Installation and overall view of Kafka on OCP
Management tools included in AMQ streams in order to
delete topic in kafka (via UI or command line tool)
How to manage AMQ Streams (KAFKA) cluster
overall view of monitoring tool included in AMQ streams
security (kerberos, oauth2).
Architecture choices (single central cluster, collaborating projects, topic discovery, etc.)
Storage Available
Cluster Topology/Networking
ImageStreams/Images in cluster
A user with cluster-admin role needs to be used, for example, system:admin.
oc tools
Download install_and_examples.zip
Add to OCP Cluster Registry the following images
Ensure imagestreams are installed in openshift namespace
Run a script to install official imagestreams in openshift namespace such as this install-official-is-imagestreams.sh as cluster admin
To avoid minishift issues with registry authentication download 3.10 images:https://github.com/minishift/minishift/blob/master/addons/xpaas/v3.10/xpaas-streams/fis-image-streams.json also available at env/minishift-is.json
oc create -f env/ -n openshift
Image to be present in registry registry.access.redhat.com/jboss-fuse-6/fis-java-openshift:2.0
Scalability and performance
Designed for horizontal scalability
Message ordering guarantee
At partition level
Message rewind/replay
"Long term" storage
Allows to reconstruct application state by replaying the messages
Combined with compacted topics allows to use Kafka as key-value store
Cluster Operator: Responsible for deploying and managing Apache Kafka clusters within OpenShift cluster.
Cluster Operator watches the following resources:
A Kafka resource for the Kafka cluster.
A KafkaConnect resource for the Kafka Connect cluster.
A KafkaConnectS2I resource for the Kafka Connect cluster with Source2Image support.
To deploy a Kafka cluster, a Kafka resource with the cluster configuration has to be created within the OpenShift cluster. Based on what is declared inside of the Kafka resource, the Cluster Operator deploys a corresponding Kafka cluste
Topic Operator: Responsible for managing Kafka topics within a Kafka cluster running within OpenShift cluster.
User Operator: Responsible for managing Kafka users within a Kafka cluster running within OpenShift cluster.
minishift profile set amq-streams-workshop
$ minishift profile list - amq-streams-workshop Does Not Exist (Active) - minishift Stopped
minishift config set cpus 2 minishift config set memory 6144 minishift addons disable anyuid
minishift start
sudoer for docker service
sudo groupadd docker usermod -aG docker $USER
Issue with redhat.io registry authentication
Issue with profile for workshop
See kvm machines sudo virsh list --all ----------------------------- Id Name State --------------------------------------- 18 amq-streams-workshop running - minishift shut off
shutdown (if minishift hasn’t shutdown virtual machine properly)
sudo virsh shutdown amq-streams-workshop
sudo virsh undefine 9b81c33f-739e-40ba-a0bc-b84389bf5fa7