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Instructions to play with Frontend, Say and Greeting Spring Boot Microservices

This Quickstart contains 3 Spring Boot applications. A static front application that you can use to send a message. Then this application will issue at the backend side a REST request to call the Say service which itself will in turn call the Greeting service by issuing a REST call. The project can be used locally and launched using Spring Boot Maven plugin or deployed on OpenShift.

To support multiple environments, 2 maven profiles have been defined and will be used to pass the endpoint of the greeting service within the application.yaml file. The development profile is used when the application is launched locally using Spring Boot Maven plugin while the openshift profile will be used when the Say application is running on OpenShift.


  • Frontend Service
cd frontend
mvn clean package spring-boot:run
  • Greeting Service
cd greeting-service
mvn clean compile spring-boot:run
  • Say Service
cd say-service
mvn clean compile spring-boot:run
  • Open the Frontend within your browser http://localhost:8080 and invoke the service !

On OpenShift using Istio ServiceMesh

The following instructions will allow you to install the 3 Spring Boot applications top of the Istio ServiceMesh where the Frontend application will be exposed outside of the cluster using an OpenShift route.

Under the hood, the Frontend application will issue REST HTTP calls to access the Say service which will also call the Greeting service using their respective Kubernetes Service Name and internal ingress routes.

Remark : Due to a limitation of the ingress definition, an Istio RouteRule must be defined in order to rewrite the /front URL to / when the front end is accessed !

When, a user will open the url of the frontend within its web browser and next click on the invoke button within the web page, then a HTTP request will be propagated to the http://say-service/say endpoint and next to the http://greeting-service/greeting service. The greeting service will populate the response which is returned back and displayed within the static index.html page.

To configure our Spring Boot applications as member of the Istio ServiceMesh, we will then configure the Fabric8 Maven Plugin to use the istio-enricher module. This module will enrich the DeploymentConfig yaml resource by adding the istio init_container and istio_proxy.


  • This project has been tested against Istio 0.2.12, 0.3.0 and 0.4.0.
  • When you use the Fabric8 Maven plugin and the Istio enricher, then it is no longer required to use the istioctl client!


Follow these instructions to play with Istio and the different services

  1. Install Istio using the Ansible playbook top of minishift, minikube or an openshift cluster (version >= 3.7)

  2. Create a new OpenShift namespace demo-istio. Add the privileged security constraint to the default service account user used to authenticate the pod with OpenShift.

Note: you need to log into OpenShift using an admin account (admin/admin by default on minishift) because Istio deployment needs access to the istio-system namespace.

oc new-project demo-istio
oc adm policy add-scc-to-user privileged -z default -n demo-istio
  1. Deploy the 3 MicroServices.
mvn clean package fabric8:deploy -Pistio-openshift
  1. Access the services using Istio Ingress

In order to access the service, it is required first to expose the Istio Ingress proxy behind an external route that your machine can access using its hostname. Then, execute this command

oc expose svc istio-ingress -n istio-system

Next, execute the following commands responsible to :

  • Expose the /front URL behind the ingress router
  • Expose the /say URL behind the ingress router (to call the front controller calling internally the say-service)
  • Create a RouteRule to rewrite the URL
oc create -f rules/frontend/ingress-front.yaml
oc create -f rules/frontend/ingress-say.yaml
oc create -f rules/frontend/route-rule-redir.yml -n istio-system
  1. Open the front route within your web browser using the route address of the istio ingress

You can get the route address using the following oc get route command

oc get route/istio-ingress -n istio-system
NAME            HOST/PORT                                         PATH      SERVICES        PORT      TERMINATION   WILDCARD
istio-ingress             istio-ingress   http                    None

Open your browser using the istio ingress host name and suffix it with /front

Then, you can also access the service using the address of the service exposed by the Ingress Proxy

export SAY_URL=$(minishift openshift service istio-ingress -n istio-system --url)/say
curl $SAY_URL


http -v $SAY_URL
GET /say HTTP/1.1
Accept: */*
Accept-Encoding: gzip, deflate
Connection: keep-alive
User-Agent: HTTPie/0.9.9

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Cache-control: private
Set-Cookie: 144852ee66f5cb84d6e58f9bcce52825=d8dd521a887ff43f55e011dcd3d9caec; path=/; HttpOnly
content-type: application/json;charset=UTF-8
date: Wed, 06 Dec 2017 12:51:38 GMT
server: envoy
transfer-encoding: chunked
x-envoy-upstream-service-time: 63

    "content": "Hello, World!",
    "id": 6
  1. To play with Access Control List to deny access to the greeting service from the say service then create the following deny rule
istioctl create -f rules/say/denial.yaml

Access again to the home page of the front and you sill see that you get as response a HTTP 403 forbidden message !

Enjoy this first Istio and Spring Boot Developer Experience !!

All in one instructions

The commands to be executed have been designed as a all in one guide !

Remark : To switch from an istio version to another, then use the sed -i.bk s//g instructions as defined here after. They will allow to change the Fabric8 Maven Plugin profile of the quickstarts.

echo "Create a Minishift VM" 
minishift profile set istio
minishift --profile istio config set memory 4GB
minishift --profile istio config set openshift-version v3.7.1
minishift --profile istio config set vm-driver xhyve
minishift --profile istio addon enable admin-user
minishift start --profile istio
echo "Log to OpenShift and create a demo project"
oc login $(minishift ip):8443 -u admin -p admin

pushd $(mktemp -d)
echo "Git clone ansible project to install istio distro, project on openshift"
git clone && cd istio/install/ansible

export ISTIO_VERSION=0.4.0 #or whatever version you prefer
export JSON='{"cluster_flavour": "ocp","istio": {"release_tag_name": "$ISTIO_VERSION", "auth": false, "jaeger": true, "delete_resources": true}}'
echo "$JSON" > temp.json
ansible-playbook main.yml -e "@temp.json"
rm temp.json

cd ../..

echo "Sleep at least 5min to be sure that all the docker images of istio will be downloaded and istio deployed"
sleep 5m
git clone [email protected]:snowdrop/spring-boot-quickstart-istio.git && cd spring-boot-quickstart-istio
#sed -i.bk 's/istioVersion: \"0.3.0\"/istioVersion: \"0.4.0\"/g' greeting-service/src/main/istio/profiles.yml
#sed -i.bk 's/istioVersion: \"0.3.0\"/istioVersion: \"0.4.0\"/g' say-service/src/main/istio/profiles.yml

oc new-project demo-istio
oc adm policy add-scc-to-user privileged -z default -n demo-istio

mvn clean package fabric8:deploy -Pistio-openshift

sleep 30s
oc expose svc istio-ingress -n istio-system
oc create -f rules/frontend/ingress-front.yml
oc create -f rules/frontend/route-rule-redir.yml
oc create -f rules/frontend/ingress-say.yml

export SAY_URL=$(minishift openshift service istio-ingress -n istio-system --url)/say
http -v $SAY_URL

oc create -f rules/say/denial.yaml
export SAY_URL=$(minishift openshift service istio-ingress -n istio-system --url)/say
http -v $SAY_URL


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