Time-Parser is a small C program that parses a file with pairs of times in varying formats, identifies early and later time for each line of the file, and prints out all earliest times in order of the file, followed by the latest times in reverse order.
To build and run this program :
git clone https://github.com/smonroe4242/Time-Parser.git
./timeparser logfile
stdlib.h and string.h functions are used for memory management and string manipulation.
stdio.h is used for output (printf).
fcntl.h functions are used for file manipulation.
regex.h is used for parsing.
A personal library implementation of get_line from C++ makes file reading easier (get_next_line()).
libft.h, the abovementioned library, is included for this purpose, and will be compiled and linked on make.
Time-Parser can handle multiple input files.
Files are formatted as follows:
Two column entries per line
Entries are in either ISO 24h format (YYYY-MM-DD hh:mm) or 12h format (hh:mm [a|p]m)
Entries on the same line will have the same format
Time-Parser trusts that the input files are well formed.