npm install
cd test
eris keys import chain-config/export-account
eris chains new hello --dir chain-config
In Bash Shell:
cd contracts
account=$(sed -n -e '/Id/ s/.*Id\":\"\([[:alnum:]]*\)\".*$/\1/p' ../test/chain-config/export-account)
eris pkgs do -c hello -a $account
- Run the test/hello-test.js mocha/chai test script to invoke some basic JS functions
- Use a REST client / browser with the following URLs:
- POST http://localhost:3080/deals Body:
{"id": "234232", "buyer": "Mike", "seller": "Laura", "amount": 23984}
- GET http://localhost:3080/deals
- GET http://localhost:3080/deal/234232
NOTE: the application currently does not support conversion of decimal input, so only full integer amounts can be stored.