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The SnipeSdk library provides functionalities for interacting with the Snipe API.

The SnipeSdk library provides a seamless integration of Snipe functionality into your Android application through an AAR (Android Archive) file and the use of a flat directory. Follow these steps to install SnipeSdk using the AAR file and configure the flat directory approach.

Table of Contents


To use the SnipeSdk library in your Android project, you can follow these steps:


  1. Download the AAR File:

    Obtain the SnipeSdk AAR file from a reliable source. This AAR file encapsulates the compiled library and its resources.

  2. Add the AAR File to the 'libs' Folder:

    • In the root directory of your Android project, create a new folder named libs if it doesn't already exist.
    • Copy the downloaded SnipeSdk AAR file into the newly created libs folder.
  3. Configure Flat Directory in settings.gradle:

    • Open the settings.gradle file located in the root directory of your Android project.

    • Inside the repositories section, add the following code to configure the flat directory:

      repositories {
          flatDir {
              dirs 'libs'
          // Other repositories...
  4. Modify the Build Gradle File (app module):

    • Open the build.gradle file of your app module (usually named app).

    • Inside the dependencies block, add the following code to include the SnipeSdk AAR file:

      dependencies {
          implementation fileTree(dir: 'libs', includes: ['*.jar', '*.aar'])
          implementation(name: 'snipesdk-release', ext: 'aar')
          // Other dependencies...
  5. Sync Gradle:

    After modifying the settings.gradle and app module's build.gradle files, click on the "Sync Now" prompt that appears in Android Studio. This action syncs your project and makes the SnipeSdk library available for use.



Before using any functions provided by the SnipeSdk, you need to initialize it with your API key.


Sign Up

The signUp function in the SnipeSdk library allows you to perform a sign-up operation by creating a document in the Snipe database and returning the associated Snipe ID.

To generate a hash, you'll commonly use libraries that provide cryptographic functions. Here's an example using Kotlin with the Java's built-in MessageDigest:

import java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets

const val HASH_KEY = "your_secret_key_here"  // Adjust this secret key as needed

fun generateHash(userId: String, phone: String, email: String): String {
    // Concatenate your variables
    val input = "$userId.$phone.$email.$HASH_KEY"

    // Create a SHA-256 digest
    val digest = MessageDigest.getInstance("SHA-256")
    val hash = digest.digest(input.toByteArray(StandardCharsets.UTF_8))

    // Convert the hash bytes to a hex string
    return bytesToHex(hash)

fun bytesToHex(bytes: ByteArray): String {
    val hexChars = "0123456789ABCDEF"
    val result = StringBuilder(bytes.size * 2)

    bytes.forEach { byte ->
        val i = byte.toInt()
        result.append(hexChars[i shr 4 and 0x0F])
        result.append(hexChars[i and 0x0F])

    return result.toString()

Use the generateHash function to create a unique hash for your user and share it with us so that by mistakenly you don't add same user twice.

    val userId = "12345"
    val phone = "+123456789"
    val email = "[email protected]"

    val hash = generateHash(userId, phone, email)


  • hash (Type: String): The input hash value that will be used to perform the sign-up operation.

Return Value

  • String: The Snipe User ID associated with the created document in the Snipe database.


val hash = "your_hash_value"
val snipeSdk = SnipeSdk.get()
val signUpResponse = snipeSdk.signUp(hash)

Get Coin Data

The getCoinData function in the SnipeSdk library allows you to retrieve coin data associated with a specific Snipe ID from the Snipe database.


  • snipeId (Type: String): The Snipe User ID for which you want to retrieve the coin data.

Return Value

  • List<Map<String, Any>>: A list of maps containing coin data. Each map represents a coin with its associated attributes.


val snipeUserId = "snipe_user_id"
val snipeSdk = SnipeSdk.get()
val coinData = snipeSdk.getCoinData(snipeId)

Get Token History

The getTokenHistory function in the SnipeSdk library allows you to retrieve transaction data associated with a specific Snipe ID from the Snipe database.


  • snipeUserId (Type: String): The Snipe User ID for which you want to retrieve the coin data.

Return Value

  • List<Map<String, Any>>: A list of maps containing coin data. Each map represents a coin with its associated attributes.


val snipeUserId = "snipe_user_id"
val snipeSdk = SnipeSdk.get()
val tokenHistoryData = snipeSdk.getTokenHistory(snipeUserId)

Get Token Details

The getTokenDetails function in the SnipeSdk library allows you to retrieve token data associated with a specific Snipe Client from the Snipe database.


  • snipeUserId (Type: String): The Snipe User ID for which you want to retrieve the token data.

Return Value

  • List<Map<String, Any>>: A list of maps containing token data. Each map represents a token with its associated attributes like image and ids of token.


val snipeUserId = "snipe_user_id"
val snipeSdk = SnipeSdk.get()
val tokenDetails = snipeSdk.getTokenDetails(snipeUserId)

Track Event

The trackEvent function in the SnipeSdk library allows you to track and trigger events in the Snipe system. You can use this function to record events with optional transaction amount and partial percentage details.


  • eventId (Type: String): The ID of the event you want to track.
  • snipeUserId (Type: String): The Snipe User ID for which you want to retrieve the coin data.
  • transactionAmount (Type: Int?, Default: null): The transaction amount associated with the event (optional).
  • partialPercentage (Type: Int?, Default: null): The partial percentage of the event (optional).

Return Value

This function does not have a return value. It triggers an event in the Snipe system.


val eventId = "your_event_id"
val snipeUserId = "your_snipe_user_id"
val transactionAmount = 100
val partialPercentage = 50
val snipeSdk = SnipeSdk.get()
snipeSdk.trackEvent(eventId, snipeUserId, transactionAmount, partialPercentage)


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