In this Project, we will deploy a web page using ArgoCD applicaton.
Befor we start Let me tell you about my previews Project that will help you to understent this project more deeply
To that, we need to create a deployment and Service YAML file which will be used in the deployment of the web app in the Kubernetes
- First, we need to have the ArgoCD application Deployed in the Kubernetes cluster.
- You can use minikube or any Kubernetes cluster to install the ArgoCD application in the cluster. To do that go Here
Now Your ArgoCD is set up so let's deploy our web application.
Make sure you have logged in to the argocd application in the GUI because we are going to use the GUI to deploy it.
This is how it looks like when you open the ArgoCD Application
Now we will Click on the New App to add the application or to deploy the application on Kubernetes.
when you click on that it will look like this.
Now, this most important part because if you made any mistake it will be a thorough error.
Now You just have to fill this out only
- Application name : Argo-rollouts
- Project: Default
- SYNC POLICY: automatic
- AUTO-CREATE Namespace: enabled
- Repository URL:
- Path: ./
- Cluster: https://kubernetes.default.svc (this is the same cluster where ArgoCD is installed)
- Namespace*: Argo-rollouts
It will look like this after you will fill in all the required files.
After filling in all this now click on the create to create. it will take some seconds to process
If everything gets well then your application is now deployed. As you can see
Now click on that and you will the how your deployment
As you can see our depolyment is healthy and the application is synced. It will keep sync every 3sec automaticly. SO whenevery you push any thing in you or make any changes like replicas it will automatic sync and update in the cluster.
Nice work!!!!!