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Install Smart Village Operator on OpenShift Local

View the instructions to install the Smart Village Operator on OpenShift Local here.

Clone the Smart Village Operator

Create a directory for the Smart Village Operator source code:

mkdir ~/.local/src

Clone the Smart Village Operator source code:

git clone [email protected]:computate-org/smartvillage-operator.git ~/.local/src/smartvillage-operator

Install Ansible dependencies on Linux

pkcon install -y git
pkcon install -y python3
pkcon install -y python3-pip
pip install virtualenv openshift jmespath

Install the latest Python and setup a new Python virtualenv

This step might be virtualenv-3 for you.

virtualenv ~/python

source ~/python/bin/activate
echo "source ~/python/bin/activate" | tee -a ~/.bashrc
source ~/.bashrc

Install the latest Ansible

pip install setuptools_rust wheel
pip install --upgrade pip
pip install ansible

Install Smart Village Operator on Kubernetes Kind

Install Kubernetes Kind

See the documentation here.

curl -Lo ./kind
chmod +x ./kind
sudo mv ./kind /usr/bin/kind

Create a cluster with ingress available on port 8080 and 8043

echo '
kind: Cluster
- role: control-plane
  - |
    kind: InitConfiguration
        node-labels: "ingress-ready=true"
  - containerPort: 80
    hostPort: 8080
    protocol: TCP
  - containerPort: 443
    hostPort: 8043
    protocol: TCP
' > /tmp/kind-cluster.yaml

Create the cluster on Red Hat Enterprise Linux:

systemd-run --user --scope --property=Delegate=yes kind create cluster --config=/tmp/kind-cluster.yaml

Create the cluster on Microsoft Windows:

kind create cluster --config=/tmp/kind-cluster.yaml

Apply Contour components for Ingress

kubectl apply -f
kubectl patch daemonsets -n projectcontour envoy -p '{"spec":{"template":{"spec":{"nodeSelector":{"ingress-ready":"true"},"tolerations":[{"key":"","operator":"Equal","effect":"NoSchedule"},{"key":"","operator":"Equal","effect":"NoSchedule"}]}}}}'

ERROR: failed to create cluster: running kind with rootless provider requires setting systemd property "Delegate=yes"

If you get the error above, follow the instructions here. You may not need to modify /etc/default/grub.

After following these instructions, reboot your computer.

Install kubectl

curl -LO "$(curl -L -s"
chmod +x kubectl
sudo mv kubectl /usr/bin/

Test that you can connect to your kubernetes cluster

kubectl get pod -A

Install the Operator SDK

export ARCH=$(case $(uname -m) in x86_64) echo -n amd64 ;; aarch64) echo -n arm64 ;; *) echo -n $(uname -m) ;; esac)
export OS=$(uname | awk '{print tolower($0)}')
curl -LO ${OPERATOR_SDK_DL_URL}/operator-sdk_${OS}_${ARCH}
gpg --keyserver --recv-keys 052996E2A20B5C7E
curl -LO ${OPERATOR_SDK_DL_URL}/checksums.txt
curl -LO ${OPERATOR_SDK_DL_URL}/checksums.txt.asc
gpg -u "Operator SDK (release) <[email protected]>" --verify checksums.txt.asc
grep operator-sdk_${OS}_${ARCH} checksums.txt | sha256sum -c -
sudo chmod +x operator-sdk_${OS}_${ARCH} && sudo mv operator-sdk_${OS}_${ARCH} /usr/bin/operator-sdk

Install operators to cluster

operator-sdk olm install

Create a new namespace in kubernetes for the Smart Village Operator and application.

kubectl create namespace smartvillage

Configure the new namespace as the current context

kubectl config set-context --current --namespace=smartvillage

Install Red Hat Pull Secret

Create a free Red Hat Developer account, and download your Red Hat OpenShift pull secret

kubectl create secret generic redhat-reg --from-file=.dockerconfigjson="$HOME/Downloads/pull-secret"

Install the required AMQ Broker Operator bundle

cd ~/.local/src/smartvillage-operator
kubectl apply -k kustomize/operators/amq-broker-in-namespace/
kubectl patch serviceaccount amq-broker-controller-manager -p '{"imagePullSecrets": [{"name": "redhat-reg"}]}'
kubectl patch serviceaccount default -p '{"imagePullSecrets": [{"name": "redhat-reg"}]}'

Deploy the operator into the namespace

cd ~/.local/src/smartvillage-operator
make deploy

Deploy the FIWARE components into the namespace

This will install the following applications:

  • An Edge version of the Red Hat AMQ Broker for AMQP and MQTT protocols
  • A FIWARE NGSI-LD Context Broker for smart device entity data
  • An IoT Agent JSON for receiving AMQP and MQTT messages and updating the Context Broker
  • The Smarta Byar Smart Village Sync microservice, for sending context broker subscription data to the Smart Village application.
cd ~/.local/src/smartvillage-operator
kubectl apply -k kustomize/overlays/kubernetes/

View the events of the deployment

kubectl get events -w
kubectl get pod

View the logs of the operator

kubectl logs -n smartvillage-operator-system deployment/smartvillage-operator-controller-manager -f

Start a debug pod of the Smart Village Operator

oc debug -n smartvillage-operator-system --image

Expose the orion-ld context broker as Ingress

Create an HTTP Proxy with CORS for orion-ld at localhost

echo '
kind: HTTPProxy
  name: orion-ld
    fqdn: localhost
        allowCredentials: true
          - "*" # allows any origin
          - GET
          - POST
          - OPTIONS
          - authorization
          - cache-control
          - fiware-service
          - fiware-servicepath
          - Content-Length
          - Content-Range
        maxAge: "10m" # preflight requests can be cached for 10 minutes.
    - conditions:
      - prefix: /
        - name: orion-ld
          port: 1026
' > /tmp/contour-cors.yaml

kubectl apply -f /tmp/contour-cors.yaml

Expose an Ingress for orion-ld

echo '
kind: Ingress
  name: orion-ld
    - host: localhost
          - backend:
                name: orion-ld
                  number: 1026
            path: /orion-ld
            pathType: Prefix
' > /tmp/ingress.yaml

oc apply -f /tmp/ingress.yaml

Optional: Deploy sample Smart Data Models into the namespace

Some sample TrafficFlowObserved Smart Data Models are provided, as well as an Orion-LD Smart Village Sync microservice. These will automatically be sent by MQTT to the IoT Agent JSON, and into the Orion-LD Context broker. A subscription is set up that will publish to the Orion-LD Smart Village Sync service. The Orion-LD Smart Village Sync is for publishing securely device entity data to the Smart Village platform in the cloud.

cd ~/.local/src/smartvillage-operator
kubectl apply -k kustomize/samples/kubernetes/

Test the orion-ld entity API to see the smart data models in the Context Broker:

kubectl run --rm -it -- bash
yum install -y jq
curl http://orion-ld:1026/v2/entities -H "Fiware-Service: smarttrafficlights" -H "Fiware-ServicePath: /Sweden/Veberod/CityCenter" | jq

Installation on Red Hat MicroShift

  • Install Red Hat MicroShift following the official documentation here.
  • Make sure you have the oc command in your terminal after installation of MicroShift.
  • Make sure microshift is running: systemctl status microshift.
  • Watch the logs for MicroShift if you find any problems: journalctl -fu microshift
  • Make sure your computer has an actual ethernet connection and not WIFI for MicroShift to work.

Create a new namespace in MicroShift for the Smart Village Operator and application.

oc create namespace smartvillage

Configure the new namespace as the current context

oc config set-context --current --namespace=smartvillage

Install the required AMQ Broker Operator bundle

cd ~/.local/src/smartvillage-operator
oc apply -k kustomize/operators/amq-broker-in-namespace/

Deploy the operator into the namespace

cd ~/.local/src/smartvillage-operator
make deploy

View the logs of the operator

oc logs -n smartvillage-operator-system deployment/smartvillage-operator-controller-manager -f

Deploy the FIWARE components into the namespace

This will install the following applications:

  • An Edge version of the Red Hat AMQ Broker for AMQP and MQTT protocols
  • A FIWARE NGSI-LD Context Broker for smart device entity data
  • An IoT Agent JSON for receiving AMQP and MQTT messages and updating the Context Broker
  • The Smarta Byar Smart Village Sync microservice, for sending context broker subscription data to the Smart Village application.
cd ~/.local/src/smartvillage-operator
oc apply -k kustomize/overlays/microshift/

Optional: Deploy sample Smart Data Models into the namespace

Some sample TrafficFlowObserved Smart Data Models are provided, as well as an Orion-LD Smart Village Sync microservice. These will automatically be sent by MQTT to the IoT Agent JSON, and into the Orion-LD Context broker. A subscription is set up that will publish to the Orion-LD Smart Village Sync service. The Orion-LD Smart Village Sync is for publishing securely device entity data to the Smart Village platform in the cloud.

cd ~/.local/src/smartvillage-operator
oc apply -k kustomize/samples/microshift/

Configure SSO for the Orion-LD Smart Village Sync

To connect successfully to the Smart Village platform, you will need a valid CLIENT_ID and CLIENT_SECRET configured to a Red Hat Single Sign On server, which is provided by the Smart Village app.

Create a keycloak-client-secret-smartvillage secret on MicroShift.

kind: Secret
apiVersion: v1
  name: keycloak-client-secret-smartvillage
  CLIENT_ID: smartvillage
type: Opaque

Install Smart Village Operator CRDS without deploying the operator

You can run the same ansible roles that the operator uses without deploying the operator. You will need to set the following ansible variables:

  • -e crd_path=~/.local/src/smartabyar-smartvillage/openshift/kustomize/overlays/nerc-ocp-prod/smartabyarsmartvillages/smartvillage/smartabyarsmartvillage.yaml to point to the SmartaByarSmartVillage instance you wish to deploy. -e ansible_operator_meta_namespace=smart-village-faeeb6c` the namespace where you wish to deploy the resources.

For example:

ansible-playbook apply-smartabyarsmartvillage.yaml -e crd_path=~/.local/src/smartabyar-smartvillage/openshift/kustomize/overlays/nerc-ocp-prod/smartabyarsmartvillages/smartvillage/smartabyarsmartvillage.yaml -e ansible_operator_meta_namespace=smart-village-faeeb6c

How the operator was initialized

operator-sdk init --plugins=ansible --domain

Build and deploy the operator to an OpenShift environment

oc login ...
make docker-build docker-push deploy && oc -n smartvillage-operator-system delete pod -l 'control-plane=controller-manager'

Run the smartvillage-operator locally with podman

podman run --rm -it --entrypoint /bin/bash

Initialize OrionLDContextBroker model

operator-sdk create api --group smartvillage --version v1 --kind OrionLDContextBroker --generate-role
ansible-playbook write-smart-data-model-templates.yaml -e ENTITY_TYPE=OrionLDContextBroker

Initialize ScorpioBroker model

operator-sdk create api --group smartvillage --version v1 --kind ScorpioBroker --generate-role
ansible-playbook write-smart-data-model-templates.yaml -e ENTITY_TYPE=ScorpioBroker

Initialize IoTAgentJson model

operator-sdk create api --group smartvillage --version v1 --kind IoTAgentJson --generate-role
ansible-playbook write-smart-data-model-templates.yaml -e ENTITY_TYPE=IoTAgentJson

Initialize EdgeAmqBroker model

operator-sdk create api --group smartvillage --version v1 --kind EdgeAmqBroker --generate-role
ansible-playbook write-smart-data-model-templates.yaml -e ENTITY_TYPE=EdgeAmqBroker

Initialize SmartaByarSmartVillage model

operator-sdk create api --group smartvillage --version v1 --kind SmartaByarSmartVillage --generate-role
ansible-playbook write-smart-data-model-templates.yaml -e ENTITY_TYPE=SmartaByarSmartVillage

Initialize TrafficSimulation model

operator-sdk create api --group smartvillage --version v1 --kind TrafficSimulation --generate-role
ansible-playbook write-smart-data-model-templates.yaml -e ENTITY_TYPE=TrafficSimulation

Initialize TrafficFlowObserved model

operator-sdk create api --group smartvillage --version v1 --kind TrafficFlowObserved --generate-role
ansible-playbook write-smart-data-model-templates.yaml -e ENTITY_TYPE=TrafficFlowObserved

Initialize CrowdFlowObserved model

operator-sdk create api --group smartvillage --version v1 --kind CrowdFlowObserved --generate-role
ansible-playbook write-smart-data-model-templates.yaml -e ENTITY_TYPE=CrowdFlowObserved

Initialize SmartTrafficLight model

operator-sdk create api --group smartvillage --version v1 --kind SmartTrafficLight --generate-role
ansible-playbook write-smart-data-model-templates.yaml -e ENTITY_TYPE=SmartTrafficLight
  • Edit the newly generated vars values file: smartvillage-operator/roles/smart-data-model-vars/vars/TrafficSimulation.yaml.
  • Re-run the playbook to regenerate the latest model.
ansible-playbook write-smart-data-model-templates.yaml -e ENTITY_TYPE=TrafficSimulation
  • Increment the VERSION in the smartvillage-operator/Makefile
  • Build and deploy the new version of the operator
make docker-build docker-push deploy && oc -n smartvillage-operator-system delete pod -l 'control-plane=controller-manager'

Initialize EdgeMongoDB model

operator-sdk create api --group smartvillage --version v1 --kind EdgeMongoDB --generate-role
ansible-playbook write-smart-data-model-templates.yaml -e ENTITY_TYPE=EdgeMongoDB
  • Edit the newly generated vars values file: smartvillage-operator/roles/smart-data-model-vars/vars/EdgeMongoDB.yaml.
  • Re-run the playbook to regenerate the latest model.
ansible-playbook write-smart-data-model-templates.yaml -e ENTITY_TYPE=EdgeMongoDB
  • Increment the VERSION in the smartvillage-operator/Makefile
  • Build and deploy the new version of the operator
make docker-build docker-push deploy && oc -n smartvillage-operator-system delete pod -l 'control-plane=controller-manager'

Initialize EdgePostgres model

operator-sdk create api --group smartvillage --version v1 --kind EdgePostgres --generate-role
ansible-playbook write-smart-data-model-templates.yaml -e ENTITY_TYPE=EdgePostgres
  • Edit the newly generated vars values file: smartvillage-operator/roles/smart-data-model-vars/vars/EdgePostgres.yaml.
  • Re-run the playbook to regenerate the latest model.
ansible-playbook write-smart-data-model-templates.yaml -e ENTITY_TYPE=EdgePostgres
  • Increment the VERSION in the smartvillage-operator/Makefile
  • Build and deploy the new version of the operator
make docker-build docker-push deploy && oc -n smartvillage-operator-system delete pod -l 'control-plane=controller-manager'

Initialize EdgeKafka model

operator-sdk create api --group smartvillage --version v1 --kind EdgeKafka --generate-role
ansible-playbook write-smart-data-model-templates.yaml -e ENTITY_TYPE=EdgeKafka
  • Edit the newly generated vars values file: smartvillage-operator/roles/smart-data-model-vars/vars/EdgeKafka.yaml.
  • Re-run the playbook to regenerate the latest model.
ansible-playbook write-smart-data-model-templates.yaml -e ENTITY_TYPE=EdgeKafka
  • Increment the VERSION in the smartvillage-operator/Makefile
  • Build and deploy the new version of the operator
make docker-build docker-push deploy && oc -n smartvillage-operator-system delete pod -l 'control-plane=controller-manager'

Initialize EdgeRabbitMQ model

operator-sdk create api --group smartvillage --version v1 --kind EdgeRabbitMQ --generate-role
ansible-playbook write-smart-data-model-templates.yaml -e ENTITY_TYPE=EdgeRabbitMQ
  • Edit the newly generated vars values file: smartvillage-operator/roles/smart-data-model-vars/vars/EdgeRabbitMQ.yaml.
  • Re-run the playbook to regenerate the latest model.
ansible-playbook write-smart-data-model-templates.yaml -e ENTITY_TYPE=EdgeRabbitMQ
  • Increment the VERSION in the smartvillage-operator/Makefile
  • Build and deploy the new version of the operator
make docker-build docker-push deploy && oc -n smartvillage-operator-system delete pod -l 'control-plane=controller-manager'

Initialize EdgeZookeeper model

operator-sdk create api --group smartvillage --version v1 --kind EdgeZookeeper --generate-role
ansible-playbook write-smart-data-model-templates.yaml -e ENTITY_TYPE=EdgeZookeeper
  • Edit the newly generated vars values file: smartvillage-operator/roles/smart-data-model-vars/vars/EdgeZookeeper.yaml.
  • Re-run the playbook to regenerate the latest model.
ansible-playbook write-smart-data-model-templates.yaml -e ENTITY_TYPE=EdgeZookeeper
  • Increment the VERSION in the smartvillage-operator/Makefile
  • Build and deploy the new version of the operator
make docker-build docker-push deploy && oc -n smartvillage-operator-system delete pod -l 'control-plane=controller-manager'

## Initialize EdgeSolr model

operator-sdk create api --group smartvillage --version v1 --kind EdgeSolr --generate-role
ansible-playbook write-smart-data-model-templates.yaml -e ENTITY_TYPE=EdgeSolr
  • Edit the newly generated vars values file: smartvillage-operator/roles/smart-data-model-vars/vars/EdgeSolr.yaml.
  • Re-run the playbook to regenerate the latest model.
ansible-playbook write-smart-data-model-templates.yaml -e ENTITY_TYPE=EdgeSolr
  • Increment the VERSION in the smartvillage-operator/Makefile
  • Build and deploy the new version of the operator
make docker-build docker-push deploy && oc -n smartvillage-operator-system delete pod -l 'control-plane=controller-manager'

Install the latest AMQ Broker on MicroShift manually

Follow the instructions in the docs Deploying AMQ Broker on OpenShift Container Platform using the AMQ Broker Operator

cd ~/Downloads/amq-broker-operator-7.11.0-ocp-install-examples/deploy/
oc create namespace smartvillage
oc config set-context --current --namespace=smartvillage
oc apply -f service_account.yaml
oc apply -f role.yaml
oc apply -f role_binding.yaml
oc apply -f election_role.yaml
oc apply -f election_role_binding.yaml
oc apply -f crds/broker_activemqartemis_crd.yaml
oc apply -f crds/broker_activemqartemisaddress_crd.yaml
oc apply -f crds/broker_activemqartemisscaledown_crd.yaml
oc apply -f crds/broker_activemqartemissecurity_crd.yaml
oc apply -f operator.yaml

Install kubectl command

OpenShift Local Deployment

  • Install the Edge AMQ Broker for MQTT and AMQP messaging.
oc apply -k ~/.local/src/smartabyar-smartvillage/openshift/kustomize/overlays/local/edgeamqbrokers/
# Finishes in about 32 seconds
  • Install the NGSI-LD Context Broker and MongoDB, to receive device entity data and activate NGSI-LD APIs.
oc apply -k ~/.local/src/smartabyar-smartvillage/openshift/kustomize/overlays/local/orionldcontextbrokers/
# Finishes in about 51 seconds
  • Install the IoT Agent JSON, to receive MQTT or AMQP device data as JSON.
oc apply -k ~/.local/src/smartabyar-smartvillage/openshift/kustomize/overlays/local/iotagentjsons/
# Finishes in about 15 seconds
  • Install the Smarta Byar Smart Village platform, to receive context broker subscription data and enable data science APIs.
oc apply -k ~/.local/src/smartabyar-smartvillage/openshift/kustomize/overlays/local/smartabyarsmartvillages/
# Finishes in about 240 seconds
  • Install a TrafficFlowObserved Smart Data Model entity, to integrate it with the Iot Agent, Context Broker, and Smart Village application.
oc apply -k ~/.local/src/smartabyar-smartvillage/openshift/kustomize/overlays/local/trafficflowobserveds/
# Finishes in about 15 seconds

Operator Developer Prerequisites

Install kubernetes.core Ansible Galaxy Collection

pip3 install kubernetes jmespath paho-mqtt
ansible-galaxy collection install kubernetes.core ansible.utils

Upgrade kubernetes.core Ansible Galaxy Collection if necessary

ansible-galaxy collection install kubernetes.core -U


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