A jQuery plugin to create a slider out of an unordered list (or other items within a container). See an example at http://code.sneak.co.nz/simpleslider/.
Call the plugin on the parent element of the list/group. This doesn't have to be an unordered list, so long as all direct children of the parent are items belonging to the list or group.
show: 3,
interval: 3,
size: 590,
orientation: 'horizontal',
clickevent: function(){
$(this).parent().find('li').stop().css({ opacity : 1 });
$(this).stop().css({ opacity : 0.4 });
return false;
show | Optional, Int. How many items will be shown at once (default is 4) |
interval | Optional, Int. How many items to be scrolled on each prev/next click (default is 1) |
children | Optional, String. Child elements that will make up the slider items (default is 'li') |
speed | Optional, Int. Speed of animations, in milliseconds (default is 250) |
prevlabel | Optional, String. Label for previous sroll button (default is 'Prev') |
nextlabel | Optional, String. Label for next sroll button (default is 'Next') |
size | Optional, Int. Size dimension, used for width or height depending on orientation |
orientation | Optional, String. Orientation of the slider. Options are horizontal or vertical (default is 'horizontal') |
clickevent | Optional, Function. Callback for items when they are clicked. The clicked item is passed in with the callback. |