Releases: sonatype/codestyle
Releases · sonatype/codestyle
Full Changelog: release-20...release-21
What's Changed
- allow long lines in block comments and whole strings by @jflinchbaugh in #84
New Contributors
- @jflinchbaugh made their first contribution in #84
Full Changelog: release-19...release-20
What's Changed
- CLM-31035: Remove UnnecessaryParentheses Rule by @chriswininger in #83
New Contributors
- @chriswininger made their first contribution in #83
Full Changelog: release-18...release-19
What's Changed
- CLM-7536 removing by @marushkevych in #24
- ignore intellij generated files by @nblair in #26
- Import ordering for javafx.* packages by @bentmann in #27
- Added settings for Visual Studio and ReSharper. by @bigspotteddog in #25
- Update link to Google's JavaScript Style Guide by @dawidsawa in #28
- PMD ruleset by @rpokorny in #30
- Update Eclipse code formatter for 4.7 by @mpiggott in #31
- Checkstyle second attempt by @tneer in #32
- Fix issue 8. Add blank line before field declaration. by @tneer in #40
- Fix issue 4. Accept formatter behavior in example classes. by @tneer in #37
- Fix issue 1. Wrap extends and inherits clauses appropriately. by @tneer in #34
- Fix issue 2. Do not add extra spaces in array initializers. by @tneer in #35
- Support Jenkins builds by @tneer in #33
- initial pass at clarifying intent and usage of this repo by @kellyrob99 in #42
- Converted the PMD ruleset to be compatible with pmd-maven-plugin 3.9 and newer by @vladt in #43
- Added PMD check/rule for missing @OverRide annotation by @vladt in #44
- Sort Java code style options to make it easier to update later. by @tneer in #45
- Fix issue 7. Wrap assignments when necessary. by @tneer in #39
- Remove rule for javadoc indentation that does not enforce our actual practices. by @tneer in #51
- Tweak LeftCurly rules to more closely match our style. by @tneer in #50
- Fix issue 3. Do not wrap throws clause. by @tneer in #36
- Fix IDEA Formatter Issues 1, 5, 6. Fix blank link issues. by @tneer in #46
- Fix IDEA Formatter Issue 2. Add wrapping for long assignments. by @tneer in #47
- Update method name rule by @tneer in #52
- DI-529 Scala style guide by @iskabs in #53
- Update Intellij/Eclipse code formatters to consistently wrap long annotation params (and an intellij blank line fix) by @fitzoh in #54
- Update checkstyle configuration to match intellij/eclipse behavior w… by @fitzoh in #55
- Allow catch parameter name to include numbers by @mealingr in #57
- Wrap all Java params on lines that get over the length limit (120) by @vladt in #58
- Add checkstyle/PMD release/usage to README by @fitzoh in #56
- CDI-116 Update to Checkstyle 8.18 by @tneer in #59
- Wrap all Java params on lines that get over the length limit (120) by @mealingr in #60
- Added PMD rules for return and throw exception from finally by @vladt in #63
- Bump checkstyle from 8.18 to 8.29 in /checkstyle-checks by @dependabot in #62
- Adding VSCode setup steps in #64
- OPS-4602 by @scherzhaft in #66
- Update DTD ref/location by @mobiuscog in #68
- Update license text and Jenkins settings for OSS/public project. by @tneer in #73
- Update Checkstyle and associated rules by @paulerickson in #72
- Fix IntelliJ Ensure Line Feed Option Location by @koraytugay in #74
- Add Kotlin code style to idea by @collinpeters in #75
- Kotlin - Do not use
in imports by @collinpeters in #76 - Kotlin was still using start imports on java.utils. Disable all of it. by @collinpeters in #77
- Use UnnecessaryImport to support PMD 6.34+ by @raymondchen625 in #78
- Build modernization by @tneer in #79
New Contributors
- @marushkevych made their first contribution in #24
- @nblair made their first contribution in #26
- @bentmann made their first contribution in #27
- @bigspotteddog made their first contribution in #25
- @dawidsawa made their first contribution in #28
- @rpokorny made their first contribution in #30
- @mpiggott made their first contribution in #31
- @tneer made their first contribution in #32
- @kellyrob99 made their first contribution in #42
- @vladt made their first contribution in #43
- @iskabs made their first contribution in #53
- @fitzoh made their first contribution in #54
- @mealingr made their first contribution in #57
- @dependabot made their first contribution in #62
- @scherzhaft made their first contribution in #66
- @mobiuscog made their first contribution in #68
- @paulerickson made their first contribution in #72
- @koraytugay made their first contribution in #74
- @collinpeters made their first contribution in #75
- @raymondchen625 made their first contribution in #78
Full Changelog: 2014-10-01...release-18
Updated (Eclipse) codestyle and examples to use newline at end of fil…