon APIs (app.bsky.*). Public endpoints which don't require authentication can be made directly against the public Bluesky AppView API: Authenticated requests are usually made to the user's PDS, with automatic service proxying. Authenticated requests can be used for both public and non-public endpoints.

To learn more about calling atproto API endpoints like this one, see the API Hosts and Auth guide.

Send information about interactions with feed items back to the feed generator that served them.

  • useFollowers - This endpoint is part of the Bluesky application Lexicon APIs (app.bsky.*). Public endpoints which don't require authentication can be made directly against the public Bluesky AppView API: Authenticated requests are usually made to the user's PDS, with automatic service proxying. Authenticated requests can be used for both public and non-public endpoints.

To learn more about calling atproto API endpoints like this one, see the API Hosts and Auth guide.

Enumerates accounts which follow a specified account (actor).

  • useFollows - This endpoint is part of the Bluesky application Lexicon APIs (app.bsky.*). Public endpoints which don't require authentication can be made directly against the public Bluesky AppView API: Authenticated requests are usually made to the user's PDS, with automatic service proxying. Authenticated requests can be used for both public and non-public endpoints.

To learn more about calling atproto API endpoints like this one, see the API Hosts and Auth guide.

Enumerates accounts which a specified account (actor) follows.

  • useGraphGetActorStarterPacks - This endpoint is part of the Bluesky application Lexicon APIs (app.bsky.*). Public endpoints which don't require authentication can be made directly against the public Bluesky AppView API: Authenticated requests are usually made to the user's PDS, with automatic service proxying. Authenticated requests can be used for both public and non-public endpoints.

To learn more about calling atproto API endpoints like this one, see the API Hosts and Auth guide.

Get a list of starter packs created by the actor.

  • useGraphGetList - This endpoint is part of the Bluesky application Lexicon APIs (app.bsky.*). Public endpoints which don't require authentication can be made directly against the public Bluesky AppView API: Authenticated requests are usually made to the user's PDS, with automatic service proxying. Authenticated requests can be used for both public and non-public endpoints.

To learn more about calling atproto API endpoints like this one, see the API Hosts and Auth guide.

Gets a 'view' (with additional context) of a specified list.

  • useGraphGetListMutes - This endpoint is part of the Bluesky application Lexicon APIs (app.bsky.*). Public endpoints which don't require authentication can be made directly against the public Bluesky AppView API: Authenticated requests are usually made to the user's PDS, with automatic service proxying. Authenticated requests can be used for both public and non-public endpoints.

To learn more about calling atproto API endpoints like this one, see the API Hosts and Auth guide.

Enumerates mod lists that the requesting account (actor) currently has muted. Requires auth.

  • useGraphGetLists - This endpoint is part of the Bluesky application Lexicon APIs (app.bsky.*). Public endpoints which don't require authentication can be made directly against the public Bluesky AppView API: Authenticated requests are usually made to the user's PDS, with automatic service proxying. Authenticated requests can be used for both public and non-public endpoints.

To learn more about calling atproto API endpoints like this one, see the API Hosts and Auth guide.

Enumerates the lists created by a specified account (actor).

  • useGraphGetRelationships - This endpoint is part of the Bluesky application Lexicon APIs (app.bsky.*). Public endpoints which don't require authentication can be made directly against the public Bluesky AppView API: Authenticated requests are usually made to the user's PDS, with automatic service proxying. Authenticated requests can be used for both public and non-public endpoints.

To learn more about calling atproto API endpoints like this one, see the API Hosts and Auth guide.

Enumerates public relationships between one account, and a list of other accounts. Does not require auth.

  • useGraphGetStarterPack - This endpoint is part of the Bluesky application Lexicon APIs (app.bsky.*). Public endpoints which don't require authentication can be made directly against the public Bluesky AppView API: Authenticated requests are usually made to the user's PDS, with automatic service proxying. Authenticated requests can be used for both public and non-public endpoints.

To learn more about calling atproto API endpoints like this one, see the API Hosts and Auth guide.

Gets a view of a starter pack.

  • useGraphMuteActorListMutation - This endpoint is part of the Bluesky application Lexicon APIs (app.bsky.*). Public endpoints which don't require authentication can be made directly against the public Bluesky AppView API: Authenticated requests are usually made to the user's PDS, with automatic service proxying. Authenticated requests can be used for both public and non-public endpoints.

To learn more about calling atproto API endpoints like this one, see the API Hosts and Auth guide.

Creates a mute relationship for the specified list of accounts. Mutes are private in Bluesky. Requires auth.

  • useGraphMuteActorMutation - This endpoint is part of the Bluesky application Lexicon APIs (app.bsky.*). Public endpoints which don't require authentication can be made directly against the public Bluesky AppView API: Authenticated requests are usually made to the user's PDS, with automatic service proxying. Authenticated requests can be used for both public and non-public endpoints.

To learn more about calling atproto API endpoints like this one, see the API Hosts and Auth guide.

Creates a mute relationship for the specified account. Mutes are private in Bluesky. Requires auth.

  • useGraphSearchStarterPacks - This endpoint is part of the Bluesky application Lexicon APIs (app.bsky.*). Public endpoints which don't require authentication can be made directly against the public Bluesky AppView API: Authenticated requests are usually made to the user's PDS, with automatic service proxying. Authenticated requests can be used for both public and non-public endpoints.

To learn more about calling atproto API endpoints like this one, see the API Hosts and Auth guide.

Find starter packs matching search criteria. Does not require auth.

  • useGraphsGetBlocks - This endpoint is part of the Bluesky application Lexicon APIs (app.bsky.*). Public endpoints which don't require authentication can be made directly against the public Bluesky AppView API: Authenticated requests are usually made to the user's PDS, with automatic service proxying. Authenticated requests can be used for both public and non-public endpoints.

To learn more about calling atproto API endpoints like this one, see the API Hosts and Auth guide.

Enumerates which accounts the requesting account is currently blocking. Requires auth.

  • useGraphsGetKnownFollowers - This endpoint is part of the Bluesky application Lexicon APIs (app.bsky.*). Public endpoints which don't require authentication can be made directly against the public Bluesky AppView API: Authenticated requests are usually made to the user's PDS, with automatic service proxying. Authenticated requests can be used for both public and non-public endpoints.

To learn more about calling atproto API endpoints like this one, see the API Hosts and Auth guide.

Enumerates accounts which follow a specified account (actor) and are followed by the viewer.

  • useGraphsGetListBlocks - This endpoint is part of the Bluesky application Lexicon APIs (app.bsky.*). Public endpoints which don't require authentication can be made directly against the public Bluesky AppView API: Authenticated requests are usually made to the user's PDS, with automatic service proxying. Authenticated requests can be used for both public and non-public endpoints.

To learn more about calling atproto API endpoints like this one, see the API Hosts and Auth guide.

Get mod lists that the requesting account (actor) is blocking. Requires auth.

  • useGraphsGetMutes - This endpoint is part of the Bluesky application Lexicon APIs (app.bsky.*). Public endpoints which don't require authentication can be made directly against the public Bluesky AppView API: Authenticated requests are usually made to the user's PDS, with automatic service proxying. Authenticated requests can be used for both public and non-public endpoints.

To learn more about calling atproto API endpoints like this one, see the API Hosts and Auth guide.

Enumerates accounts that the requesting account (actor) currently has muted. Requires auth.

  • useGraphsGetStarterPacks - This endpoint is part of the Bluesky application Lexicon APIs (app.bsky.*). Public endpoints which don't require authentication can be made directly against the public Bluesky AppView API: Authenticated requests are usually made to the user's PDS, with automatic service proxying. Authenticated requests can be used for both public and non-public endpoints.

To learn more about calling atproto API endpoints like this one, see the API Hosts and Auth guide.

Get views for a list of starter packs.

  • useGraphsMuteThreadMutation - This endpoint is part of the Bluesky application Lexicon APIs (app.bsky.*). Public endpoints which don't require authentication can be made directly against the public Bluesky AppView API: Authenticated requests are usually made to the user's PDS, with automatic service proxying. Authenticated requests can be used for both public and non-public endpoints.

To learn more about calling atproto API endpoints like this one, see the API Hosts and Auth guide.

Mutes a thread preventing notifications from the thread and any of its children. Mutes are private in Bluesky. Requires auth.

  • useGraphsUnmuteActorListMutation - This endpoint is part of the Bluesky application Lexicon APIs (app.bsky.*). Public endpoints which don't require authentication can be made directly against the public Bluesky AppView API: Authenticated requests are usually made to the user's PDS, with automatic service proxying. Authenticated requests can be used for both public and non-public endpoints.

To learn more about calling atproto API endpoints like this one, see the API Hosts and Auth guide.

Unmutes the specified list of accounts. Requires auth.

  • useGraphUnmuteThreadMutation - This endpoint is part of the Bluesky application Lexicon APIs (app.bsky.*). Public endpoints which don't require authentication can be made directly against the public Bluesky AppView API: Authenticated requests are usually made to the user's PDS, with automatic service proxying. Authenticated requests can be used for both public and non-public endpoints.

To learn more about calling atproto API endpoints like this one, see the API Hosts and Auth guide.

Unmutes the specified thread. Requires auth.

Updates the current account's handle. Verifies handle validity, and updates did:plc document if necessary. Implemented by PDS, and requires auth.

Describe the credentials that should be included in the DID doc of an account that is migrating to this service.

Validates a PLC operation to ensure that it doesn't violate a service's constraints or get the identity into a bad state, then submits it to the PLC registry

  • useLabelersGetServices - This endpoint is part of the Bluesky application Lexicon APIs (app.bsky.*). Public endpoints which don't require authentication can be made directly against the public Bluesky AppView API: Authenticated requests are usually made to the user's PDS, with automatic service proxying. Authenticated requests can be used for both public and non-public endpoints.

To learn more about calling atproto API endpoints like this one, see the API Hosts and Auth guide.

Get information about a list of labeler services.

  • useModerationGetEvent - This endpoint is part of the Ozone moderation service APIs. Requests usually require authentication, are directed to the user's PDS intance, and proxied to the Ozone instance indicated by the DID in the service proxying header. Admin authenentication may also be possible, with request sent directly to the Ozone instance.

To learn more about calling atproto API endpoints like this one, see the API Hosts and Auth guide.

Get details about a moderation event.

  • useModerationQueryEvents - This endpoint is part of the Ozone moderation service APIs. Requests usually require authentication, are directed to the user's PDS intance, and proxied to the Ozone instance indicated by the DID in the service proxying header. Admin authenentication may also be possible, with request sent directly to the Ozone instance.

To learn more about calling atproto API endpoints like this one, see the API Hosts and Auth guide.

List moderation events related to a subject.

  • useModerationsGetRecords - This endpoint is part of the Ozone moderation service APIs. Requests usually require authentication, are directed to the user's PDS intance, and proxied to the Ozone instance indicated by the DID in the service proxying header. Admin authenentication may also be possible, with request sent directly to the Ozone instance.

To learn more about calling atproto API endpoints like this one, see the API Hosts and Auth guide.

Get details about some records.

  • useModerationsGetRepos - This endpoint is part of the Ozone moderation service APIs. Requests usually require authentication, are directed to the user's PDS intance, and proxied to the Ozone instance indicated by the DID in the service proxying header. Admin authenentication may also be possible, with request sent directly to the Ozone instance.

To learn more about calling atproto API endpoints like this one, see the API Hosts and Auth guide.

Get details about some repositories.

  • useModerationsQueryStatuses - This endpoint is part of the Ozone moderation service APIs. Requests usually require authentication, are directed to the user's PDS intance, and proxied to the Ozone instance indicated by the DID in the service proxying header. Admin authenentication may also be possible, with request sent directly to the Ozone instance.

To learn more about calling atproto API endpoints like this one, see the API Hosts and Auth guide.

View moderation statuses of subjects (record or repo).

  • useNotificationList - This endpoint is part of the Bluesky application Lexicon APIs (app.bsky.*). Public endpoints which don't require authentication can be made directly against the public Bluesky AppView API: Authenticated requests are usually made to the user's PDS, with automatic service proxying. Authenticated requests can be used for both public and non-public endpoints.

To learn more about calling atproto API endpoints like this one, see the API Hosts and Auth guide.

Enumerate notifications for the requesting account. Requires auth.

  • useNotificationsGetUnreadCount - This endpoint is part of the Bluesky application Lexicon APIs (app.bsky.*). Public endpoints which don't require authentication can be made directly against the public Bluesky AppView API: Authenticated requests are usually made to the user's PDS, with automatic service proxying. Authenticated requests can be used for both public and non-public endpoints.

To learn more about calling atproto API endpoints like this one, see the API Hosts and Auth guide.

Count the number of unread notifications for the requesting account. Requires auth.

  • useNotificationsPutPreferencesMutation - This endpoint is part of the Bluesky application Lexicon APIs (app.bsky.*). Public endpoints which don't require authentication can be made directly against the public Bluesky AppView API: Authenticated requests are usually made to the user's PDS, with automatic service proxying. Authenticated requests can be used for both public and non-public endpoints.

To learn more about calling atproto API endpoints like this one, see the API Hosts and Auth guide.

Set notification-related preferences for an account. Requires auth.

  • useNotificationsRegisterPushMutation - This endpoint is part of the Bluesky application Lexicon APIs (app.bsky.*). Public endpoints which don't require authentication can be made directly against the public Bluesky AppView API: Authenticated requests are usually made to the user's PDS, with automatic service proxying. Authenticated requests can be used for both public and non-public endpoints.

To learn more about calling atproto API endpoints like this one, see the API Hosts and Auth guide.

Register to receive push notifications, via a specified service, for the requesting account. Requires auth.

  • useNotificationsUpdateSeenMutation - This endpoint is part of the Bluesky application Lexicon APIs (app.bsky.*). Public endpoints which don't require authentication can be made directly against the public Bluesky AppView API: Authenticated requests are usually made to the user's PDS, with automatic service proxying. Authenticated requests can be used for both public and non-public endpoints.

To learn more about calling atproto API endpoints like this one, see the API Hosts and Auth guide.

Notify server that the requesting account has seen notifications. Requires auth.

  • useOzoneAddMemberMutation - This endpoint is part of the Ozone moderation service APIs. Requests usually require authentication, are directed to the user's PDS intance, and proxied to the Ozone instance indicated by the DID in the service proxying header. Admin authenentication may also be possible, with request sent directly to the Ozone instance.

To learn more about calling atproto API endpoints like this one, see the API Hosts and Auth guide.

Add a member to the ozone team. Requires admin role.

  • useOzoneCommunicationDeleteMutation - This endpoint is part of the Ozone moderation service APIs. Requests usually require authentication, are directed to the user's PDS intance, and proxied to the Ozone instance indicated by the DID in the service proxying header. Admin authenentication may also be possible, with request sent directly to the Ozone instance.

To learn more about calling atproto API endpoints like this one, see the API Hosts and Auth guide.

Delete a communication template.

  • useOzoneCommunicationListTemplates - This endpoint is part of the Ozone moderation service APIs. Requests usually require authentication, are directed to the user's PDS intance, and proxied to the Ozone instance indicated by the DID in the service proxying header. Admin authenentication may also be possible, with request sent directly to the Ozone instance.

To learn more about calling atproto API endpoints like this one, see the API Hosts and Auth guide.

Get list of all communication templates.

  • useOzoneCommunicationUpdateTemplateMutation - This endpoint is part of the Ozone moderation service APIs. Requests usually require authentication, are directed to the user's PDS intance, and proxied to the Ozone instance indicated by the DID in the service proxying header. Admin authenentication may also be possible, with request sent directly to the Ozone instance.

To learn more about calling atproto API endpoints like this one, see the API Hosts and Auth guide.

Administrative action to update an existing communication template. Allows passing partial fields to patch specific fields only.

  • useOzoneModerationEmitEventMutation - This endpoint is part of the Ozone moderation service APIs. Requests usually require authentication, are directed to the user's PDS intance, and proxied to the Ozone instance indicated by the DID in the service proxying header. Admin authenentication may also be possible, with request sent directly to the Ozone instance.

To learn more about calling atproto API endpoints like this one, see the API Hosts and Auth guide.

Take a moderation action on an actor.

  • useOzoneModerationGet - This endpoint is part of the Ozone moderation service APIs. Requests usually require authentication, are directed to the user's PDS intance, and proxied to the Ozone instance indicated by the DID in the service proxying header. Admin authenentication may also be possible, with request sent directly to the Ozone instance.

To learn more about calling atproto API endpoints like this one, see the API Hosts and Auth guide.

Get details about a repository.

  • useOzoneModerationGetRecord - This endpoint is part of the Ozone moderation service APIs. Requests usually require authentication, are directed to the user's PDS intance, and proxied to the Ozone instance indicated by the DID in the service proxying header. Admin authenentication may also be possible, with request sent directly to the Ozone instance.

To learn more about calling atproto API endpoints like this one, see the API Hosts and Auth guide.

Get details about a record.

  • useOzoneModerationsSearchRepos - This endpoint is part of the Ozone moderation service APIs. Requests usually require authentication, are directed to the user's PDS intance, and proxied to the Ozone instance indicated by the DID in the service proxying header. Admin authenentication may also be possible, with request sent directly to the Ozone instance.

To learn more about calling atproto API endpoints like this one, see the API Hosts and Auth guide.

Find repositories based on a search term.

  • useOzoneServerGetConfig - This endpoint is part of the Ozone moderation service APIs. Requests usually require authentication, are directed to the user's PDS intance, and proxied to the Ozone instance indicated by the DID in the service proxying header. Admin authenentication may also be possible, with request sent directly to the Ozone instance.

To learn more about calling atproto API endpoints like this one, see the API Hosts and Auth guide.

Get details about ozone's server configuration.

  • useOzoneSetAddMutation - This endpoint is part of the Ozone moderation service APIs. Requests usually require authentication, are directed to the user's PDS intance, and proxied to the Ozone instance indicated by the DID in the service proxying header. Admin authenentication may also be possible, with request sent directly to the Ozone instance.

To learn more about calling atproto API endpoints like this one, see the API Hosts and Auth guide.

Add values to a specific set. Attempting to add values to a set that does not exist will result in an error.

  • useOzoneSettingsUpsertOptionMutation - This endpoint is part of the Ozone moderation service APIs. Requests usually require authentication, are directed to the user's PDS intance, and proxied to the Ozone instance indicated by the DID in the service proxying header. Admin authenentication may also be possible, with request sent directly to the Ozone instance.

To learn more about calling atproto API endpoints like this one, see the API Hosts and Auth guide.

Create or update setting option

  • useOzoneSetUpsertMutation - This endpoint is part of the Ozone moderation service APIs. Requests usually require authentication, are directed to the user's PDS intance, and proxied to the Ozone instance indicated by the DID in the service proxying header. Admin authenentication may also be possible, with request sent directly to the Ozone instance.

To learn more about calling atproto API endpoints like this one, see the API Hosts and Auth guide.

Create or update set metadata

  • useOzoneSignatureSearchAccounts - This endpoint is part of the Ozone moderation service APIs. Requests usually require authentication, are directed to the user's PDS intance, and proxied to the Ozone instance indicated by the DID in the service proxying header. Admin authenentication may also be possible, with request sent directly to the Ozone instance.

To learn more about calling atproto API endpoints like this one, see the API Hosts and Auth guide.

Search for accounts that match one or more threat signature values.

  • useOzoneSignaturesFindRelatedAccounts - This endpoint is part of the Ozone moderation service APIs. Requests usually require authentication, are directed to the user's PDS intance, and proxied to the Ozone instance indicated by the DID in the service proxying header. Admin authenentication may also be possible, with request sent directly to the Ozone instance.

To learn more about calling atproto API endpoints like this one, see the API Hosts and Auth guide.

Get accounts that share some matching threat signatures with the root account.

  • useRepoPutRecordMutation - This endpoint is part of the atproto PDS repository management APIs. Requests usually require authentication (unlike the com.atproto.sync.* endpoints), and are made directly to the user's own PDS instance.

To learn more about calling atproto API endpoints like this one, see the API Hosts and Auth guide.

Write a repository record, creating or updating it as needed. Requires auth, implemented by PDS.

  • useReposApplyWritesMutation - This endpoint is part of the atproto PDS repository management APIs. Requests usually require authentication (unlike the com.atproto.sync.* endpoints), and are made directly to the user's own PDS instance.

To learn more about calling atproto API endpoints like this one, see the API Hosts and Auth guide.

Apply a batch transaction of repository creates, updates, and deletes. Requires auth, implemented by PDS.

  • useReposCreateRecordMutation - This endpoint is part of the atproto PDS repository management APIs. Requests usually require authentication (unlike the com.atproto.sync.* endpoints), and are made directly to the user's own PDS instance.

To learn more about calling atproto API endpoints like this one, see the API Hosts and Auth guide.

Create a single new repository record. Requires auth, implemented by PDS.

  • useReposDescribe - This endpoint is part of the atproto PDS repository management APIs. Requests usually require authentication (unlike the com.atproto.sync.* endpoints), and are made directly to the user's own PDS instance.

To learn more about calling atproto API endpoints like this one, see the API Hosts and Auth guide.

Get information about an account and repository, including the list of collections. Does not require auth.

  • useReposGetRecord - This endpoint is part of the atproto PDS repository management APIs. Requests usually require authentication (unlike the com.atproto.sync.* endpoints), and are made directly to the user's own PDS instance.

To learn more about calling atproto API endpoints like this one, see the API Hosts and Auth guide.

Get a single record from a repository. Does not require auth.

  • useReposList - This endpoint is part of the atproto PDS repository management APIs. Requests usually require authentication (unlike the com.atproto.sync.* endpoints), and are made directly to the user's own PDS instance.

To learn more about calling atproto API endpoints like this one, see the API Hosts and Auth guide.

List a range of records in a repository, matching a specific collection. Does not require auth.

  • useReposListMissingBlobs - This endpoint is part of the atproto PDS repository management APIs. Requests usually require authentication (unlike the com.atproto.sync.* endpoints), and are made directly to the user's own PDS instance.

To learn more about calling atproto API endpoints like this one, see the API Hosts and Auth guide.

Returns a list of missing blobs for the requesting account. Intended to be used in the account migration flow.

  • useSearchActors - This endpoint is part of the Bluesky application Lexicon APIs (app.bsky.*). Public endpoints which don't require authentication can be made directly against the public Bluesky AppView API: Authenticated requests are usually made to the user's PDS, with automatic service proxying. Authenticated requests can be used for both public and non-public endpoints.

To learn more about calling atproto API endpoints like this one, see the API Hosts and Auth guide.

Find actors (profiles) matching search criteria. Does not require auth.

  • useServerCheckAccountStatus - This endpoint is part of the atproto PDS server and account management APIs. Requests often require authentication and are made directly to the user's own PDS instance.

To learn more about calling atproto API endpoints like this one, see the API Hosts and Auth guide.

Returns the status of an account, especially as pertaining to import or recovery. Can be called many times over the course of an account migration. Requires auth and can only be called pertaining to oneself.

  • useServerConfirmEmailMutation - This endpoint is part of the atproto PDS server and account management APIs. Requests often require authentication and are made directly to the user's own PDS instance.

To learn more about calling atproto API endpoints like this one, see the API Hosts and Auth guide.

Confirm an email using a token from com.atproto.server.requestEmailConfirmation.

  • useServerCreateSessionMutation - This endpoint is part of the atproto PDS server and account management APIs. Requests often require authentication and are made directly to the user's own PDS instance.

To learn more about calling atproto API endpoints like this one, see the API Hosts and Auth guide.

Create an authentication session.

  • useServerDeactivateAccountMutation - This endpoint is part of the atproto PDS server and account management APIs. Requests often require authentication and are made directly to the user's own PDS instance.

To learn more about calling atproto API endpoints like this one, see the API Hosts and Auth guide.

Deactivates a currently active account. Stops serving of repo, and future writes to repo until reactivated. Used to finalize account migration with the old host after the account has been activated on the new host.

  • useServerListAppPasswords - This endpoint is part of the atproto PDS server and account management APIs. Requests often require authentication and are made directly to the user's own PDS instance.

To learn more about calling atproto API endpoints like this one, see the API Hosts and Auth guide.

List all App Passwords.

  • useServerRequestAccountDeleteMutation - This endpoint is part of the atproto PDS server and account management APIs. Requests often require authentication and are made directly to the user's own PDS instance.

To learn more about calling atproto API endpoints like this one, see the API Hosts and Auth guide.

Initiate a user account deletion via email.

  • useServerRequestEmailUpdateMutation - This endpoint is part of the atproto PDS server and account management APIs. Requests often require authentication and are made directly to the user's own PDS instance.

To learn more about calling atproto API endpoints like this one, see the API Hosts and Auth guide.

Request a token in order to update email.

  • useServersGetServiceAuth - This endpoint is part of the atproto PDS server and account management APIs. Requests often require authentication and are made directly to the user's own PDS instance.

To learn more about calling atproto API endpoints like this one, see the API Hosts and Auth guide.

Get a signed token on behalf of the requesting DID for the requested service.

  • useServersGetSession - This endpoint is part of the atproto PDS server and account management APIs. Requests often require authentication and are made directly to the user's own PDS instance.

To learn more about calling atproto API endpoints like this one, see the API Hosts and Auth guide.

Get information about the current auth session. Requires auth.

  • useServersReserveSigningKeyMutation - This endpoint is part of the atproto PDS server and account management APIs. Requests often require authentication and are made directly to the user's own PDS instance.

To learn more about calling atproto API endpoints like this one, see the API Hosts and Auth guide.

Reserve a repo signing key, for use with account creation. Necessary so that a DID PLC update operation can be constructed during an account migraiton. Public and does not require auth; implemented by PDS. NOTE: this endpoint may change when full account migration is implemented.

  • useServersUpdateEmailMutation - This endpoint is part of the atproto PDS server and account management APIs. Requests often require authentication and are made directly to the user's own PDS instance.

To learn more about calling atproto API endpoints like this one, see the API Hosts and Auth guide.

Update an account's email.

  • useSetDeleteMutation - This endpoint is part of the Ozone moderation service APIs. Requests usually require authentication, are directed to the user's PDS intance, and proxied to the Ozone instance indicated by the DID in the service proxying header. Admin authenentication may also be possible, with request sent directly to the Ozone instance.

To learn more about calling atproto API endpoints like this one, see the API Hosts and Auth guide.

Delete an entire set. Attempting to delete a set that does not exist will result in an error.

  • useSetQuery - This endpoint is part of the Ozone moderation service APIs. Requests usually require authentication, are directed to the user's PDS intance, and proxied to the Ozone instance indicated by the DID in the service proxying header. Admin authenentication may also be possible, with request sent directly to the Ozone instance.

To learn more about calling atproto API endpoints like this one, see the API Hosts and Auth guide.

Query available sets

  • useSetsDeleteValuesMutation - This endpoint is part of the Ozone moderation service APIs. Requests usually require authentication, are directed to the user's PDS intance, and proxied to the Ozone instance indicated by the DID in the service proxying header. Admin authenentication may also be possible, with request sent directly to the Ozone instance.

To learn more about calling atproto API endpoints like this one, see the API Hosts and Auth guide.

Delete values from a specific set. Attempting to delete values that are not in the set will not result in an error

  • useSetsGetValues - This endpoint is part of the Ozone moderation service APIs. Requests usually require authentication, are directed to the user's PDS intance, and proxied to the Ozone instance indicated by the DID in the service proxying header. Admin authenentication may also be possible, with request sent directly to the Ozone instance.

To learn more about calling atproto API endpoints like this one, see the API Hosts and Auth guide.

Get a specific set and its values

  • useSettingRemoveOptionsMutation - This endpoint is part of the Ozone moderation service APIs. Requests usually require authentication, are directed to the user's PDS intance, and proxied to the Ozone instance indicated by the DID in the service proxying header. Admin authenentication may also be possible, with request sent directly to the Ozone instance.

To learn more about calling atproto API endpoints like this one, see the API Hosts and Auth guide.

Delete settings by key

  • useSettingsList - This endpoint is part of the Ozone moderation service APIs. Requests usually require authentication, are directed to the user's PDS intance, and proxied to the Ozone instance indicated by the DID in the service proxying header. Admin authenentication may also be possible, with request sent directly to the Ozone instance.

To learn more about calling atproto API endpoints like this one, see the API Hosts and Auth guide.

List settings with optional filtering

  • useSignatureFindCorrelation - This endpoint is part of the Ozone moderation service APIs. Requests usually require authentication, are directed to the user's PDS intance, and proxied to the Ozone instance indicated by the DID in the service proxying header. Admin authenentication may also be possible, with request sent directly to the Ozone instance.

To learn more about calling atproto API endpoints like this one, see the API Hosts and Auth guide.

Find all correlated threat signatures between 2 or more accounts.

  • useSyncGetRepo - This endpoint is part of the atproto repository synchronization APIs. Requests usually do not require authentication, and can be made to PDS intances or Relay instances.*

To learn more about calling atproto API endpoints like this one, see the API Hosts and Auth guide.

Download a repository export as CAR file. Optionally only a 'diff' since a previous revision. Does not require auth; implemented by PDS.

  • useSyncListBlobs - This endpoint is part of the atproto repository synchronization APIs. Requests usually do not require authentication, and can be made to PDS intances or Relay instances.*

To learn more about calling atproto API endpoints like this one, see the API Hosts and Auth guide.

List blob CIDs for an account, since some repo revision. Does not require auth; implemented by PDS.

  • useSyncNotifyOfUpdateMutation - This endpoint is part of the atproto repository synchronization APIs. Requests usually do not require authentication, and can be made to PDS intances or Relay instances.*

To learn more about calling atproto API endpoints like this one, see the API Hosts and Auth guide.

Notify a crawling service of a recent update, and that crawling should resume. Intended use is after a gap between repo stream events caused the crawling service to disconnect. Does not require auth; implemented by Relay.

  • useSyncsGetBlocks - This endpoint is part of the atproto repository synchronization APIs. Requests usually do not require authentication, and can be made to PDS intances or Relay instances.*

To learn more about calling atproto API endpoints like this one, see the API Hosts and Auth guide.

Get data blocks from a given repo, by CID. For example, intermediate MST nodes, or records. Does not require auth; implemented by PDS.

  • useSyncsGetLatestCommit - This endpoint is part of the atproto repository synchronization APIs. Requests usually do not require authentication, and can be made to PDS intances or Relay instances.*

To learn more about calling atproto API endpoints like this one, see the API Hosts and Auth guide.

Get the current commit CID & revision of the specified repo. Does not require auth.

  • useSyncsGetRepoStatus - This endpoint is part of the atproto repository synchronization APIs. Requests usually do not require authentication, and can be made to PDS intances or Relay instances.*

To learn more about calling atproto API endpoints like this one, see the API Hosts and Auth guide.

Get the hosting status for a repository, on this server. Expected to be implemented by PDS and Relay.

  • useSyncsRequestCrawlMutation - This endpoint is part of the atproto repository synchronization APIs. Requests usually do not require authentication, and can be made to PDS intances or Relay instances.*

To learn more about calling atproto API endpoints like this one, see the API Hosts and Auth guide.

Request a service to persistently crawl hosted repos. Expected use is new PDS instances declaring their existence to Relays. Does not require auth.

  • useTeamListMembers - This endpoint is part of the Ozone moderation service APIs. Requests usually require authentication, are directed to the user's PDS intance, and proxied to the Ozone instance indicated by the DID in the service proxying header. Admin authenentication may also be possible, with request sent directly to the Ozone instance.

To learn more about calling atproto API endpoints like this one, see the API Hosts and Auth guide.

List all members with access to the ozone service.

  • useTeamsDeleteMemberMutation - This endpoint is part of the Ozone moderation service APIs. Requests usually require authentication, are directed to the user's PDS intance, and proxied to the Ozone instance indicated by the DID in the service proxying header. Admin authenentication may also be possible, with request sent directly to the Ozone instance.

To learn more about calling atproto API endpoints like this one, see the API Hosts and Auth guide.

Delete a member from ozone team. Requires admin role.

  • useTeamsUpdateMemberMutation - This endpoint is part of the Ozone moderation service APIs. Requests usually require authentication, are directed to the user's PDS intance, and proxied to the Ozone instance indicated by the DID in the service proxying header. Admin authenentication may also be possible, with request sent directly to the Ozone instance.

To learn more about calling atproto API endpoints like this one, see the API Hosts and Auth guide.

Update a member in the ozone service. Requires admin role.

  • useUsersGetSuggestedFollows - This endpoint is part of the Bluesky application Lexicon APIs (app.bsky.*). Public endpoints which don't require authentication can be made directly against the public Bluesky AppView API: Authenticated requests are usually made to the user's PDS, with automatic service proxying. Authenticated requests can be used for both public and non-public endpoints.

To learn more about calling atproto API endpoints like this one, see the API Hosts and Auth guide.

Enumerates follows similar to a given account (actor). Expected use is to recommend additional accounts immediately after following one account.

  • useUsersUnmuteMutation - This endpoint is part of the Bluesky application Lexicon APIs (app.bsky.*). Public endpoints which don't require authentication can be made directly against the public Bluesky AppView API: Authenticated requests are usually made to the user's PDS, with automatic service proxying. Authenticated requests can be used for both public and non-public endpoints.

To learn more about calling atproto API endpoints like this one, see the API Hosts and Auth guide.

Unmutes the specified account. Requires auth.

  • useVideosGetJobStatus - This endpoint is part of the Bluesky application Lexicon APIs (app.bsky.*). Public endpoints which don't require authentication can be made directly against the public Bluesky AppView API: Authenticated requests are usually made to the user's PDS, with automatic service proxying. Authenticated requests can be used for both public and non-public endpoints.

To learn more about calling atproto API endpoints like this one, see the API Hosts and Auth guide.

Get status details for a video processing job.

  • useVideosGetUploadLimits - This endpoint is part of the Bluesky application Lexicon APIs (app.bsky.*). Public endpoints which don't require authentication can be made directly against the public Bluesky AppView API: Authenticated requests are usually made to the user's PDS, with automatic service proxying. Authenticated requests can be used for both public and non-public endpoints.

To learn more about calling atproto API endpoints like this one, see the API Hosts and Auth guide.

Get video upload limits for the authenticated user.

  • useVideosUploadMutation - This endpoint is part of the Bluesky application Lexicon APIs (app.bsky.*). Public endpoints which don't require authentication can be made directly against the public Bluesky AppView API: Authenticated requests are usually made to the user's PDS, with automatic service proxying. Authenticated requests can be used for both public and non-public endpoints.

To learn more about calling atproto API endpoints like this one, see the API Hosts and Auth guide.

Upload a video to be processed then stored on the PDS.


Some of the endpoints in this SDK support pagination. To use pagination, you make your SDK calls as usual, but the returned response object will also be an async iterable that can be consumed using the for await...of syntax.

Here's an example of one such pagination call:

import { Bluesky } from "@speakeasy-sdks/bluesky";

const bluesky = new Bluesky({
  bearer: process.env["BLUESKY_BEARER"] ?? "",

async function run() {
  const result = await{});

  for await (const page of result) {
    // Handle the page


File uploads

Certain SDK methods accept files as part of a multi-part request. It is possible and typically recommended to upload files as a stream rather than reading the entire contents into memory. This avoids excessive memory consumption and potentially crashing with out-of-memory errors when working with very large files. The following example demonstrates how to attach a file stream to a request.


Depending on your JavaScript runtime, there are convenient utilities that return a handle to a file without reading the entire contents into memory:

  • Node.js v20+: Since v20, Node.js comes with a native openAsBlob function in node:fs.
  • Bun: The native Bun.file function produces a file handle that can be used for streaming file uploads.
  • Browsers: All supported browsers return an instance to a File when reading the value from an <input type="file"> element.
  • Node.js v18: A file stream can be created using the fileFrom helper from fetch-blob/from.js.
import { Bluesky } from "@speakeasy-sdks/bluesky";
import { openAsBlob } from "node:fs";

const bluesky = new Bluesky({
  bearer: process.env["BLUESKY_BEARER"] ?? "",

async function run() {
  const result = await bluesky.videos.upload(await openAsBlob("example.file"));

  // Handle the result



Some of the endpoints in this SDK support retries. If you use the SDK without any configuration, it will fall back to the default retry strategy provided by the API. However, the default retry strategy can be overridden on a per-operation basis, or across the entire SDK.

To change the default retry strategy for a single API call, simply provide a retryConfig object to the call:

import { Bluesky } from "@speakeasy-sdks/bluesky";

const bluesky = new Bluesky({
  bearer: process.env["BLUESKY_BEARER"] ?? "",

async function run() {
  const result = await bluesky.actors.getPreferences({
    retries: {
      strategy: "backoff",
      backoff: {
        initialInterval: 1,
        maxInterval: 50,
        exponent: 1.1,
        maxElapsedTime: 100,
      retryConnectionErrors: false,

  // Handle the result


If you'd like to override the default retry strategy for all operations that support retries, you can provide a retryConfig at SDK initialization:

import { Bluesky } from "@speakeasy-sdks/bluesky";

const bluesky = new Bluesky({
  retryConfig: {
    strategy: "backoff",
    backoff: {
      initialInterval: 1,
      maxInterval: 50,
      exponent: 1.1,
      maxElapsedTime: 100,
    retryConnectionErrors: false,
  bearer: process.env["BLUESKY_BEARER"] ?? "",

async function run() {
  const result = await bluesky.actors.getPreferences();

  // Handle the result


Error Handling

Some methods specify known errors which can be thrown. All the known errors are enumerated in the models/errors/errors.ts module. The known errors for a method are documented under the Errors tables in SDK docs. For example, the getPreferences method may throw the following errors:

Error Type Status Code Content Type
errors.BadRequestAppBskyActorGetPreferencesResponseBodyError 400 application/json
errors.UnauthorizedAppBskyActorGetPreferencesResponseBodyError 401 application/json
errors.NotFoundError 404 application/json
errors.UnauthorizedError 403, 407 application/json
errors.TimeoutError 408 application/json
errors.RateLimitedError 429 application/json
errors.BadRequestError 413, 414, 415, 422, 431 application/json
errors.TimeoutError 504 application/json
errors.NotFoundError 501, 505 application/json
errors.InternalServerError 500, 502, 503, 506, 507, 508 application/json
errors.BadRequestError 510 application/json
errors.UnauthorizedError 511 application/json
errors.APIError 4XX, 5XX */*

If the method throws an error and it is not captured by the known errors, it will default to throwing a APIError.

import { Bluesky } from "@speakeasy-sdks/bluesky";
import {
} from "@speakeasy-sdks/bluesky/models/errors";

const bluesky = new Bluesky({
  bearer: process.env["BLUESKY_BEARER"] ?? "",

async function run() {
  let result;
  try {
    result = await bluesky.actors.getPreferences();

    // Handle the result
  } catch (err) {
    switch (true) {
      // The server response does not match the expected SDK schema
      case (err instanceof SDKValidationError): {
        // Pretty-print will provide a human-readable multi-line error message
        // Raw value may also be inspected
      case (err
        instanceof BadRequestAppBskyActorGetPreferencesResponseBodyError): {
        // Handle$: BadRequestAppBskyActorGetPreferencesResponseBodyErrorData
      case (err
        instanceof UnauthorizedAppBskyActorGetPreferencesResponseBodyError): {
        // Handle$: UnauthorizedAppBskyActorGetPreferencesResponseBodyErrorData
      case (err instanceof NotFoundError): {
        // Handle$: NotFoundErrorData
      case (err instanceof UnauthorizedError): {
        // Handle$: UnauthorizedErrorData
      case (err instanceof TimeoutError): {
        // Handle$: TimeoutErrorData
      case (err instanceof RateLimitedError): {
        // Handle$: RateLimitedErrorData
      case (err instanceof BadRequestError): {
        // Handle$: BadRequestErrorData
      case (err instanceof TimeoutError): {
        // Handle$: TimeoutErrorData
      case (err instanceof NotFoundError): {
        // Handle$: NotFoundErrorData
      case (err instanceof InternalServerError): {
        // Handle$: InternalServerErrorData
      case (err instanceof BadRequestError): {
        // Handle$: BadRequestErrorData
      case (err instanceof UnauthorizedError): {
        // Handle$: UnauthorizedErrorData
      default: {
        // Other errors such as network errors, see HTTPClientErrors for more details
        throw err;


Validation errors can also occur when either method arguments or data returned from the server do not match the expected format. The SDKValidationError that is thrown as a result will capture the raw value that failed validation in an attribute called rawValue. Additionally, a pretty() method is available on this error that can be used to log a nicely formatted multi-line string since validation errors can list many issues and the plain error string may be difficult read when debugging.

In some rare cases, the SDK can fail to get a response from the server or even make the request due to unexpected circumstances such as network conditions. These types of errors are captured in the models/errors/httpclienterrors.ts module:

HTTP Client Error Description
RequestAbortedError HTTP request was aborted by the client
RequestTimeoutError HTTP request timed out due to an AbortSignal signal
ConnectionError HTTP client was unable to make a request to a server
InvalidRequestError Any input used to create a request is invalid
UnexpectedClientError Unrecognised or unexpected error

Server Selection

Select Server by Name

You can override the default server globally by passing a server name to the server: keyof typeof ServerList optional parameter when initializing the SDK client instance. The selected server will then be used as the default on the operations that use it. This table lists the names associated with the available servers:

Name Server Description
privileged Bluesky API
public Bluesky Public API


import { Bluesky } from "@speakeasy-sdks/bluesky";

const bluesky = new Bluesky({
  server: "public",
  bearer: process.env["BLUESKY_BEARER"] ?? "",

async function run() {
  const result = await bluesky.actors.getPreferences();

  // Handle the result


Override Server URL Per-Client

The default server can also be overridden globally by passing a URL to the serverURL: string optional parameter when initializing the SDK client instance. For example:

import { Bluesky } from "@speakeasy-sdks/bluesky";

const bluesky = new Bluesky({
  serverURL: "",
  bearer: process.env["BLUESKY_BEARER"] ?? "",

async function run() {
  const result = await bluesky.actors.getPreferences();

  // Handle the result


Custom HTTP Client

The TypeScript SDK makes API calls using an HTTPClient that wraps the native Fetch API. This client is a thin wrapper around fetch and provides the ability to attach hooks around the request lifecycle that can be used to modify the request or handle errors and response.

The HTTPClient constructor takes an optional fetcher argument that can be used to integrate a third-party HTTP client or when writing tests to mock out the HTTP client and feed in fixtures.

The following example shows how to use the "beforeRequest" hook to to add a custom header and a timeout to requests and how to use the "requestError" hook to log errors:

import { Bluesky } from "@speakeasy-sdks/bluesky";
import { HTTPClient } from "@speakeasy-sdks/bluesky/lib/http";

const httpClient = new HTTPClient({
  // fetcher takes a function that has the same signature as native `fetch`.
  fetcher: (request) => {
    return fetch(request);

httpClient.addHook("beforeRequest", (request) => {
  const nextRequest = new Request(request, {
    signal: request.signal || AbortSignal.timeout(5000)

  nextRequest.headers.set("x-custom-header", "custom value");

  return nextRequest;

httpClient.addHook("requestError", (error, request) => {"Request Error");
  console.log("Reason:", `${error}`);
  console.log("Endpoint:", `${request.method} ${request.url}`);

const sdk = new Bluesky({ httpClient });


You can setup your SDK to emit debug logs for SDK requests and responses.

You can pass a logger that matches console's interface as an SDK option.


Beware that debug logging will reveal secrets, like API tokens in headers, in log messages printed to a console or files. It's recommended to use this feature only during local development and not in production.

import { Bluesky } from "@speakeasy-sdks/bluesky";

const sdk = new Bluesky({ debugLogger: console });

You can also enable a default debug logger by setting an environment variable BLUESKY_DEBUG to true.



This SDK is in beta, and there may be breaking changes between versions without a major version update. Therefore, we recommend pinning usage to a specific package version. This way, you can install the same version each time without breaking changes unless you are intentionally looking for the latest version.


While we value open-source contributions to this SDK, this library is generated programmatically. Any manual changes added to internal files will be overwritten on the next generation. We look forward to hearing your feedback. Feel free to open a PR or an issue with a proof of concept and we'll do our best to include it in a future release.

SDK Created by Speakeasy