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Quirks is a mod for Battle Brothers that adds new perks.

New Perks

Level 2

  • Defensive Adaptation - With each hit taken increase melee and ranged defense by 10. Upon being missed decrease the bonus by the same ammount to a minumum of 0. This is the equivalent of Fast Adaptation, but for defense. It is useful on low defense characters and good to protect against bad RNG strings.
  • Punching Bag - Each time being hit decrease future incoming damage by 15% from attacks. At the start of each turn this bonus is reduced by 25%.
    This weird perk fits well into tank builds without defense :|. It synergizes very well with Indomitable and Battle Forged. It is good against chip damage. The more you get hit the better it is. It will not do as well in explosive fights against high damage two-handers. Although, not as good as a proper tank, you can even tank the Black Monolith with it for a good amount of turns.

Level 3

  • Slack - Each turn recover an additional 1.75 fatigue per unspent action point in the previous turn. Rounding is randomized with probability to round down or up equal to the fraction part.
    This can be picked on low fatigue characters, where Recover brings little to the table. In such cases it is even possible to pick Berserk also. It is quite good on spear and sword specialists, as it allows to always attack 2 times per turn. It also allows to holding a spearwall for many turns. It is good on tanks as you can shieldwall each turn. The new Knackered effect does nerf fatigue neutral builds though.
  • Slow Down - Each target hit (up to 2 targets) increase the target's movement action point cost per tile by 2 this round. Does not stack per target. If the target can't move at least 1 tile does not apply the effect.

Level 4

  • Accurate - Increases hit chance by 4.
    Probably an auto-pick on hybrids. This fits well into skirmisher builds. It is designed for them. It may be even picked on melee-only or ranged-only characters. Although crossbow-polearm hybrids were good anyways, they would also benefit from it.\
  • Last Stand - Upon taking damage to hitpoints add a stack of Last Stand until the end of the battle. Each stack increases resolve by 7 per enemy around you to a maximum of 50.
    This is a good perk on nimble tanks that are likely to be surrounded and take hitpoints damage early in the battle. It helps to prevent your character from breaking. It is good against Miasma as it will start stacking event before losing armor from regular attacks. This perk is kind of a counter to Fearsome. It could be combined with Fersome on Nimble builds.
  • Refund Fatigue - On a miss refund 60% of the fatigue used. Rounding is randomized with probability to round down or up equal to the fraction.
    This perk synergizes well with low hit chance and/or high fatigue attacks. It is good on low attack skill characters.
  • Surprise - With each time being missed, steal 13 initiative form the attacker for 2 rounds. This perk is good on characters with Dodge, Overwhelm and high defense. You could do an initative build without that much initative. You could do a nimble tank, that if attacked many times, is able to stop shieldwalling and still have high defense. This can free up fatigue to do Indomitable instead.

Level 6

  • Exertion - Unlocks the ability to increase damage by 25%. When enabled fatigue cost of the attack is increased based on the current stamina left and resolve. The cost starts at 90% more fatigue and is reduced to a minimum of 35% by subtracting 50% of stamina left and 50% of resolve.
    Does not work with crossbows, handgones and during spearwall.
  • Precision - Unlocks the ability to increase next attack's hit chance with 25%. If unused, each turn this bonus is decreased with 12.5%. Costs 9 fatigue and 3 action points. The bonus is halved for area of effect attacks.
    Should be good on maces where it is necessary to stun a dangerous target. You could use it with a one-handed mace in the same turn even when 1 tile away. Even though its effect is halved each turn, it can be stacked multiple times. This makes it good with Puncture where it can be stacked 2 times to almost guarantee a hit on the next attack.
  • Teacher - Each kill by this character grants addition 50% XP for the kill to everybody in the battle who is a lower level.
    It is mid-game and your martyr against all odds has somehow survived to level 6. Or maybe a promising up-start low-rolled. This perk can help speed up leveling your freshly hired low-level all-star lineup.

Level 7

  • Hyperactive - Recover used action points on skills and attacks with probability of 40%. Reduces fatigue recovery rate by 1 per action point spent on skills and attacks in the previous turn.
  • Impenetrable - Reduces armor penetration damage based on total max body and helmet armor with best results at 400 armor when damage is reduced by 66%. If total max armor is more than that the effect is gradually weakened to a minimum of 15%.
    Good on low-tier heavy armor against high armor penetration weapons like hammers, maces and crossbows. It is also viable with named Nimble gear.
  • Refund Action Points - Unlocks the ability to refund all action points on a missed attack. The skill can be used until the end of the turn. The cost is 40% of the attack's fatigue + 1.25 per action point. The cost increases by 40% with each use in the same turn. On new turn the cost multiplier is reset.
    This perk fills the same niche as the Refund Fatigue perk, but also requires some fatigue to be useful.
  • Supple - Gain a chance to have any attacker require two successful attack rolls in order to hit. The chance starts from 135 and is reduced by 100% of maximum hitpoints and 150% of penalty to maximum fatigue.

Level 8

  • Bank - Unlocks the ability to bank action points to be used later. When used, banks 1 action point. Breaking the bank (cashing in) makes the action points available next turn. Each turn the bank is not spent it is increased by 66% up to a maximum of 7. 'Bank' costs 25 fatigue and 9 action points. 'Cash In' costs 0 fatigue and 0 action points.
    If you like to turtle fights you can pick this and be more deffensive until the bank accumulates.
  • Double Or Nothing -Unlocks the skill to double damage dealt but halves hit chance when attacking. The hit chance reduction is applied before clipping in the range [5, 95].
    I found the perk a bit underwhelming, but there is beauty in its symmetry, so I am leaving it in. Should be best used with high armor penetration weapons where you are hopping to one-shot targets or to at least cripple then even through heavy armor. It is well coupled with Refund Fatigue/AP. Note that Fast Adaptation would only stack half its bonus. It sucks at finishing off opponents. But it can be deactivated in such cases.
  • Glass Cannon - Permanently increase damage delt by 25%, but increase damage taken by 35%.
  • Plunge - Unlocks the Plunge skill. With Each tile of distance since activating Plunge, the next melee attack will do 20% more damage. Moving up/down an elevation level will also remove/add a plunge stack. Hitting your target will also have a chance to knock it back and you to follow it. The chance is 20% per stack. If the target is knocked back your character will plunge one tile of distance in the direction of the target. When Plunge is active movement fatigue cost is increased with the default cost. Waiting without attacking will remove the Plunge effect.
    This perk is good with AOE weapons to milk the damage multiplier. Plunging from an elevated position increases damage more. There is some danger to it as your character may get surrounded by multiple enemies. Should work well with Underdog and with multiple characters plunging together.
  • Veteran - Increase maximum perk points by 2, but lose 5 hitpoints and 5 maximum fatigue. You would have to wait until level 13 to benefit.
    This park is there for the build that just needs one more perk, but comes at a cost and 1 more level of grinding :).

New Effects

  • Knackered - When a character reaches their maximum fatigue their melee and ranged defense is reduced by 5. When some fatigue is recovered the effect is removed.
    This mechanic makes fatigue-neutral builds and Lone Wolf mega tanks less viable. Many attackers would tire a tank lowering his defense.

Balance and Stability

The current version is not very well tested and balanced. Feedback from the community would be appreciated.



Perks mod for Battle Brothers






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