is a PERL
scripts to improve the output of qstat
on a system running the Grid Engine as the job scheduler/load manager.
Release 1.01 Jul 1 2024, version 5.5/2
Runs a set of qstat
commands and parse their output to produce a better output than qstat
It will run one or more of the following commands:
qstat -xml -r -ext -u USER
qstat -xml -f -u USER
qstat -j JID
qstat -F ssd_res,ssd_free,ssd_total -q all.q@@ssd-hosts -u nobody
ruptime or ssh HOST uptime
will also compute some derived quantities, like fraction of CPU usage and memory usage.
On the HPC cluster qstat+
was developed for, we have implemented a memory reservation and a local SSD usage request, hence qstat+
can return information related to both.
We run Altair's Grid Engine version 8.8.1 with a customized configuration, hence qstat+
is tailored to that configuration.
It is my intention (in my spare time) to clean qstat+
to clearly identify what is specific to our configuration.
Among other things:
- we do not use the
queue, but use other queues (with short names), - our compute nodes are all called compute-NN-MM, hence
truncates it to NN-MM, - we implemented a memory reservation consumable, and
- we have local SSD that can only be used by request.
can be run in different (exclusive) modes:
- show summary (simple, extended or compact)
- show all jobs
- show queued jobs
- show running jobs
- show extra jobs (dr, Eqw, t)
- show info on a specific job
- show node list for a (set of) job(s)
- show node(s) with high load
- show global cluster status
- show empty slots, including expanded info
- show node(s) that are down
- show over-reserved jobs, i.e.: resMem/maxVMem > 2.5, & age > 1 hr
- show over-subscribed jobs, i.e.: cpu% > 133%, & age > 1 hr
- show inefficient jobs, i.e.: cpu% < 33%, & age > 1 hr
- show SSD usage
- show help
- show examples
and can be run in debug mode, for debugging & testing.
usage: qstat+ [mode] [options]
where modes are (exclusive list):
-s|-sx|-sc show summary (simple, extended or compact)
-a show all jobs
-q show queued jobs
-r show running jobs
-X show extra jobs (dr, Eqw, t)
-j JID show info on a specific job
-nlist JID show node list for a (set of) job(s)
-hiload N show node(s) with high load
-gc show global cluster status
-es[x] show empty slots, -esx: expanded info
-down show node(s) that are down
-ores show overreserved jobs, i.e.: resMem/maxVMem > 2.5, & age > 1 hr
-osub show oversubscribed jobs, i.e.: cpu% > 133%, & age > 1 hr
-ineff show inefficient jobs, i.e.: cpu% < 33%, & age > 1 hr
-ssd show SSD usage
-h|-help--help show help
-examples show examples
where options are:
-u USER limit to the specified user, you can use "*" or "all" to list everybody's jobs
or a coma-separated list
-njobs show counts in no. of jobs
-npes show counts in no. of PEs (slots)
-nqpe show jobs/PEs not jobs/tasks for queued jobs
-nqxx show jobs/tasks/PEs for queued jobs
-load show the nodes' load
-sua show the nodes' used/avail no of slots
-age show the age of the jobs, i.e., elapsed time vs starting/submit time
-cpu show the amount of CPU used by running job(s)
-cpu% show the amount of CPU/age/#PE in % (job efficiency)
-cpur show the ratio CPU/AGE, not scaled by #PE
-mem show the mean memory usage for running jobs, the total requested memory for queued jobs, in GB
-memx show more memory info for running jobs: reserved, mean, vmem and maxvmem (slow)
-memr show more memory info for running jobs: reserved, mean, maxvmem and res/mxvmem (slow)
-io show the I/O usage
-iow show the I/O wait usage (slow)
-ioops show the IOPs usage (slow)
+lic show license info (default), although not in detailed outputs
-lic do not show license info
-noheader do not show the header
-nofooter do not show the footer
-raw print raw values (for easier parsing)
-queue QSPEC limit to jobs in queue QSPEC (RE ok)
-oresF VAL change the overreserved factor to VAL
-osubT VAL change the oversubscribed threshold to VAL, in %
-osubE VAL set the oversubscribtion excess threshold to VAL, in hr x slots
-ineffT VAL change the inefficient threshold to VAL, in %
-ageT VAL change the minimum age threshold to VAL, in hour
-v|-verbose set verbose mode
-warn show warnings
-wide wide output (132 cols, implies -notty)
-notty do not use the width of the terminal, as returned by stty
-check-load check the instantanous load (-hiload only)
+a is expanded to -a -u $USER -nofooter show all your jobs
+a% -a -u $USER -nofooter -age -cpu% ibidem, with cpu on % of age
+ax% -a -u $USER -nofooter -age -cpu% -load -sua -mem -io
+ar% -a -u $USER -nofooter -age -cpu% -memr -io
+r -r -u $USER -nofooter show all your running jobs
+r% -r -u $USER -nofooter -age -cpu% ibidem, with cpu on % of age
+rr% -r -u $USER -nofooter -age -cpu% -memr -io -iow -ioops
+rx% -r -u $USER -nofooter -age -cpu% -load -sua -memx -io -iow -ioops
+q -q -u $USER -nofooter show all your queued jobs
+q% -q -u $USER -nofooter -age ibidem but show age
+qx% -q -u $USER -nofooter -age -mem ibidem plus mem info
+X -X -u $USER -nofooter show all your extra jobs
+n -notty -wide -noheader -nofooter
qstat+: Ver 5.5/2 - Jun 2024
% qstat+ -examples
qstat+ -a -u hpc show all of hpc's jobs
qstat+ -r -cpu% -u hpc show all of hpc's running jobs, cpu in %
qstat+ -r -cpu% -load -sua -u hpc show all of hpc's running jobs, cpu in %, and
the nodes' load and slot usage/availability
qstat+ -q show all the queued jobs
qstat+ -j 8683280,8683285 show info on specific job IDs
qstat+ -nlist 8683280,8683285 show nodes list for specific job IDs
qstat+ -hiload 1.5 show nodes whose load is 1.5 greater than the number of slots used
qstat+ -ineffT 50 -ineff show jobs that are below a 50% efficiency threshold
qstat+ -osubT 200 -ageT 48 -osub show jobs that are above a 200% usage threshold and are older than 48 hours
qstat+ -gc show the global cluster status
qstat+ -es show the empty slots
qstat+ -down show which nodes are down
+ax% -u all is equiv to -a -u all -cpu% -load -sua -mem
etc... for the +XXX shorthands
qstat+: Ver 5.5/2 - Jun 2024
To run this on a different GE cluster, one needs to redefine some of the variables near the top of the PERL
# list of nodes: head node, login nodes, NSDs
my @logNames = qw/hydra-7 login01 login02 login04 login07/;
my @nsdNames = qw/nsd01 nsd02/;
my $nodePrfx = 'compute-';
# list of queues to show - all.q is ignored
my @queueSet = ('sThC.q', 'mThC.q', 'lThC.q', 'uThC.q', '',
'sThM.q', 'mThM.q', 'lThM.q', 'uThM.q', '',
'uTxlM.rq', '',
'lTIO.sq', '',
'sTgpu.q','mTgpu.q', 'lTgpu.q', '',
'qgpu.iq', 'qrsh.iq',
# queue to ignore, this can be a RE since it is used as if ($queue !~ /$ignQueue/)
my $ignQueue = 'all.q';
# use ruptime or ssh $host uptime?
my $uptimeCommand = '/usr/bin/ruptime -n=25';
# my $uptimeCommand = 'uptime';
The flag -debug DIR
directs qstat+
to read from files, located in the directory DIR
, instead of running qstat
and parsing its output, hence these files must contain the output of the commands qstat+
would have run.
Examples of such files are provided in the debug.tgz
archive, where 6 examples are available, including one when using the original SGE, not AGE 8.8.1.
One creates these files as follows:
qstat -xml -r -ext -u \* > dbg/qstat-r.xml
qstat -xml -f -u \* > dbg/qstat-f.xml
qstat -j JID > dbg/qstat-j-JID.txt
with a specific job id;
or to show SSD usage and reservation:
qstat -F ssd_res,ssd_free,ssd_total -q all.q@@ssd-hosts -u nobody > /tmp/qstat-ssd.txt
Using the provided files, you can do the following:
- First untar the archive
tar xf debug.tgz
- Run
in debug mode
- Examples 0
qstat+ -debug ex.0
qstat+ -debug ex.0 -j 2343013
qstat+ -debug ex.0 -j 2343013.1
- Examples 1: various modes
qstat+ -debug ex.1
qstat+ -debug ex.1 -gc
qstat+ -debug ex.1 -es
qstat+ -debug ex.1 -esx
qstat+ -debug ex.1 -down
qstat+ -debug ex.1 -ssd
qstat+ -debug ex.1 -sx
qstat+ -debug ex.1 -q
qstat+ -debug ex.1 -r
qstat+ -debug ex.1 -X
- Examples 2: specific large MPI job
qstat+ -debug ex.2
qstat+ -debug ex.2 -j 2437501
qstat+ -debug ex.2 -nlist 2437501
- Examples 3: specific user, job array
qstat+ -debug ex.3
qstat+ -debug ex.3 +a% -u erickoch
qstat+ -debug ex.3 -j 2436756
qstat+ -debug ex.3 -j 2436756.1
qstat+ -debug ex.3 -j 2436756.3
- Examples 4: different user, lots of jobs
qstat+ -debug ex.4 +a% -u ingushin
qstat+ -debug ex.4 -j 2435983
qstat+ -debug ex.4 -nlist 2435983 -u ingushin
- SGE example
qstat+ -debug sge -geType sge +a% -u all
- Comparison file:
The file test-debug.log
illustrates the output from these commands.
- Click on the file to view it and see examples of